Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, April 11, 2021

PCG Lays Down Lots Of Rules For The Feast, Especially For Women Who Cause Lust In Men's Eyes

Cover the cleavage women so that you do not cause our men to sin. 
It's your fault when you dress improperly and cause lust in men's eyes.

The Flurry cult is getting ready to send out Feast of Tabernacles registration forms to its dwindling membership. The cult has always felt the need to control every aspect of its member's lives and is cracking down even more on its members this year.

Some letters have come into Exit and Support Network detailing the demands of the Flurry cult in its members this year.

Members are expected to pay extra money for all lunches, dinners, and events that PCG puts on which will be recorded on the back of the name tags required of all attending the Feast. This helps the cult keep track of members and stops any outsider or Laodicean COG member from another group from slipping in to see friends or family, or God forbid hear a cult sermon. 

The cult is also following in Worldwide Church of God's footsteps and relegating families with small children to the basement of the Herbie Armstrong Auditorium during services. WCG did this in the Ambassador Auditorium because they did not want kids distracting the holy ministers, or even worse, make a mess in the royal purple carpet in God's House. God would not be happy.

The PCG cult is always looking for ways to portray its self as the perfect church and to do this they cannot have imperfect people on screen if the camera pans the audience. This year, seniors (or anyone) in wheelchairs, those hard of hearing wearing hearing aids that occasionally squeal, or those needing sign language interpretation, must sit in the balcony, out of sight, out of mind.

April 10, 2020
Members with small children are to be seated in the basement of Armstrong Auditorium during Feast services. If you are in a wheelchair, are hard of hearing, or have translation needs, you are to sit in the balcony. (Taken from “Important Instructions” for PCG members attending or not attending the FOT). –[name withheld]  Exit and Support Network

And, as usual, the women in the cult take the brunt of the rules due to the fact that some pervie ministers and male members can't control their roving eyes and lust in their hearts when they see females at church or at the beach who show some cleavage. It's never the men getting lectured on learning to control their lust, but always the women. If they forced the men to do that, half of PCG's ministry would be found guilty!

Females must wear one-piece swimsuits. One-piece swimsuits are the standard for females. The cut should not run too high up the thigh. A safe guideline would be for it to approximately follow the natural crease in the groin. Also, be sure it completely covers the buttocks. Tankinis are unacceptable unless the two pieces are sewn or tacked together so that they don’t come apart and expose the midsection. Swimsuits can be worn with skirts or shorts over them, but this is not required of our ladies. Lastly, as with shirts, no cleavage should be exposed. (Comment: We do not want our young men (or especially any of our ministers) gawking at the ladies and getting wrong ideas [as if they don’t have enough]. Read: What Happened At Robber’s Cave?) Exit and Support Network

Preferred dress for women at church:

 and at the beach:




  1. PCG should just convert to Islam which already has the rules for the complete coverage of women.

  2. Why are they holding female mass swimathons at feast of tabernacles anyways. It's not summer camp.

  3. Addendum: For any women on their second marriage who did not have a husband pass away please see your local deaconess so that a scarlet A can be affixed to all your garments. Thank you!

  4. Leonardo da Vinci said that if it wasn't for lust, the human race would die off.

  5. That first photo is hot!
    No cleavage, no midriff, no thigh bones - yet still very hot.
    That's hotter than anything you are going to see at the FOT.
    And I'm in complete favor of PCG women covering it all up.

  6. That picture with the mother and her children is wrong too in the sight of some in PCG. Women should not show their arms uncovered either.

  7. I was told by a minister at PCG HQ that they would not provide a sign interpreter for me. It would be distracting to members sitting there listening to the sermon. They would be watching the interpreter rather than the speaker.

  8. I personally think modest dress for everybody should be required. But, I'd like to ask a question. Was modest dress for the women enforced from the 40's to the early 70's when GTA and other ministers were whoring around? If so, it would seem it was ehat was in their minds, rather than what the ladies were wearing that was causing all that lusting, fornicating, and adultery.

  9. I have some "Sign Language" for Flurry for sure!

  10. Didn’t God gave us lust as a strong motive/trigger to reproduce?

  11. modest dress?

    depends on where in the world you are.

    what some cultures consider modest, we find scandalous,

    what we find modest, some cultures consider scandalous....

    it's up to the individual to control his/her lusts....

  12. Ex-PCG member here...

    Lots of reasons to criticize the PCG.

    But why is everyone getting caught up on a dress code?

    Nearly every company has a dress code, for men and women.

    Modesty is a part of those dress codes for obvious reasons... immodest clothing can be distracting, no matter how well intentioned a person's thoughts are.

    Catholic schools have a dress code. Are you all lighting up the comments sections of those boards?

    Honestly, some of these criticisms are so shallow...

