Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, April 23, 2021

Gerald Flurry and God's Last Message To The World Is That Trump Will Be Returned To Office So That PCG Can Complete Amos 7


The inmates in Oklahoma have escaped the looney-bin and are currently holed up in the Philadelphia Church of God cult compound in Edmond, Oklahoma. The leader of that pack is King Gerald Flurry who's insanity levels are off the charts.

This is what Flurry said in the April 2021 The Trumpet:

God could use this situation to expose the treason. We know that God will yet save Israel, temporarily, by the hand of Jeroboam. Why? Because Amos 7 contains a prophecy that God’s true Church will finish delivering its warning message to the world, especially to Israel and specifically to Jeroboam. This prophecy shows that someone fulfilling the priestly role of Amaziah will order God’s messenger to be exiled from the country. God’s Church has not yet warned Jeroboam, President Trump; this Amaziah has not yet risen to the place where he could speak for the leader of the land; and God’s Church has not yet been thrust out of the country. So this prophecy must mean that President Trump will regain power in spite of the stolen election. And as Amos 7:8 says, this will be God’s last warning message through His Church before this nation is fatally weakened from within and finally destroyed from with- out—unless they heed God’s warning message! AMERICA HAS NO HELPER


  1. I will not comment on the exegesis of the prophetic scriptures except to say that it seems to me to be highly contrived. I think there are deeper issues for this Splinter group.

    First, there is the departure from Armstrongism. Implicit in this statement and others from this group there is clearly a favorable disposition to D. Trump. Trump is made into a latter day hero by identifying him with a positive character in the OT prophecies. This game can be played by anyone. In fact Amos is used by many liberal and progressive organizations because of its hopeful message of change. Martin Luther King, Jr. used a quotation from Amos in one of his famous speeches. The proponents of Liberation Theology cite Amos. Amos 6 makes a very anti-Republican attack on the wealthy class.

    HWA believed that the lesson of church history was that every time the true church dabbled in politics to avoid persecution the outcome was tragic. Recruiting scripture to support a political candidate is a species of this kind of dabbling. So this showing favor to Trump is certainly not Armstrongian.

    It is unlikely that the god-ordained Trump (as some would have it) would ever adopt a favorable attitude toward any of the little Millerite denominations comprising Splinterdom. He is on record as trying to make Ben Carson's Adentist faith a political liability. He felt like Adventist belief, not as extreme as Splinterist belief, was an odd departure from his own middle of the road Protestantism (Washington Post). Can you imagine Trump's attitude towards someone who would keep the Sabbath rather than do their patriotic duty to work for America. "America First" is in itself a calumny against God. And what would he think about a church that advocated that their congregants should not participate in active military service? I can already hear the accusations of Splinterdom being "un-American." And most important of all, what would Trump think if he discovered that Splinterdom does not vote! I believe the Splinterist press is dreaming when it promulgates the implications that Trump might have cordial feelings toward them. And I think this is an example of why HWA sought to eschew political strife.

    Second, there is a scripture in prophecy that unequivocally applies to D. Trump. I believe it should give us all pause to think because it applies to all of the worldly leaders. The scripture is in Daniel, a favorite book of Millerites everywhere, and it says:

    "This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men." (Daniel 4:17)

    I am not sure how someone would profile Trump as Jeroboam against the grain of this scripture from Daniel. I have seen no reasoning in the Splinterist press as to why Trump should be exempted from the very Biblical statement above. As Gerald Waterhouse would say, you don't have to interpret it - it's right there - just read it.

    In the realm of public policy, I liked a few of the ideas that Trump advocated. And I hope Biden will pursue them in a less boorish and more diplomatic way. My views are a little right of center, maybe a little further right that most Americans, but I believe that even a populist autocrat can have some good ideas.

    ******* Click on my icon for Disclaimer

  2. It seems as if the PCG is trying to manipulate God to miraculously keep Trump in power in order to push back prophesied events. The reason being their love of playing church.

  3. God’s Church has not yet warned Jeroboam, President Trump...

    Dear PCG: Send your magazine subscription to The Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach.

    How difficult can that be?

  4. It’s self fulfilling isn’t it, that Donald Trump would reject King Gerald? Come on, no one in their right mind would accept his throne!

    America, the land of the free, would exile the PCG? For what?! Unless they commit a crime, there’s no way the government is even going to go after them! Is it even logical that the Republicans would pressure a church?

    They are just delusional and paranoid!

  5. As an unbeliever, I would be expected to scoff at Gerald's prophesies, and I do. What I can't understand is how any believer can keep a straight face around him.

    Think about it. Gerald must have prayed to his god that Donald Trump would win the election. Following the obligatory template of The Lord's Prayer, he must have included the proviso "Thy will be done." He claims to believe his god is almighty, so he must have expected that he could accomplish his will. Failure is not an option. Not even a possibility.

    What is Gerald's response to Biden's win? Not a rational one.

    His only rational response should have been, "Oh, now I see what your will was. My bad, Lord. I humbly and reverently accede to it. I repent of thinking I knew more about the situation than you did. Forgive me, and teach me more about your will, so that I might not make an utter ass of myself next time."

    Gerald's grim determination to do the opposite deserves the scorn of believer and unbeliever alike. Let us all scoff together.
