Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 6, 2021

LCG Wants Its Members To Strive To Be Truthful In All They Say And Do


Is the Living Church of God having problems right now with liars in their midst? The COG leadership wants all its members to learn to "speak the truth in love" just as the ministry has done for decades. Never has the church had a more loving and grace-filled leader than it had with Rod Meredith. Terry Ratzmann can confirm that.

If the LCG truly expects to "speak the truth in love" then why do they continue to ignore Christ, his salvation works, the mystery of grace, sanctification, and redemption instead of placing its faith in the law and church government?

The world doesn't need continuous sermons one after another berating them on things they have done wrong. What the world needs to see is a group of people filled with so much faith and love that they set such good examples and are so good at it that those around them are drawn to them and want to share in that journey. Sadly, the present state of the LCG does nothing but repel people.

The Value of Truth: Today, we hear a lot about “fake news” and various sources claim to provide us with the “real story” about events that are making news—yet many people are growing skeptical about what they hear from politicians and news commentators. This should surprise no one, because this is Satan’s world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and he is called in the Scriptures “a liar and the father of [lies]” (John 8:44). The Bible also foretells that the time will come when “truth is fallen in the street,” “everyone will deceive his neighbor... [and] they have taught their tongue to speak lies” (Isaiah 59:14; Jeremiah 9:5). The Bible also reveals there are serious consequences for lying (Jeremiah 9:7, 13–16) and that “all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire” (Revelation 21:8). The God of the Bible is “a God of Truth” who desires truth “in the inward parts” (Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 51:6). This is why Christians are commanded to “come out of this world” (2 Corinthians 6:17–18) and follow the ninth commandment (Exodus 20:16). We must also gird ourselves with the truth and learn to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 6:14; 4:15) if we want to be in the Kingdom of God (Psalm 15:1–2). Let’s strive to be truthful in all we do and say.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail


  1. Come on... Terry Ratzman, that's not appropriate at all guys.

  2. Many members have found out the hard way that being "truthful" with the ministry and Church, a corporation sole, was costly and a dead end. Truthfulness comes from their top down. Only rebellion and raging waves of the sea, twice dead truthfulness, come from the bottom up mostly.

  3. It is easy to make "mom and apple pie" statements about respecting the truth. This is nearly impossible to implement. For example, is it really true that the NT teaches that we will "become God as God is God?" Armstrongists believe this sound bite but this cannot be found in the various Christian theologies. Instead you find deification or theosis, both of which are quite different from the Armstrongist concept of full ontological apotheosis.

    So if someone preaches this from the pulpit, are they telling the truth? Christians would say "no" and Armstrongists would say "yes." And so there is dissension over arguably one of the most important aspects of salvation conveyed by the NT.

    Are diamonds hard? Did Joe Biden steal the election? Is Donald Trump truthful? Almost everybody could find it in themselves to agree on the answer to the first question. Determining the answers to the next two questions will generate the heat of variance.

    When someone in a position of authority espouses truth-telling you can be sure that they have a very much pre-determined idea as to what the truth is. That is what they want you to believe and say. They are not appealing to your sentience; they want you to be a parrot. This management of the truth is the principal internal strut of authoritarianism. Authoritarian organizations cannot sustain themselves without carefully concocting the kool-aid they want you to drink. And this all contravenes the words of Christ. He said, "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” You don't find much freedom in the narrow confines of legalistic authoritarian systems. But, then again, some people want to be imprisoned. Others, like Colonel Nathan R. Jessup said, can't handle the truth.

    Like I said, implementation is difficult. It's not just a paragraph of slogans and Bible verses. If someone believes it is that simplistic, they have already lost contact with reality.

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  4. "Let’s strive to be truthful in all we do and say."...

    Now there is a new, innovative and unique idea! I wonder if it will stick!

    1. I wonder if it will stick!

      No worries about it sticking to you Tonto. Ha!

  5. Truthfulness comes from their top down.

    Truthfulness must drip down from the top, just like "church government".
    Instead, all the drips accumulate at the top, and criticism oozes down.

