Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 3, 2021

Gerald Flurry Doubles Down And Descends Further Into Madness


Gerald Flurry is getting even more adamant that Donald Trump will soon be returned to office.

It is practically an open secret that radical Democrats stole the 2020 United States presidential election. Polls show that over 70 percent of Republicans believe the election was stolen. A lot of Democrats also believe the election was stolen; I think many of them know it was. Even official totals show a record 74.2 million people voted for President Donald Trump—nearly 5 million more than anyone in American history! 
I do not know how it will happen, but I am convinced Donald Trump is going to regain the presidency. Bible prophecy foretells it!

Prophecy of President Trump 
To understand the election fraud in America, you must understand a passage in 2 Kings 14. The book of Kings is part of the Bible called the former prophets. The former prophets areprophets: The men who wrote them were prophets, and prophets are used by God to prophesy. These books contain history, but they are highly prophetic (see article, page 24). 
“For the Lord saw the affliction of Israel, that it was very bitter: for there was not any shut up, nor any left, nor any helper for Israel. And the Lord said not that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven: but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash” (2 Kings 14:26-27). 
For many reasons that I have explained in a series of articles in this magazine, this is a specific prophecy about this end time. This is an important truth you need to prove for yourself. 

Verse 26 shows there are people working to blot out the name of Israel—and many of them are within America! This alone helps us to understand the seriousness of America’s affliction today.

But God says in verse 27 that He “saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash.” Today, Donald Trump is fulfilling the role of an end-time “Jeroboam.” As we will see, in Amos 7—another, more explicitly end-time prophecy—Jeroboam is the name of the leader of Israel. That prophecy connects with this passage in Kings, which shows how God actually used this leader to save America, temporarily, from its enemies. This happened during Donald Trump’s first term as president. 

So why all of this fascination with Trump? It's a double-edged sword. They like Trump for standing up to their "values" and they also look at Trump as a future persecutor. Flurry believes that Trump will at some point in the future persecute the Philadelphia Church of God and kick them out of the country. Trump will also persecute Gerald specifically. Remember, COG prophets are always without honor in their own country.

Flurry gets even crazier with the following:

But 2 Kings 14:28 gives us insight into what is happening during the pause in Trump’s rule, between his first and second term.

Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon of the Old Testament says the word “warred” means “to fight, to war.” The Theological Word Study of the Old Testament says that warring occurs 171 times, pertaining to God’s role in Israel’s wars. That would apply in this case, because God has commissioned Mr. Trump to save Israel. Consider how different this word is from “saved” in verse 26. Mr. Trump did not literally have to war to save Israel during his first term—though he did have to fight to expose all the fraudulent investigations, treasonous acts and bogus impeachments. There are different ways you can war, but the indication is that regaining office may take considerable work. Donald Trump will have to fight for it. It doesn’t have to be military action, but it certainly could
President Trump could also lead some states to secede from the union. That would lead to some kind of warfare.

Verse 28 of 2 Kings 14 strongly indicates that Mr. Trump recovers his presidency by some kind of warring—not voting.

It seems certain to me that this will happen before the next presidential election in 2024—unless there would be some kind of war and voting combined. But 2 Kings 14:28 does not even hint of an election. 
If God says President Trump is going to “recover” something, then it will be recovered. And what could he recover, if not the stolen election?

There is going to be some kind of war to recover something. If God says President Trump is going to “recover” something, then it will be recovered. Amos 7 also shows that war will be successful. And what could he recover, if not the stolen election?

This all must happen because of a miracle from God! And that should be obvious to everybody when it happens—if they were honest.

There is a long list of more things Flurry talks about including how awful President Obama was, and then he ends with this: 

Right now, the big question revolves around how Donald Trump will regain power. America is in the throes of an Antiochus administration that is rapidly driving the nation toward radicalism, socialism, amorality, class division and race war! As I wrote in our April issue regarding 2 Kings 14:26, America’s affliction is very bitter, and the nation has no helper! 
But God’s prophecies are sure. Jeroboam’s clash with God’s Church is about as clear as any prophecy in the Bible. This has not happened yet; therefore, President Trump must regain office—one way or another. We must have faith. God is always testing our faith in certain ways; we would never grow if He didn’t. We must reach the point where we totally believe God! If we are shown to be wrong, then we will change and believe God! But everything God is showing us now makes it look like, despite appearances to the contrary, we are right on target. 
The bigger issue is what will happen after Trump regains power. He will put a stop to the immediate destruction. But this nation is very far from God! And Jeroboam and everyone else need a powerful warning and a call to repentance. That is what God’s Church is here to provide, as loudly and clearly as we can. If the American people do not heed God’s warning message, this will be followed by the most terrifying time you can imagine! But that severe correction is what it will take for God to reach people, and humble them, in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom on Earth!

