Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dave Pack: "...I'm going to finish strong! And I want you to just be completely unable to get out of this, "this cell" I'm going to lock you in that God locked me in. "


From an RCG source:

“It’s the Days of my [Dave’s] Voice” 


“Because I know what the "Days of my Voice" are. The Kingdom HAS to come as the "Mystery Goes Away," but I'm going to cover all of this. I'm going to drive it home and drive it home. It's prophesied over and over again. And I'm going to finish strong! And I want you to just be completely unable to get out of this, "this cell" I'm going to lock you in that God locked me in. I opened by saying, you know, I had to first be convicted and I am convicted, but that's fine for me, but I want YOU to be convicted. I want you to feel good all over. We've got to answer. Okay. Is there a difference between the "world to come" and "the end of the world?" How about that? What about "lands" and "houses?" We've got to go back to a lot of different things here, and they're all neat and they're all fun and they're all just, wow, they're easy now…. 


...Now ask yourself, If God had made this plain wouldn't, the whole world have known his plan? He didn't want them to know it, He wanted it to be a "mystery," including even to his people, because at the very end of the age, a lot of them would be doing a lot of things, they shouldn't have been! They would have been watching, when He wanted to see what their attitude was, but he had this little "micro-flock" who would kind of get things ready in a very difficult time. Not in the Philadelphian era, I mean, five years before Mr. Armstrong died, I heard him say he wrote it and said it, in a sermon that 30,000 people had already left the church five years before he died. So there's nothing new under the sun. All kinds of people have left the church down through the ages. So if people stopped leaving the church here, you almost have to wonder what's wrong. So people, you know, people leave and that's the way it is, but more come than leave. And that's good. Unless you have an apostasy. It blows everything to pieces as happened in the first century, happened in the 20th, and no doubt other times. So that's very helpful.” 


Comment: The “Mystery” he references is his “truth of prophecy,” in his series. For starters, the mystery/confusion only is getting worse in RCG and secondly, biblically, the “Mystery” was revealed to Christians 2,000 years ago (noted in Colossians 1:26-29, Ephesians 1:9-12, Ephesians 3:3-7) as salvation through the work of Christ which was going out to the Gentiles. Not sure how there is room for another mystery or why Dave’s mystery is greater than Christ’s? 


  1. " I opened by saying, you know, I had to first be convicted and I am convicted, but that's fine for me, but I want YOU to be convicted. I want you to feel good all over."

    Translation: I don't want to sling all this manure alone, which I am doing. That's my way. But I also I want you to sling all this manure with me and do it with feeling and conviction! Then I'll feel better when I have to sling more manure to explain why the last load didn't do the trick.

  2. PACK SAYS "So if people stopped leaving the church here, you almost have to wonder what's wrong"

    COMMENT: Talk about a way to spin losing into winning! To quote Bugs Bunny - "What a Maroon!"

  3. And too...Dave has dozens of ways to read that which there is "no other way to read it!" He tends to forget today what he just said yesterday.

  4. "but more come than leave"

    Note he says"More come in than leave" not "more are coming in than leaving(presently)" big difference.

  5. “So people, you know, people leave and that's the way it is, but more come than leave ...” is Dave lingo for “I am panicking because there’s members leaving every day and there’s now not enough left to pay my bills for me!”

    Dave yelling “Lock them up! Make sure they stay!”


  6. "I know what the "Days of my Voice" are"

    That has a great ring to it for the title of an afternoon soap opera. But in the case of a good soap opera, interpretation and feeling of it is personal and open to discussion. Dave's "days of his voice" is a process of bringing everyone who listens to him into his own little jail cell.

    Dave's mysterious conviction and game of words that he wants everyone to participate in has already been established. The poet James Douglas Morrison penned this:

    Once I had a little game
    I liked to crawl back in my brain
    I think you know the game I mean
    I mean the game called 'go insane'
    Now you should try this little game
    Just close your eyes forget your name
    Forget the world, forget the people
    And we'll erect a different steeple.

    This little game is fun to do.
    Just close your eyes, no way to lose.
    And I'm right here, i'm going too.
    Release control, we're breaking through

    So how can erecting a different steeple be such a mystery when playing the "game of insane" has been around for at least 50 years?

  7. As many have, I've heard ministry ego's runaway with themselves, but Dave Pack is out in a whacky league of his own.
    What fascinates me is the deafening silence from all the rest of the ACOG groups on Dave Pack.

    1. The other ACOGs know that Dave has gone renegade. He's an embarrassment, so they ignore him.

    2. So they ignore him.

      Not protecting the sheep though.

    3. But it's not in the power of other ACOGs to protect Daves members from Wolfman Dave.

  8. Dave will eventually have a meltdown that won't fix.

    1. Dennis, maybe they can turn the Wadsworth compound into a mental health center. That way, when the melt down occurs, Dave will be right at home!
