Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 19, 2021

LCG: Rebellious Church Members Who Are Rebelling Against Church Government And Pursue Their Own Selfish Ambitions

This is what happens when LCG members
rebel against respecting church government...

It's that time of year when leavening products make their way into the trash bin and members examine themselves as to why they refuse to follow church government due to all of their lusting, coveting, and hatred going on. I can't figure out if he is talking about church members or Charlotte HQ employees!

What exactly are "selfish ambitions" that church members are being accused of pursuing? Is it doing something fun in their lives that costs money that LCG thinks should be sent to them? Or, is it taking the kids to the zoo on Saturday instead of subjecting them to another mind-numbing sermon that you have heard 50 times over the years? Is getting a good education or being successful in your work a selfish ambition?

Let's see how "forgiving" LCG leadership is over the next year towards members. So far the track record is not good.

Eliminating Spiritual Leaven: The Scriptures clearly indicate that leaven is to be removed from our homes and not to be eaten during the Days of Unleavened Bread (Exodus 12:15). However, we need to remember, this is a physical exercise to help us understand the importance of identifying and eliminating spiritual leaven that tends to creep into our lives from this world. Spiritual leaven includes breaking the commandments of God by lusting, coveting, and hating as well as compromising or rebelling against God’s laws and instructions and His government. Spiritual leaven also includes the works of the flesh that Paul mentions in Galatians 5:19–21— adultery, fornication, outbursts of wrath, sowing seeds of contention and division, promoting personal doctrinal heresies, pursuing selfish ambitions, etc. As we take the Passover and go through the Days of Unleavened Bread, let’s ask God to show us any spiritual leaven that we need to eliminate from our lives. Let’s also be forgiving of others and be thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us so we can be forgiven. 
Have a profitable Sabbath, 
Douglas S. Winnail


  1. I'm an LCG member writing this on Friday, March 19, 2021. Why is Banned posting this? It looks like a condensed version of a weekly comment Winnail wrote several years ago, but changed to add some finger-wagging against people who see problems in LCG. Am I going to hear this re-tread whining read at Sabbath services tomorrow? Is Winnail slipping back into his old self-plagiarizing ways? Jesus said we should put new wine into new bottles, but Doug sure likes to shine up his old bottles to try to trick us into thinking they're new.

  2. Winnail's unforgiving comment could have been a motivating spiritual exhortation, prompting LCG members to do the hard work of self-examination in preparing for a fruitful Passover. How sad that he had to turn it into an unforgiving political screed, which ironically ignores Doug's own promotion of weird doctrines and desire for personal advancement. And does Doug not see the irony in his closing? After an unforgiving comment calling out behaviors he dislikes, Doug reminds us:

    Let's also be forgiving of others

    You first, Doug! Show us how it's done!

  3. 10:51

    This post is from this weeks announcements. I changed nothing, but added my snarky observations. Just once I would like to see him post and all positive comment to members that they are doing things well instead of a weekly condemnation. LCG members are tired of it.

  4. UCG, LCG, and the others have homophobia in them. Darris Mc Neely said about the equality act in a recent video " That is a far sweeping broad legislative effort to overturn essentially the moral older not just in America but of life itself against the created order that God himself has put in place." Sick organizations like UCG do not care about humans rights they just want to be bigots and use the Bible to justify their hate they do not care about true morality.

  5. As an LCG member, I appreciate you keeping the fire lit under our leaders in Charlotte and some in the ministry. It's time they wake up at how they treat us. We can only be treated like worthless worms for so long and we start leaving, which is the case now.

  6. What is a PROFITABLE sabbath at least to his thinking? I remember we would wish people a profitable sabbath years ago; who started that? It sounds silly.

  7. PROFITABLE sabbath

    I don't recall any WCG minister ever saying that.
    How about a restful and edifying Sabbath?

  8. I've come to the conclusion that putting leaven out of our homes is as much about identifying sin in others as in ourselves. Sun Tzu in his famous 'The Art of War' teaches to know one self AND to know ones enemies. People who study self defense are taught to put effort into reading other people and their surroundings. Christ taught to "beware of the Pharisees," giving a detailed account. He must have put out effort into aquiring His assessment. Widows who failed to evaluate the Pharisees ended up being robbed of their homes by these people. Another give away that the church is playing games in this regard is that the old Herb holy day booklet just gives one liners on puting leaven out of ones life. Expressions such as "we are to put leaven out of our lives completely." One liners typically means that they are hiding information. They publish lengthy articles on topics like dress, but throw about one liners on a major feast. It's the sin of ommission.
    The ministers don't want their evil behavior and church culture questioned by it's members, so the feast of unleavened bread is made one sided.
    Btw, Dave Pack would not have succeeded in making his members destitute with his common doctrine if members had closely scrutinized his lack of character and false teachings.