Read the entire article here



  1. Thank you Gerry for your insight and confidence and discernment.
    Your biblical understanding fills one with WONDER.
    When I read of your pronouncements regarding America’s future I DO WONDER.
    One also wonders what Wonder Boy Bob Thiel would wonder about all this?

    Seriously folks, this is getting funnier than watching Looney Tunes on telly,lol.

  2. He is really losing it. The election is done and over with. It doesn't matter how it happened now. I seriously doubt that Trump will run again in 2024 cause then he will be either 78 or 79. Biden isn't looking too chipper and he is already showing many signs of dementia at that age. This just shows the arrogance and hubris of Flurry, never being able to admit he was ever wrong, much like his idol, HWA.

  3. Who'd have thought the End-Time Apostle would be an Okie?

  4. Gerald needs to simply jet to NYC and buy a Steuben Crystal bust of DJT or better yet, have one commissioned by the Church and invite DJT to Edmond for a song and dance performance at which he can present the Steuben to DJT. He can send his private church jet to pick him up at no personal expense to himself.

    One perk for Gerald is that he can claim this is yet more proof of being sent before Kings and preaching the Gospel to the rich and powerful. He can pitch the Gospel message to DJT as "a strong arm from somewhere" which will reinstall him to Kingship. An added draw would be to tell DJT that prophecy sees him sitting on the right hand of Jesus who is sitting on the right hand of God. DJT will like all this "hand sitting" around on thrones. Gerald can remind DJT that the Book of Revelation has all the Angels and staff singing "Holy, Holy, Holy,..." day and night forever. This will probably do the trick and gain Gerald points and even more credibility in his prophetic prowess.
    The event will be followed with a good round of Celtic/Israelite dance and be an all very white event for added appeal.

    If DJT won't come to Edmond, the Gerald can pay a rather nice sum of his own, member, money for a dinner or 3 minute meeting with DJT, present him with the Steuben and get a pic for the next edition of The Philadelphia Trombone.

    Failing this perhaps a member of DJT's Royal Family would come to Edmond. Steuben Crystal in the form dead African game, lions, tigers and giraffes, can be commissioned with the family depicted as the Swamp People conquering their prey. Spears and slingshots can be substituted in the Crystal piece for the firepower deployed in the actual real life hunt. Appropriate analogies can be explained to the family members and twice if needed.

    If DJT and all concerned are just too busy then plan two can be the commissioning of a Steuben Pillow followed up with the next appropriate invitation.


  5. First Dave Pack unravels in recent years and now Gerald Flurry is unravelling over idolatry of Trump. Others have unravelled over times one by.
    Personally I think it's a kind of curse from God on those who are anointed. Others call it Karma but whatever the source alot of chickens are coming home to roost on leaders throughout ACOG over the years.

  6. Flurry needs to hurry up and get married and overdose on Viagra.

  7. So some past history is prophesy because he says so. He's trying to put a square beg into a round hole. In the bible, prophesies are typically stated very plainly. No stretching of bible verses is required.
    It sounds as if the PCG is trying to push back prophetic dates so that they can have more time to play church.

  8. 2:16 "arrogance..never being able to admit he was ever wrong..like..HWA"

    Like when HWA said "we never set dates" during 1972 damage-control?

  9. Is there a false prophet competition going on?
    Maybe we could get the snarky version of Simon Cowell to be one of the judges. All of the original American Idol judges would be good.
    Fun game - match the judges to the comments below.

    Get real dawg.
    Don't you think you are being a bit pretentious?


  10. POLITICS in the so-called COGs

    The official position and teaching of the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong was that church members were supposed to avoid worldly politics and not get caught up in it. The citizenship of the church members was in heaven and they were supposed to help Herbert W. Armstrong to spread the gospel (meaning “Good News”) of the “soon coming” kingdom of God. This was presented as the only real answer to the world's problems and its only hope.