  13. Some women find a man in a nice suit to be very sexy, does that mean men can't wear suits? What about what a woman finds desirable? It isn't what they are wearing, it's in how they carry it off. You can have 2 people in the exact same outfit and one will look great and the other will look like they are clueless, just ask the late Joan Rivers. Loved her Fashion Police show.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


  15. A lot of dirty old men and filthy old women in the PCG had nothing but selfish and immoral sex on their filthy old minds no matter what anyone ever dressed like.


  16. Anonymous at 7:49 AM said...“Some women find a man in a nice suit to be very sexy, does that mean men can't wear suits?”

    Some of those horny old hags in the PCG were really attracted to much younger single guys who dressed well.

  17. Unless you are an Irish Dancer, or in an Ad for the Armstrong Auditorium..........then all dress codes go out the door

  18. A prudish view of the human body is a pornographic one. These supposed “Christian” views of nakedness or nudity originates from the prudish views of the Victorian era that held that any exhibition of a woman’s body was immoral and would induce an uncontrollable desire in men to have sex. We need to move far away from this perverted view and realign our perspective with God’s to look at the nude human body with wonder and respect and not automatically associate nakedness or nudity with sex. No wonder our society is so warped today and sexual confusion is so pervasive.

  19. Quoting:

    "Anonymous said...

    A lot of dirty old men and filthy old women in the PCG had nothing but selfish and immoral sex on their filthy old minds no matter what anyone ever dressed like.

    April 12, 2021 at 12:38 PM"

    Not even close to true.

    I was in the PCG for 15 years. I attended numerous singles outings around the US and traveled to a number of international Feast sites.

    I spent lots of time talking to people of all ages and backgrounds, especially some of the older folks.

    There's no evidence (and you have provided none) that the PCG has "A lot of dirty old men and filthy old women".

    Sure, there were some really odd characters with very strange personalities and ideas. There may have been the occasional pervert. But what I mostly saw were a bunch of sad, lonely people who were deemed by the ministry as 'not qualified' to date or marry, often because of a previous marriage, not having sufficient income, not being baptized, not having a developed personality or one of any other numerous, random disqualifications.

    Amongst the younger people I just saw people who wanted to live 'normal' lives -- experience a bit of romance; find someone to love, marry and have a family with. Frankly based on the number of suspensions and first hand knowledge, the younger people were (more naturally) focused on sex. The ministry were quick to suspend people who engaged in any kind of premarital sexual activity.

    It's true that there were a few older people who received approval from the ministry to pursue a younger mate (mostly an older man pursuing a younger woman), but those relationships were mutual, and relatively rare. Most pairings were people of roughly the same age.

    As for the accusation that there was some kind of widespread population of old, perverted people, I never saw it and it was not at all common knowledge amongst the singles population.


  20. Anonymous at 12:38 PM said...“A lot of dirty old men and filthy old women in the PCG had nothing but selfish and immoral sex on their filthy old minds no matter what anyone ever dressed like.”

    Unfortunate but TOTALLY TRUE.

    The older the PCG members got, the filthier they became. They did not improve with age, but rather became more rotten. Every old pervert tried to pass off their own selfish and immoral behavior as some sort of good thing and as trying to “help” the younger targets of their old lusts. When the old perverts were not able to fool someone into going along with their selfish and immoral agendas, they would quickly become frustrated and angry and complain to the local incompetent and immoral leaders to either help them get their filthy old hands on their prey or else get them kicked out. The PCG really is a satanic filth cult.


  21. 7:08 AM, you are in the dark. Wake up!

  22. @6:06 PM & 6:19 PM

    Anyone who has actually attended the PCG knows that these sites have both some true anecdotal statements, and lots of misinformation.

    What are your credentials to speak on the matter? I attended for 15 years and personally knew probably over 500 of the members and their children (and that's a conservative number).

    I find it amazing that you can come on here and slander an entire age group of the membership of that church, with no evidence. This isn't a defense of the organization, but of individuals within it. Yes, there were rare instances of some weirdos... but those were the exception (see my previous post @ 7:08 am).

    As for 'being in the dark'; I'm no longer affiliated with the PCG, but I will point out a lie when I see it.

  23. Amoral individuals both male and female exist in ALL ACOG groups. It's the luck of the draw if you can avoid then or not.


  24. 6:26 AM, perhaps you should try to rejoin the PCG.

  25. @8:38 AM

    The same can be said of any parts of society at large. You haven't exactly dropped a truth bomb here.


  26. The ANTI-SOCIAL and ANTI-FAMILY teachings and practices in the PCG came from Gerald Flurry on down, so it should not be surprising that the ENTIRE PCG ORGANIZATION became perverted in strange ways, with all the unqualified busybodies who slipped into the PCG ministry exhibiting weird ideas and bad behavior. A certain type of perverse character is attracted to such a group. The people who are not that bad either eventually leave or get expelled.


