Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Dave Pack sets new date for return of his "christ"


The merry-go-around is still spinning in the Restored Church of God. The creature Dave calls "christ" keeps changing its mind and now has a new day for its return. The new date is Saturday, April 3, 2021! Dave's creature is set to return on the Sabbath!  Woo Hoo! Not only that, real Christians will be celebrating Holy Saturday. This is going to be fantastic!

I will make a more sure prophecy right now. This will be an astounding FACT! Dave's creature will NOT return this weekend, or by this time next year. Guaranteed fact!

Update. March 30, 2021 
In closing Part 300, Mr. Pack stressed our wait could extend all the way to the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. It will! While the case seemed unlikely then, it now appears impossible that anything can occur until that day. The reasons for this are many. Every question can be answered. 
The LAST day tells the whole story. Christ is revealed and our salvation comes in the last season. The saints are raised on the last day. The day (singular) tries every man’s work. You can no doubt think of other relevant verses that fit this scenario. Let us continue the process of deleavening our lives as we await this most special Last Day of Unleavened Bread!


  1. I can only imagine the manic pace that his mind is racing at to have a true prophecy! When will he collapse in a heap when he realizes they'll never come true?

    1. When the cocaine is gone.

    2. Lol 10:27 AM. So the apostates are potheads and at the other extreme coke heads. Wouldn't surprise me if at all true.

  2. I’ve been out of the COG for a while but isn’t Feast Of Trumpets when Christ returns? Seventh trump sounds Saints meet returning Jesus in the sky?

    But sure last Day Of Unleavened Bread because some guy in Ohio is convinced.

  3. Nooooooooooooo!

    I’ve sold everything. I have handed over all my savings to Dave. Me, the wife and our four kids have been living in my car these last weeks because of that. And now Dave is telling me that Christ is delayed AGAIN?!

    Do you think Dave would be okay with me and my family living on his compound? I’m in desperate need of a shower and some clean clothes ......

  4. Nah, it isn't coke or pot. It's most likely untreated bi-polar disorder.

    1. You think? Do a background check on pack in North Carolina and see what comes up Been verified . Com

  5. Some people believe that Christ's resurrection was the second coming. Wouldn't that just fry Pack's bacon?

  6. So I am a 70 year old Baptist, who has a fond belief in the Seventh Day Adventist teaching....so where do I seek
    out a church since this one is divided.? Binghamton NY
