Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, March 28, 2021

“It is more honorable to admit a mistake than to cover it.”

 Ok Dave,  It's over.  You've had your day in the limelight and it's lights out. For the last decade and more you have made one "absolutely clear to me" mess of the scriptures after another. I don't know what your definition of a failed "prophet" and ministry is but we do as should your followers. I say followers because they aren't really members of any real Christian Church. They just follow you and endlessly evidently to their future harm. 

You are the epitome of what is wrong with religion today. Weaving tales about the end times, as does Bob Thiel and others, as if you know, and making scriptures mean what they never meant in the first place.  Weaving and cobbling one unconnected scripture after another into a stinking mess of mere speculation unrelated to the core values and teachings of Christianity.  

"Your Creature Christ" is a apt description of just who and what you have come up with over the past years. 

"We now have, and now I clearly see this, with no disagreement among the Headquarters ministers, one more year.  

Dave....that is bullshit.  You are postponing the inevitable. No Jesus and no God the Father are coming in your lifetime.  (In my view never).  

I was told once "Dennis, we think you know an awfully lot about Jesus, but we don't think you know Jesus."   I got the point and did not disagree though I suspect that was said to make me think long an hard about that and come crawling on my knees back to the emotional and evangelical "Jesus".

You don't even get that.  "Dave, we don't think you know much about Jesus at all. Hell, we don't think you understand the  Old or New Testaments either."  

I'm not confident you or RCG can survive you.  I am not confident you can pull back and actually focus on the teachings of the NT , or if you really wish to be a New Covenant minister even. I think HWA and WCG got you so caught up in end time prophetic baloney that you probably can't give it up. It is the habit WCG gave to most of the gurus of the splinters. And while it is the gift that keeps on giving, to you, it is a Trojan Horse and will bite you and your followers in the ass before long. No, actually I believe you won't give it up and that will be your end and the end of your mini Kingdom of Yourself fairly soon. 

Dave, you, like everyone in WCG before you and RCG are going to die. We all here reading this are going to die like every other human being who is and has lived on this earth has died.  We don't like to think about that. We wanted and you still do, want to feel special.  Don't forget that the Apostle Paul, who boldly claimed "we shall not all die but we shall be changed", died without the change.  He didn't lie I am sure but he was wrong. Just as you are wrong.  So very wrong. 

"It's very difficult for humans to say the words "He/she/they died." What a marvelous number of euphemisms for death we have. We pass on, croak, kick the bucket, go home, expire, succumb, leave, meet our maker, go to our reward, get wasted, check out, eternally rest, are a goner, end, bite the dust, get liquidated, terminated and annihilated. We give up the ghost, make the change, transition, get mertilized, go to to the other side, fall asleep, get taken, rubbed and snuffed out. We depart, transcend and buy the farm. We are feeling no pain, lose the race, cash in, cross Jordan and go with the angels. We get done in, translate into glory, return to the dust, wither away, give up, take the long sleep and a dirt bath. It can be curtains, a dropped body, six feet under and out of our misery. We find everlasting peace, new lives the great beyond, ride into the sunset and that's all we wrote. But in plain fact, we are dead. And we all will die. 


Take some of your ill gotten gain Dave and invest in some seriously honest classes in theology, Christology, Church History and why one should not be too quick to read the Book of Revelation like a newspaper. (old term I know)  A Lutheran minister told me that years ago and it stuck in the back of my mind even as a pastor as one of the dangers in the WCG approach to it all. Time has proven that correct. 

Time will prove you mistaken, as if it hasn't enough already,  and your followers to have completely wasted their precious life time and weekends. 

Admit to them you were wrong. Not just a little wrong but completely wrong. God is not giving you more time. God is not revealing more baloney to you to keep your mistaken views alive. No God has anything to do with anything you are doing.  And then assure them you will give the New Testament a good read again and see what it really says. 

Try giving just one sermon where you make no references to either the Old Testament or yourself.