  27. Anonymous at 6:26 AM said...“I attended for 15 years and personally knew probably over 500 of the members and their children (and that's a conservative number). I find it amazing that you can come on here and slander an entire age group of the membership of that church, with no evidence. This isn't a defense of the organization, but of individuals within it. Yes, there were rare instances of some weirdos... but those were the exception (see my previous post @ 7:08 am).”


    Exhibit A: Of all those conservatively estimated over 500 members and their children in the PCG from around the USA and at international Feast sites that you think you knew (emphasis on knew) in the past over a 15 year period, how many of them will still even so much as speak to you now that you are “no longer affiliated with the PCG”?

    Exhibit B: If anyone at all from the PCG will still talk to you, do they have to hide this from others in the PCG so as not to get reported to the “ministry of the little dictator” and end up in trouble?

    This could possibly get embarrassing, but try to answer honestly, without lying, and let it go where it will.

  28. It's pretty amusing to come on here and read a detailed account by an ex-COG member of their personal experiences and observations, and then watch them be vilified, told to return to the church, to wake up, etc.

    And then on the same page, these critics will respond to a 'leaked document' from that same church by a 'current member' giving that more authority & credence at face value with no discernible acknowledgement of their own cognitive dissonance.

    Carry on!


    Exhibit A: Of all those conservatively estimated over 500 members and their children in the PCG from around the USA and at international Feast sites that you think you knew (emphasis on knew) in the past over a 15 year period, how many of them will still even so much as speak to you now that you are “no longer affiliated with the PCG”?

    Exhibit B: If anyone at all from the PCG will still talk to you, do they have to hide this from others in the PCG so as not to get reported to the “ministry of the little dictator” and end up in trouble?

    This could possibly get embarrassing, but try to answer honestly, without lying, and let it go where it will.

    @ 9:50 PM

    I am embarrassed... for your poor reasoning skills.

    The 'evidence' you presented as a rebuttal to my post literally has nothing to do with the assertion.

    In case you can't follow that, I'll spell it out: the fact that no one speaks to me as an ex-member is not a proof in any way that every single old person in that church is somehow a filthy sex pervert.

    You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


  30. Anonymous at 7:52 AM said...“In case you can't follow that, I'll spell it out: the fact that no one speaks to me as an ex-member is not a proof in any way that every single old person in that church is somehow a filthy sex pervert.”

    Nobody is saying that “every single old person in that church is somehow a filthy sex pervert.” But I do know for a FACT that too many of them were.

    The PCG leaders supported all the evil behavior, from Gerald Flurry and Wayne Turgeon at the top all the way down to ALL -- every last one of -- the local area leaders from all the surrounding cities. And this in spite of the interesting fact that Wayne had even figured out and knew right away what was really going on! Chronic gossiping, lying, and slandering behind the victim's back and the cutting off of all communication of the truth was part of how it was done.

    Perhaps your own running around to “numerous singles outings around the US” and talking with “especially some of the older folks” over a period of “15 years” has turned you into a bitter old person yourself who is overly sensitive to the suggestion that you might have turned out bad too like so many of the other old people in the PCG.

    You should not be so quick to talk when you clearly have no idea what really goes on inside the PCG.

  31. @ 10:26 AM

    Anyone can come on here and make claims about the internal workings of the PCG hierarchy and ministry. The burden of proof is on you. Throwing a few names around, however well known they might be, is anything but. That you won't (can't?) provide any evidence for your claims or how you know this information renders it little more than characters on a screen.

  32. What’s the purpose of making fun of the churches of God? It’s called freedom of religion . Get a life


  33. Anonymous at 5:06 PM said...“What’s the purpose of making fun of the churches of God? It’s called freedom of religion . Get a life”

    The PCG is not God's church.

    The PCG is Satan's cult.

    There is no truth or freedom inside the PCG.

    The purpose of the PCG is to destroy people's lives.


  34. 5:06 PM said “Get a life”

    Tell Gerald Flurry to “Get an honest job.”


  35. Anonymous at 7:08 AM said...“I was in the PCG for 15 years. I attended numerous singles outings around the US and traveled to a number of international Feast sites.”

    How could anyone possibly spend 15 years in the PCG? Were you born into it, or were you too busy chasing around to singles outings to care about the abominable teachings that Gerald Flurry came up with?

    Back when there were still about 7,000 people attending with the PCG it was announced that more people had already gone through the PCG (smartened up and left, or got expelled) than were currently attending with it.

    Now the PCG has less than 5,000 people and continues to dwindle because most people eventually get tired of satanic abuse being passed off as the government of God and because the PCG “ministers” like to pretend that they have power over other people's eternal lives and kick them out just for the fun of it.