  6. "Let’s strive to be truthful in all we do and say."...

    Good idea, Doug! Let's strive to be truthful about how you lied both to and about Patrick and Elizabeth Scarborough, saying contradictory things to different people. Let's strive to be truthful about how you lied to protect Dr. Germano, deceiving Rod Meredith and others so you could push forward your pet project of Living University. Let's strive to be truthful about the religious compromises you make for your Baptist wife, which would be enough to prevent any other LCG member from being ordained as a deacon. Let's strive to be truthful about your natural hair color, and not just at the temples. Let's strive to be truthful about your real understanding of the Scriptures, which you hide to get along in LCG. Let's strive to be truthful about British Israelism, which you still teach even though we know you know better, like Dr. Germano. Let's strive to be truthful about your double-dealing with Rod Meredith and Gerald Weston, which sets an example for so many in the ministry in their double-dealing with you.

    Thousands in LCG are eager to imitate you, Doug, as you imitate Jesus Christ. Let's strive to see you living by your own words!

  7. I was at Squaw Valley F of T when GTA preached about love. He played the song, "What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love" at the end of his sermon. Ironic that after his sermon, if I recall correctly, is when WHA confronted him about his personal behavior and suspended him.

  8. Anon, May 7, 2021 at 10:24 AM, advises Doug Winnail telling him that: "...Thousands in LCG are eager to imitate you, Doug, as you imitate Jesus Christ. Let's strive to see you living by your own words!"
    Anon, you have exposed a lot of "junk food" in Doug's life, but Doug, an "evangelist," driven by another spirit (James 4:5) to believe in another Jesus with another gospel, is too blind to see how he does not do what he asks others to do. "Rules for thee, but not for me" is one of the latest favorite phrases making the political rounds among/between donkeys and elephants. Is Doug living by that phrase too?

    When Jesus Christ walked the earth, the religious leaders couldn't "see" that they were judging/blaming others for the same faults that were so evident, as seen by others, in themselves.

    The following dialogue could have been made just as easily between the real Jesus and Doug today, if Jesus were "reigning on earth now."

    John 9:39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.
    :40 And [some] of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also?
    :41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.

    But, does Doug really believe that he, like them self-righteous Pharisees, clearly sees the faults of others? And that he sees better than any of those he is addressing? Guess what? If yes, then sin remains. How does Doug deal with that sin, b/c if we are in the same situation as he is, then we may need some of the "help" Doug has received to cover sin.

    When will Doug see the need for grace in his/our lives? When will Doug live by the very same words that he imposes on others? After he quits following "another Jesus?"

    Time will tell...


  9. In the ACOGs, the ministers believe that they have a right to lie, but that the members must tell the truth. And the ministers believe that they the right to this double standard.
    It's about power and control.

  10. One should not be able to find fault with a Christian reflection on the value of truth ... but, then this piece was written by Doug Winnail, within his whipping, Jesus-bereft mindset.

    In the opening sentence, Winnail mentions fake news, which instantly draws the reader’s attention to the fake gospel spewed by the ACOGs - that untruthful message being Jesus is not the Gospel.

    Most Christian writers, when writing about truth, would start with the core Christian paradigm of Jesus proclaiming, "I am the way and the truth and the life." John 14:6.

    However, Winnail ignores Jesus, to preach that the way, the truth, and the life is works of the law, the Sabbath, holy days, clean/unclean meats, COG government - the shadowy elements described in Colossians 2:17; those elements that should point to the reality of Jesus, if you come out of the shadows, into the light.

    Winnail did not bother to mention Jesus in this message - even though he offered a passage from John 8 to place Satan in a prominent role, in a GOG-fashion must.

    However, the hearts of those Winnail mocks as "So-called Christians" leap with joy and awe when reading the same passage in John 8. We are moved by the knowledge of being suffering sinners who have come to know Jesus as the Truth, and that Truth setting us free from the sin that had previously enslaved, destroyed, us (John 8:32-35).

