Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 15, 2021

Philadelphia Church of God Propaganda To Woo The Public


Here is a slick ad that the Philadelphia Church of God commissioned to promote the Armstrong Auditorium and its concert series.

While PCG women and students can't wear lipstick or clothing such as the woman in the video is wearing they deceive the public by paying for this kind of deceptive advertising. Imagine the shock of this couple if they ever decided to join the PCG cult and they find out she can't wear make-up and dress in revealing clothing and he will seldom ever have a chance to ever wear a tuxedo again. The money they waste on those clothes, going to frivolous concerts, and living in a well-appointed home will be a thing of the past, especially when they find out they will be sending in 40-50% of their income to the cult to fund the travel of the Flurry family and their grandchildren for Irish dance competitions.

To become entangled in the Philadelphia Church of God cult is the farthest thing one could do in "Rediscovering Joy."


  1. Rediscover Joy: Escape from the PCG.

  2. Pretty music I'm centrally blind so other than that & the woman saying let me help you with that, Which ain't wierd in OK like some places that's all I got out of it.

    I thought my autoplay next was off so I got something (sorry pc was talking & it was short) and then an interview...

    I guess they're using smartphones for there site cuz I've owned cheep headsets with better volume and quality :shakes head:

    Thanks for the heads up about this I'll make sure I tell everyone I think of that they might want to avoid that place and/or get there just before the performance they want to see & get away from the "cult"... I mean site of alternative religion ASAP

  3. Excellent use of tithe payers money, I must say!

  4. Why would anyone emulate the HWA show-palace/subsidized concerts model when the original superior pasadena version failed?
    You know what that tells me:
    JF is dumber than HWA
    (I didn't think it possible for anyone to be dumber than high-school-dropout-believer-in-pyramidology/AngloIsraelism-HWA)

  5. Once again, lots of makeup to be seen on this propoganda piece to be able to appear normative to rational society.

    Meanwhile, behind the facade, makeup is verboeten and heavily policed.

    The Church of Scientology, another mind cult, also goes to great lengths to try and promote their "normalcy" and that they are a great benefactor to mankind. For some reason , their channel appears on my cable listing guide, and any time I breeze thru it, Im reminded of the various COG propaganda pieces.

    1. And all those shots of her putting her makeup on🤯. It’s mind blowing! they are told that they can’t even wear a clear lip gloss because it is in the spirit of make up. Unbelievable that they would put out an ad like this! I’d like to blame it all on Shane Granger but I know it was seen and approved all the way up the “chain”
      Just wow!

  6. Ministers lie to the brethern.

  7. Ballet is not ACOG culture, so the advertisement is misleading. Most members prefer redneck entertainment such as WWE wrestling. They hide this from their ministers of course.

  8. I can't see why anyone would still follow that false prophet even when it is super obvious he is.

  9. For many who get out they don't find joy there either if they have to leave family and loved ones behind and be shunned. So it's control freak hell when you're in, and the hell follows you out. They ruin lives and destroy families. There may be initial joy when you join when you believe you're doing what God wants, but then if you wake up and open your eyes you'll find the PCG was never following what God wants.... and for awhile your faith is shattered, for some absolutely destroyed. Nice concerts apparently though. Going to these concerts only helps to destroy lives!

  10. Only the fools will follow. Anyone who sees this and gets recruited deserves the punishment to follow. I no longer have empathy for fools.

  11. Left this organization almost 20 years ago. This was long before they had any Armstrong colleges or auditorium. What a fraud to allow this video to be made. If a woman showed up like that at PCG services, she would be pulled aside and scolded for wearing make-up.

    One of the main reasons that I left PCG was due to the hypocrisy. See nothing has changed. It has only grown worse as evidenced here. They will tell the women not to look like the world or act like it, and then allow this to be a PCG advertisement. They are a mixed up bunch of people.

  12. I passed the exit to Edmond yesterday going thru Oklahoma to Flagstaff. Should have asked for a campus tour😈

  13. Gerry Jetson Flurry. & Stephen stuffed shirt lives in a old castle palace across the pond.

  14. The lack of POC (people of color) is the only thing true to form about the PCG/Armstrong Auditorium.

    The COG, like Ron Burgandy, thinks diversity is an old wooden ship.

    I also love the affluence of the couple as well. The COG ideal co-worker. The poor might as well stay home. Now if they were gathering those who were out on the street and treating them to a meal and a performance, and perhaps helping them find shelter that would be commendable.

    But hey like everything else God will fix it in the World Tomorrow. Until then .. Pay and Pray.. Don’t forget the third offering and tithe of a tithe. You sinners are watching too much TV and not constantly referencing your church literature.

  15. No mention of God what a surprise not !!
    This advert is symbolic of a broader seismic shift that runs throughout ACOG in these latter days. A godlessness and move towards feelings and experiences and settling political scores rarther than scriptural meat in due season and worship directed towards God.

    1. The COG’s were never about God. The COG’s (and that goes for the original WWCOG as well as all the splinters) are about money and power for the leaders. Or power and money. Your pick. And all the members do is worship their leaders.

    2. And all the members do is worship their leaders.

      I beg to differ anon 8:51 AM.

  16. Makeup, that is a really important doctrine. GTA told me himself that HWA reinstated it because he thought Ramona would get irate and divorce him, cause at that stage his second marriage was on the rocks. Instead she merely went and washed it off. I remember how it was a big deal and how most all the ministers were screaming in their sermons and calling the girls who wanted to wear it harlots. It just goes to show most of the ministers who participated in this were yes men and frauds. They are of the same class of people as this old Bolsheviks who supported Stalin in his show trials and had others executed. They were & are false shepherds.