  9. All the COG groups miss the larger perspective of deleavening AND unleavening (something goes out and something comes in).

    Our homes (not our cars, offices, etc., since we don't dwell in them, hopefully) don't deleaven and unleaven themselves. An external agent - each of us - does the work of removing leavened items and bringing in or creating unleavened items to eat (it's not optional as many of the COG groups have begun saying in the last decade or so, because there's an object lesson in consciously eating unleavened bread that points to the Bread of Life).

    Similarly, we can't deleaven or unleaven ourselves. That is the work of God and Jesus Christ. It doesn't mean we aren't active participants, but it is their work, not ours.

  10. I was encouraged to see that at least Winnail closed with "be thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us so we can be forgiven."

    However, I agree that the tone of all Winnail's writing is negative, discouraging, and discounting Jesus.

    Therefore, I have made the effort below to take Winnail's last phrase and write a more uplifting piece that I hope Winnail would choose to share with his starving flock.
    Be thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us so we can be forgiven. Contemplate the words of Romans 8:1-2; Jesus forgave you and set you free from sin. Revel in your freedom from sin. Celebrate the fact that no longer is there any condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Brethren, in this season, rejoice because through Jesus, the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

    Continuing in Romans 8, verses 3-4, we benefit from mediating on what Jesus accomplished as our sin offering. This season pictures how God fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law by sending us his son to be our sin offering. Our own efforts and the law were powerless to free us from sin, but the sacrifice of Jesus did it all.

    Moving to verses 32-34 of Romans 8, we see that in the reality of God's love for us in giving us his son, he has graciously given us all things. We cannot be separated from the love of God or be condemned because we have been justified, made right. 1 Corinthians 6:11 tells us that we are no longer sinners, we are washed, sanctified - justified in the name of the Lord Jesus.

    I'll conclude with Romans 8:35, be encouraged by the fact no one shall separate you from the love of Jesus. Celebrate, as you live in the light of Jesus' forgiveness and love.

    Have a profitable Sabbath (or Easter!),

    ( Note to Doug: feel free to insert your name here, publish this and thereby bless your people with true spiritual encouragement)

  11. Well done, 4:58. I can see Winnail discouraged and walking off to his expensive SUV, on his way to an expensive restaurant, to be with the wife who divorced him, who remarried then remarried again.

    Too many ministers in the church have not graduated from law-speak to faith-speak, and that is because they don't know Christ or fear Christ.


  12. Anonymous at 1:10 PM said...“UCG, LCG, and the others have homophobia in them. Darris Mc Neely said about the equality act in a recent video ' That is a far sweeping broad legislative effort to overturn essentially the moral older not just in America but of life itself against the created order that God himself has put in place.' Sick organizations like UCG do not care about humans rights they just want to be bigots and use the Bible to justify their hate they do not care about true morality.”

    It is, in fact, the God of the Holy Bible who is opposed to such things as bestiality, homosexuality, transvestism, prostitution, adultery, and fornication.

    Your own sick, satanic rage is really against the God of the Holy Bible and against His teachings on true morality. You have become a bigot who hates human rights and who supports “pervert rights” instead. You have fallen for Satan's LGBTQ agenda, which is opposed to everything that God said and stands for.

  13. If LCG peeps really care to have a profitable Sabbath, they can get more help and encouragement to that end from multiple sources - even at Banned by HWA, than they can get from Doug Winnail and his perpetual ministry of condemnation.

  14. Ironic that Winnail brings up spiritual leavening when he divorced his wife, she remarried and then after she divorces hubby #2....he takes her back and marries her again. When God says you're not to do that because it's an abomination.

    Or how about the time when he tried to introduce a new meaning to the concept of the "great falling away" that stirred up a ton of controversy in LCG because according to Winnail....that's already happened and it's our country that's fallen away from biblical Christian practices and not God's church.

    But I guess like so many things God says He hates in the bible...that doesn't apply to the ministry, just us little buckets of deplorables!
