Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, April 2, 2021

Dave Pack: Stretching Things a Bit, Again...

"Many may be wondering, how can so much be compressed into a single day? Could everything we know about really fit within a single 24-hour period? Mr. Pack (Note: I think he wrote this)  has long battled this problem. The answer came to be no—this must be a long day! First, recall what we have termed “Joshua’s long day,” when “the sun stood still, and the moon stayed [in its place]” (Joshua 10:13), stretching a normal 24-hours."
David C Pack



  1. Actually, it is PACKS NOSE that is stretched, like Pinnochio!

  2. I can confirm that Dave DID write that. Several times in fact. And not only writing it, also ranting about it in some of his ‘sermons’. Always stating that Christ could stop time at will, so everyone around the globe will see his arrival at the very same moment.

    “Christ is like a magician” is one of Pack’s statements. What does that tell us about Dave?

  3. If I remember correctly, In the month lead up to this past Feast of Tabernacles, Dave was wondering how two iterations of the kingdom could take place with a return of Jesus and with all of Israel being resurrected and the gospel taken to all nations and the sacrifices set up again and the whole world compelled to keep the Feast and all the splinter organizations blowing up and what is left coming together ....... ALL could all happen in ONE month.

    Now it all CAN happen and more, in one long day. I used to blame this kind of thinking on abuse of coffee there at RCG headquarters, but it always comes back to one thing and one person. If Dave can dream it up in one long minute of thought, then that establishes doctrine and all of the hours upon hours of supporting evidence with "proof" after "proof" after "proof" and impossibility to not come to pass after impossibility to not come to pass all be damned because of the next one long minute of thought of one man.

    And whatever happened to the righteous and faithful servant knowing when he gave the last and final message weeks ago? Doesn't anyone in the RCG (ministers?) reverse engineer that statement with: false and untrue message equals an unrighteous and unfaithful evil servant who knows nothing?

    The math ain't that hard folks - keep the coffee machine and get rid of the abuser of minds!
