Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 1, 2021

LCG HQ Hit With COVID Again


From an LCG source:

Here in Charlotte, we have a small outbreak of COVID-19 as three employees have tested positive and have mild symptoms. Others have been exposed and are self-quarantining. We will be working remotely for two weeks for all but a few essential personnel. Also, although we know of no one who has contracted the virus from services, out of an abundance of caution and because we do not know the full extent of who may have been exposed, we will hold services this week online.
This situation highlights the fact that COVID-19 has not yet gone away. It also shows how one person can impact many more. No one can fault someone who does not know he is sick, but once that is known, quarantine is essential. Please brethren, do not fellowship with others when you have symptoms, even if they are mild.—Gerald Weston


  1. Perhaps fellow cross-town religion entrepreneur Joseph Tkach can lend them his hermetically-sealed Limousine to escape the filthy diseases of the peasants?

  2. If it is "Again", when was the previous time?

  3. Wow, COVID-19 appears and all of a sudden God doesn't heal anymore. This pandemic is really exposing alot of things.

  4. “This situation highlights the fact that COVID-19 has not yet gone away. It also shows how one person can impact many more.”

    What this situation highlights is the spirit of fear found within the church today (which, unfortunately, stems from its leadership). Certainly if you are sick, you should stay home. However, there were baptized members this year who stayed home from the Passover service (one of the most sacred days of the year!) due to possible exposure. No symptoms. Something is wrong with this picture & it is so sad to see.