    While Herbert W. Armstrong was busy flying around the world meeting with various heads of state in the 1970s, his son Garner Ted Armstrong tried to turn the Worldwide Church of God into a secular organization with Garner Ted babbling on radio and television about world trivia. Hence the production of literature like Laetrile: Cancer Cure or Quackery? which did not even seem to clearly answer its own question. It is not surprising that the little rebel groups that GTA started after having to be put out of the WCG by his own father HWA would get so caught up in politics like they have in recent years.

    With the Democrats appearing to be going totally crazy for all sorts of abominable policies, and with the Republicans under Donald Trump appearing to offer some resistance to some of it, many so-called COG people now think that they have to get caught up in the world's problems and its politics to try to make the world a better place again.

    1. HWA was self serving in defining the gospel as "soon coming" kingdom of God. All governments distort their nations morals to their advantage. Herb was no different. So he kept teaching that "government is everything," which was unsurprising considering that he was the most powerful person in the church. The gospel of salvation was trivialized or ignored by Herb, even thought it's what would motivate the average person to repent.


  11. Remember how that false prophet Gerald Flurry totally buggered up the 2020 presidential election with his wrong guess that Donald Trump would remain in power. That probably is the REAL REASON why the 2020 election got stolen from Donald Trump.

    Now, with that false prophet Gerald Flurry predicting that Donald Trump will get back in power, it becomes almost impossible for it to happen. This is now the biggest hindrance of all, by far, to Donald Trump's plans to get elected for a third time in 2024. It is a YUGE hurdle to overcome.

    Those who hope for Donald Trump to get back into the Northern White House, and not just the “Southern White House,” should hope for Gerald Flurry to just shut up and stop making it impossible for it to happen.

    1. He won’t get in. He can’t without social media behind him. He was neck-to-neck in 2016 with unfettered access to Twitter. Without a mainstream platform to speak to those outside his base, he won’t pull the numbers.

      I guess the PCG will just say it was stolen again and there is new revelation of another pause.

  12. Everyone knows there was a prophet among them... a false prophet!

  13. So, they’ve gone from “Joe Biden presidency is against prophecy” to “a pause in Trump’s rule”! Basically, they’re saying Joe Biden’s presidency was prophesied!

    Can’t wait to hear the next instalment of Flurry’s Bullshit when Trump doesn’t get back in!

  14. The concluding paragraph of the Trumpet article said: "...And Jeroboam and everyone else need a powerful warning and a call to repentance. That is what God’s Church is here to provide, as loudly and clearly as we can..."
    But where is God's Church? If Flurry's organization were God's Church they would not say such a thing, b/c wouldn't God's Church know that repentance occurs b/c God grants/gives it, and it won't work any other way?
    For example, Israel could not repent on its own.
    Acts 5:30 "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.
    :31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand [to be] a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins."
    Acts 11:18 shows the same results with the Gentiles.
    So, where does Flurry and his organization fit into calling anybody to repentance?

    And the concluding paragraph of the Trumpet article continued to say: "...If the American people do not heed God’s warning message, this will be followed by the most terrifying time you can imagine! But that severe correction is what it will take for God to reach people, and humble them, in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom on Earth!..."
    Is this Gerry's "very soon coming" Mickey Mouse Kingdom on Earth? Where is it?

    Isn't God's Kingdom to come to occur after the 7 Vials, God's Wrath, are poured out, which occurs after Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit, which is after Satan was put into that pit 1,000 years earlier, which occurs after the 7 Trumps, Christ's Wrath, takes place?

    The most terrifying time ahead, in my opinion, is with those 7 Vials, which involve total destruction: read about them in Revelation.
    The time of the 7 Trumps (no mention of the Donald!) will not be the most terrifying time, b/c it will only be the destruction of a 1/3 of this and a 1/3 of that: partial destruction of this/that geological/ecological things and some beings.

    People like former WCG/xcog hirelings Flurry, Pack, Winnail, Thiel, Kubik, Weinland, Weston, et al, it appears are anything but humble, except in their own eyes. Will they need some severe correction before they come to appreciate how God deals with repentance and grace for all fellow human beings?

    Oh, Thy Kingdom Come will eventually become a reality, especially after the 7 Vials are poured out, but that's a long way off yet, while all of these hirelings appear to be hung-up in stagnant holding patterns, like an aircraft circling an airport seeking to land an aircraft during a period of deep fog, but they are just not allowed to land their plane by simply following a path that seems right in each of their own eyes, b/c they are blind in their own eyes, and unable to obtain the needed clear line of sight they really need in order to touchdown on the runway at the proper location.