  17. I could go all out on the add.
    I'll just say, I wish PCG could really see it the way the addmaker intended.



  18. Freed at Last at 4:11 PM said...“For many who get out they don't find joy there either if they have to leave family and loved ones behind and be shunned. So it's control freak hell when you're in, and the hell follows you out. They ruin lives and destroy families. There may be initial joy when you join when you believe you're doing what God wants, but then if you wake up and open your eyes you'll find the PCG was never following what God wants.... and for awhile your faith is shattered, for some absolutely destroyed.”

    Good summary. Thanks for saying it.

  19. Nck,
    I think I see some very subtle sexual undertones...lol


  20. NO JOY


    The Devil's apostate Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. (who was influenced by his son Joseph Tkach, Jr. and his buddies) did the Great Apostasy of January 1995 and openly threw out of the Worldwide Church of God virtually everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught until his death in January 1986.

    Some WCG people thought that they were really spiritual and wise and smart not to go along with throwing out virtually everything that HWA had ever taught. Gerald R. Flurry and his so-called Philadelphia Church sent them propaganda using HWA's name and photograph all the time to attract these former WCG members. At the time, other WCG splinter groups were trying to start up with some of HWA's old teachings but without mentioning HWA's name.

    Interestingly, Gerald Flurry used the occasion of the Tkaches throwing out virtually everything that HWA had ever taught to slip in his own truly massive doctrinal changes while falsely claiming to be holding on faithfully to everything that HWA had taught.

    Gerald Flurry went from plagiarizing from Jules Dervaes what became his Malachi's Message “little book of Revelation” that was supposedly “delivered by a mighty angel,” to immediately suppressing the preaching of the true gospel of the kingdom of God, to coming up with a “new commission” for the church to act like jerks causing division and call it “warning the Laodiceans,” to editing and changing HWA's old literature, to the identity theft of calling himself (rather than Jesus) “That Prophet” mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:18-19, to endlessly praising and promoting himself, to family wrecking with his “No Contact” policy, to finding a different rock to crown himself over rather than the one the British Kings are crowned over, to wasting everyone's time with Irish dancing.

    Now, those who went with the so-called Philadelphia Church are forbidden to read any other literature or to have any contact with those who could warn them about what is really happening. Gerald Flurry has taught all their fake friends in the PCG and even their own family members in the PCG to cut off all contact with anyone who smartens up and leaves the PCG. So, PCG members have now found themselves trapped by Satan's false prophet Gerald R. Flurry.

  21. If lip stick is sinful then the pcg promotes sin. That is the message.

  22. When Queen Sirikit of Thailand came to the AC campus, they passed around makeup for the gals there at the college , so as to not "offend" the Queen, as the Queen wore lots of makeup.

  23. Makeup, that is a really important doctrine.

    David Pack, to a married woman with children, "It would be better for you to shack up one night with a man than wear makeup." from Ambassador Report, June 1985

  24. are about money and power

    There were a few stories over the years on how HWA got into the religion business. One was about writing tracts, and he was trying to get published: for his re-write of JH Allen's book, and a book on evolution. Another was that when he was selling aluminum products he found about a Protestant minister who got so much money from tithes and offerings that he could afford aluminum siding. And there were these side ventures, like Marvee the miracle mud.
    HWA's striving for greatness was evident, but I don't know about power - that may have come when he had congregations to push around.

  25. I love the way the auditorium seating is empty. That’s sure to draw people in, lol.

  26. A minister named Lewis Van Ausdle said" not to take them to the feast because you have to watch them." That's discrimination because the ucg minister told someone not to take them to the feast because they would need to be watched. After all, they are disabled. If they truly had an outgoing concern they wouldn't mind watching someone who's disabled I would want them to have a good time at the feast. However Lewis Van Ausdle and some others I know are prejudiced abelcentrist.

  27. So, where's Jelly? Couldn't the PCG get the UCG to loan them Jelly for a small fee?

  28. Jelly was last seen driving away with Big Beak.

  29. Nck,
    Though not familiar with Jessica Chastain, the actress in the ad does look like her. I wish you all the best on taking a lookalike to the ballet.

    1. 8:00
      My Marilyn Monroe type was a redhead. Now Covid hairdo, soon to be blonde again. I like Bolshoi in movie theatre for close ups. I thought Chastain had an outrageous accent as the Polish zookeeper, but I like her hair.

      I don't need to re... discover joy. But I need to get out of months of lockdown.
      Take care. Happy St Pats to all the pale redheads in the world.


  30. I think it is pathetic that a church believes that joy is rediscovered in the performing arts.

  31. I posted this in response to the video on Youtube:
    When you attend an event at Armstrong Auditorium you are supporting a cult that destroys families. You are supporting a cult that tells parents they can have no contact with their children and tells children they can have no contact with their parents.
    When you buy a ticket to Armstrong Auditorium you are supporting a cult that breaks apart families. A cult that tells grandparents they can have no contact with their grandchildren and tells grandchildren they can have no contact with their grandparents.
    When you attend an event at Armstrong Auditorium you are supporting a cult that forces husbands to leave wives and wives to leave husbands. The cult’s “no contact” rule is so harsh that some members have committed suicide.
    I have 2 children in the cult that have been forbidden to have any contact with me for the past 6 years.
    Those who break the cult leaders edicts are told they will go into the "great tribulation", be cast into the "lake of fire" and lose their eternal salvation.