    Winnail does not want his readers to know about Jesus setting us free from sin, or Jesus justifying us, making us right before God. The GOG brainwashing is effective on the topic of justification. You can mention justification to a COG member, and even cite related Scripture - they just have no interest in it. This is because the COG has taught them that they must seek their own righteousness, contrary to the command in Matthew 6:33.

    An example of the COG's efficacy in changing the biblical definition of truth can be seen in how COG members speak to each other. It's always been common when COG members are becoming acquainted with each other to ask, "So, how did you come to the truth?" To them, the truth is whatever shadowy elements they read in COG booklets - they certainly did not read about Jesus in those booklets. They are sold out to the shadows and have been denied the reality of Jesus.

    Instead of Jesus, the truth, setting us free, Winnail threatens with the lake of fire for those who do not whip the lying nature out of themselves. Instead of Jesus justifying you, giving you his righteousness, Winnail wants your focus to be on your works. Christians should be aware of our hopelessness, without Jesus.

    Winnail, a teacher of the law, whips the people into the delusion of you must become righteous by your own works, while denying them the biblical justification by the works of Jesus. Most COG members buy into this delusion, only to have crushing episodes of realty when they know they’ve failed; though some are genius at maintaining the self-made righteousness delusion.

    Since Winnail relies on recycling material, I have again tried to turn him on to Truth by providing a message which I encourage him to reuse to bless his people. His church is under a huge burden and desperately need to be refreshed with knowledge that the Truth will set them free.

    Please Doug, be Truth-full to your people, publish something like the piece below:

  11. Continued from above:
    Please Doug, be Truth-full to your people, publish something like the piece below:

    The Value of Truth: Jesus announced, “I am the way and the truth and the life." (John 14:6). In John 8:32, Jesus assures, "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." The truth of who Jesus is and what he has done for us is the Truth that will set us free from our self-destruction and our wake of destruction tossed on the people around us. The Way is a way of redemption and atonement, as demonstrated in Romans 3:25 - all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood to pay for our sins. Romans 4:25 reiterates that Way of Jesus, having been delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. Romans 5:21 and Romans 6:23 speak of the righteousness of Jesus, the gift of God, giving us eternal life through Christ our Lord.

    Today, as we celebrate Jesus who has set us free to forever enjoy the treasures of his Kingdom, let us rejoice in, and share that Truth, by saying "Come; let all who are thirsty come; and let the one who wishes, take the free gift of the water of life!" Revelation 22:17.

    Have a profitable Sabbath (by embracing Jesus as the Sabbath Rest),

    {Note to Doug: feel free to insert your name and recycle this to refresh your people with Truth. Furthermore, please consider that a minister of Jesus Christ must demonstrate awareness of the sacrifice, atonement, and justification offered by Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life - and constantly preach that Truth}

  12. Anonymous (2:02) wrote "Trying to justify telling lies NEO ?"

    Absolutely not. If you found something in what I wrote that seeks to justify lying you are delusional. More to the point, if you think you can always tell the truth, even if you try, you are, again, delusional.

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  14. It is appropriate to bring the Ratzman LCG Massaure - because it is a part of the LCG recorded history of LCG dishonesty.

  15. Who knows the details behind Winnail's remarriage to his former wife? (They're not going to tell us if there's any possibility that he may have sinned by doing so) Did his wife repent of leaving him? Is his wife a baptized believer? Did he divorce her because of her sin or because he caved in like a weakling to his wife's pressure? It's a shame that we can't get an honest answer from the ministry who like to hide the facts lest they come under heavy criticism. They are doing a disservice to the church by not making the facts known. The apostle Paul approved of the judicial process of bringing an elder under scrutiny (1 Tim 5:19), something which is not a part of the political philosophy of many elders in the church, who behave as if the rule of the ministry is a dictatorship.