    If God does not work out the details of His perfect Plan of Salvation, giving/granting repentance and grace, to save all humanity, and subsequently destroy Satan and his angels that were made to be destroyed, then who will do it? Certainly not a Gerald Flurry and his organization, but...

    Time will tell...


    1. That God gives/grant repentance, and "it won't work any other way" is bull. It's another mis-interpretation which portrays God as a tyrant/micro manager, with humans having near zero freedom and rights. Tyranny is church culture, but not bible morality. God "grants" repentance in the sense that He forgives and treats that person in accordance with their new direction in life. But God cannot and will not make choices for humans, since it is murder to do so. Only people, and people alone can choose to repent.
      Introspection and observation will confirm this.

      This is another example of people not reading widely, and therefore having their minds imprisoned by self serving mis-interpretations of scriptures.
      There's dozens of such scriptures that are twisted and distorted to endorse tyranny. It's deceit.

  15. From "Old Neo's Book of Practical Millerites," p. 656:

    Age-to-Come Movement

    "Adventists in America developed a new wave of British literalism. This came in the form of the age-to-come movement. . . This party was first denounced by the Millerites as “Judaism.” They taught that literal Jews would welcome Christ in Palestine, thus fulfilling the OT prophecies of Jerusalem becoming its capital during the millennium."

    "Some of the adherents of this movement later developed into a separate denomination known as the Church of God. One branch (non-Sabbatarian) was the Church of God of Abrahamic Faith (Oregon, Illinois), and another (Sabbatarian), became the Church of God, including what is
    known as the Worldwide Church of God. The views of the age-to-come were publicized by Joseph Marsh in "The Advent Harbinger" (1850s). . . For the Worldwide Church of God, the OT prophecies concerning Israel and Judah were not to be fulfilled by literal Israel but by Britain and/or the U.S. This belief was known as British Israelitism."

    (cited from Manu, Limoni, "Early Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Apocalyptic Eschatology between 1929-1955: A Comparative, Historical, and Theological Investigation," pp. 71,72)

    What goeth around cometh around . . .

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  16. There are a few problems with this article: Gerald Flurry is a FALSE prophet as demonstrated by the spectacular FAILURE of his Trump prophecy. The United States is NOT Israel. Donald Trump is NOT Jeroboam. The election was NOT stolen - that is a monstrous lie (and one that truly threatens the existence of this Democratic Republic). The Bible does not mention an election because the writings in the books of Kings and Amos are about a people who did not have elections and were wholly unfamiliar with the concept (they lived under an absolute monarchy). Yes, 74.1 million Americans voted for Trump, but just over 81 million Americans voted for Biden. Flurry and his associates may like Trump and his policies (along with those 74.1 million other Americans), but 81 million Americans did not like Trump and his policies (and it would be near impossible to convince them to welcome him back). Finally, God DIDN'T say that Trump would recover anything - Flurry did (and we will all observe over the coming months and years that Gerry is WRONG once again. One thing, however, does seem clear: like his favorite president, Gerry could literally shoot a man in the street and keep the vast majority of his followers - NOTHING is going to shake them from their attachment to this charlatan!

    1. America, based on its poor morals, does not deserve Trump. Rather, Nursing Home Joe and his puppet master Marxbama, is what America rightly deserves.

  17. John, Time will tell
    Truth is not determined by repetition. So no matter how many times you mock the soon coming millennium, many of the Banned readers will be in it, but you will not.


  18. Time will tell John said...“Isn't God's Kingdom to come to occur after the 7 Vials, God's Wrath, are poured out, which occurs after Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit, which is after Satan was put into that pit 1,000 years earlier, which occurs after the 7 Trumps, Christ's Wrath, takes place?”

    It looks like your garbled timing of future events has now told that you are all mixed up.

  19. If we are shown to be wrong, then we will change and believe God!

    If this was truly a prophecy from God, wouldn't this statement be unnecessary?

    Seems like a convenient 'out'.

    -Former PCG member

  20. Anonymous, May 5, 2021 at 5:40 AM, said: "...John, Time will tell
    Truth is not determined by repetition. So no matter how many times you mock the soon coming millennium, many of the Banned readers will be in it, but you will not.
    Anon, the mock isn't about "the soon coming millennium," but the mock is about "another Jesus" very soon to reign on earth for 1,000 years with his "little helpers," in lieu of a Jesus Christ who knew He would be in Heaven with His Father and not scheduled to return to reign on earth until a much, much, later time (Mark 12:36; Hebrews 10:12-13; Psalm 110:1).