That will always be your challenge in ministry even if your ministry proves just to be a figment of your imagination. 


  1. Nice try Dennis. But ....... You know Dave.

    He will never ever, not even if God himself will hold him over a fire and Dave’s feet are burning, admit that he is wrong.

    It’s not that Dave wouldn’t want to. He simply CAN’T. A malignant narcissist like Dave will rather die and burn than admit that he is anything else but a godlike creature.


  2. “Ok Dave, It's over. You've had your day in the limelight and it's lights out.” -- DCD

    Unfortunately, it is not quite over just yet.

    Satan still has a little bit more time left to use guys like David Pack and Gerald Flurry.

    He will try to get the last drop of badness out of them.

  3. We have an atheist/agnostic taking to task an apocalyptic Millerite. As a Christian, I don't feel I have a dog in this hunt.

    What I can say, and it is nothing profound, is that no matter how much biting criticism may be leveled at this RCG leader, one thing he is almost always right about is how his congregants will react to his declarations. He'll probably lose a few and gain a few over this.

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  4. This letter is conceptually brilliant. This is Dave's third you are fired letter written unto him, but this one is written from the perspective of four authors. There is a little of HWA in the opening couple of paragraphs followed by a little bit of the Devil, and then there is the appearance of Joe Tkach followed by a lot more of the Devil. God is there too, because there is a detailing of Dave's sins and a call for repentance.

    I would say we all have been influenced by between one and four of the above persons or entities in our lifetimes depending upon ones beliefs and timing in life. Dave has waded into the pool of all four of them and what has been the result? Dave proclaimed HWA as the greatest man who ever lived and promised to him personally on the phone that he would never depart from "his" truth and then went to paint poor Herbert as having gotten everything wrong because "God couldn't have let him know all of this new biblical timing (insight)".

    Dave wrote a book detailing some 350+ nitpicking points of departure from the truth of HWA that the Tkach's perpetrated in what he termed the falling away, but completely missed and purposely ignored what they got right.

    As for God and Jesus Christ, they told Dave exactly what he is supposed to do and he took their very clear words and chucked them over the hill. Jesus did personally and told Dave to directly give to the poor and Dave decided to extract every last penny out of the poor to give to himself and get for himself a .......... kingdom which Jesus said he needed to pray every day for to come. As for the needs of the poor, Dave said their circumstances is the result of their sins and anyone giving even a cent unto the poor is directly interfering with God's punishment upon them. Jesus told Dave to go into all the world with the message of life and make disciples, and Dave makes 4 season videos of his kingdom (campus).

    As for Satan the Devil himself, he told Dave he surely wouldn't die and Dave believed him. Satan told Dave he could be like the most high, then Dave searched the scriptures and first pronounced himself Joshua and a "type of Christ". He then went on and proclaimed himself as the one who measures the temple in Revelation 11. He then told everyone he was the "swift witness" of Malachi 3. Not to limit himself in any way, he proclaimed himself the root (twig) of Jesse and then said he would with righteousness judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And the then he said that righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

    So if everyone has done the math correctly, Dave gets fired easily by Herbert W. Armstrong. Dave gets fired easily again by the Tkachs'. Dave gets fired by God and Jesus Christ because he does the opposite of what they say and he fights against them. But Dave gets hired by the Devil himself and becomes a loyal and faithful disciple.

    Failure and repentance for Dave? Everything looks to be right on track in his mind, and as he just said; "business is booming"

  5. "Christology"

    Yeah, HWA/Pack seriously deviate from historic Christianity on this; HWA adopting mortal heresies that were circulating in the 19th-century post-Miller maelstrom.

  6. A great article Dennis, but DP will never listen to it. He's a fanatic, and probably a victim of a bi-polar disorder. He'll keep up his prophecy speculations until he has a total depressive collapse, or dies.

  7. “Ok Dave, It's over...”

    IMHO the most honorable and noble thing Dave could do is admit he was wrong.
    What he does from there is another story.