    Isn't that obvious to you, yet?

    While we wait for your soon coming MMMillennium, Christ's enemies still exist, and time will indeed tell...


    1. John
      Calling the coming millennium a "Micky Mouse" millennium sounds like mockery to me. Otherwise, why do you call it Micky Mouse?

  21. GF should get Trump off the Trumpet, but he's just bidin' his time.

  22. John
    The very act of Jesus Christ leaving the right hand of God and coming down to His footstool, the earth, and ruling the planet with a rod of iron makes His enemies His footstool. He will be ruling in the midst of His enemies - Psalm 110:2, the enemies being a "footstool".

  23. Anonymous, May 5, 2021 at 4:42 PM, said:
    "...Calling the coming millennium a "Micky Mouse" millennium sounds like mockery to me. Otherwise, why do you call it Micky Mouse?..."
    Anon, do you have patience? After 1,000 years Satan is loosed from the pit and the earth, including Jerusalem the "city of peace," will be in one huge mess of deception and war, which Jesus and his "little helpers" will have not been on earth to prevent any of it. Surely if Jesus were anywhere near Jerusalem, would He allow it to be taken over and messed with in any way, shape or fashion?

    Thinking Jesus is coming very soon (as we've been told for decades) to reign on earth is to believe a lie, which I refuse to do. I don't think Mickey Mouse is real either...like "another Jesus."

    Let's just wait and see when Jesus Christ "very soon" arrives on earth, in your way of thinking, and begins that reigning you think is going to take place here on earth, because I don't expect it as it would make God, and His Son Jesus Christ, out to be liars. You may believe a lie(s) if you wish and think it/they are truth, so, for you, where is Jesus? In the meantime while you wait and watch, I continue to believe that Christ will not very soon reign on earth with His helpers...and...

    Time will tell...


  24. Anonymous, May 5, 2021 at 12:07 PM, said:
    The very act of Jesus Christ leaving the right hand of God and coming down to His footstool, the earth, and ruling the planet with a rod of iron makes His enemies His footstool. He will be ruling in the midst of His enemies - Psalm 110:2, the enemies being a "footstool"..."

    You say that "...The very act of Jesus Christ leaving the right hand of God and coming down to His footstool, the earth, and ruling the planet with a rod of iron makes His enemies His footstool...;" however, earth is God's footstool ().

    Verse 1 of Psalm 110 says that the LORD, the god of the fathers, the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not some act of Jesus Christ, will make Christ's enemies His footstool:

    Psalm 110:1 "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool."

    We know the last enemy is death (I Cor 15:26). Satan and his angels are enemies that also still exist. Have any of them been made Christ's "footstool?"

    :2 "The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies."

    So, when will all of this happen? We know that Jesus Christ is supposedly busy at this time: like He was about almost 2,000 years ago:

    John 14:1 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
    :2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
    :3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also."

    What place is that? Where is that place? And after Jesus Christ (not that Mickey Mouse one) receives those He was speaking to, then what? He brings them to heaven where He came from? Or, will those He spoke to bring Jesus Christ back down to earth?

    Obviously, not to earth, but rest assured, when the time is right the following will become reality:

    Revelation 14:4 "...These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb."

    Time will tell...


  25. I scanned an article published by this Splinter group and it does not assert a highly favorable attitude towards The Donald. Instead, by their reckoning, The Donald is going to persecute this Splinter Group and eject them from the United States. So I think the attitude towards Donald could be described as partially favorable. Whereas, the attitude towards Biden is wholly unfavorable.

    It is interesting that before the election I saw a bunch of links to sites that advocate the use of the "Bible Code." Many of these sites predicted re-election for Trump. The Bible Code uses computer generated skip sequencing to find collocated words and from that a message is assembled. Collocation is a really doubtful connector. Syntax is required to turn a bunch of words into a message. The Bible Code advocates must have gone bust over Trump's re-election failure - an incontrovertible, empirical demonstration that their methodology is malarkey. I have wondered why the Bible Code did not become popular in Splinterdom.

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  26. Scanned as opposed to actually reading the article.

  27. Mr. Flurry, you always said that God gives kingdoms to men and takes them away. In other words God placed Biden, who is the base and the lowest like you by the way, in the presidency. So are you saying that God was wrong?