  16. Winnail makes up his own rules and applies them differently to each person. So there's no way they'll give any details or answers about his divorce and remarriage to his ex, because they can't. They've already justified their actions in that case. God will repay that man for the evil he has brought upon the church and the countless families he has torn a part and the relationships he has destroyed. I draw great hope in Matthew 7:22-23, as it describes Winnail perfectly.

  17. Perhaps Doug is lying to all with his cool hair dye?
    Is it deceptive, as well as vanity, for him to color his hair?
    Speaking the truth in love to Doug, I must inform him that regardless of his motives, the fake hair color does not look good on such an old dude.
    As a rule, there is nothing uglier than vanity.
    Deception is often just one of the ugly entanglements that lies within vanity.

  18. @ 10:11 PM,

    While she was divorced from Doug, Sherry (his ex-) married another man, then divorced that other man. She became a Baptist, renouncing her ACOG beliefs.

    While she was courting Doug for the re-marriage, Sherry pretended to accept Doug's beliefs, but most of Doug's family saw through her and counseled Doug not to be fooled. Other LCG ministers urged Doug not to re-marry.

    Almost as soon as Doug re-married her, Sherry went back to her Baptist beliefs.

    Doug likes to tell LCG members how important it is to listen to wise counsel, even from people who tell you what you don't want to hear. Almost unanimously, the people around Doug told him not to re-marry Sherry, so by Doug's own teachings you would expect him to take their counsel seriously. Doug, however, ignored their counsel and pursued his own will.

    Even if we ignore the many OT and NT admonitions about divorce and remarriage, Doug showed himself unwilling to heed wise counsel. He's a bad example, yet he's the top example for and of LCG's ministry.

  19. Is Doug Winnail being deceptive with his hair color?
    Winnail has very little hair yet he is dishonest with the bit remaining.
    His haircoloring is just a sign of his deeper frauds - as said in Luke 16:10 Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

  20. I remember Brit Taylor (no big in COGWA) preach that if you lie to a minister, you are lying to the Holy Spirit. That could be taken as Trinitarian but I think he meant that ministers were filled with the Holy Spirit and would detect your lies. He was definitely trying to scare the easily-duped congregation. Has anyone else heard this con from the ministry?

  21. I remember Brit Taylor (no big in COGWA) preach that if you lie to a minister, you are lying to the Holy Spirit. That could be taken as Trinitarian but I think he meant that ministers were filled with the Holy Spirit and would detect your lies.

    ALL Christians are given the Holy Spirit.

    Even if ministers are given extra, what matters is what they do with the gift. A minister can quench the Spirit, and any member can stir the Spirit to greater and greater use and filling. But only Jesus Christ had the Spirit without measure.

    Experience demonstrates that ministers' portion of the Holy Spirit doesn't stop them from believing lies. So, Brit Taylor is either a heretic or a dupe.

  22. Anon. said: "He was definitely trying to scare the easily-duped congregation."
    All to often the ministers in the GTA would say stuff like: "We ministers know what you are up to. We will find out. We can do these things." they said it like, look out we're gonna get ya.
    In Ontario Weston of LCG said threatenly at us: "And remember this. Even if we ministers are wrong, god was angry with the people, not Moses!"
    Even if the people do know better inside, what will it take for them to worship God in love rather than blindly obeying their ministers in idolatry and fear.

  23. Doug tells us we should be truthful but he will never admit that in some ways, the COG "truth" has changed a lot over the decades.
    Herbie prophesized prolifically about the Nazis - of course that "truth" had to change with the times.
    The milestone of 1975 in Prophesy was another pivotal point for COG "truth".
    Of course, the numerous predictions of famine, pestilence, floods, and earthquakes to beset "Israelite" nations in the next few years is a "truth" the modern COGs have had to alter.
    None of the COGs give the same "two trees" sermon repeatedly anymore or drone on endlessly about the sperm/ovum concept of explaining how the Holy Spirit impregnates the believer who will eventually grow into a God as God is God (least I hope not).
    Even the Lake O' Fire doesn't get the play that it once did.
    Yes, the COG truth has changed over the years.
    However, one thing has not changed - ministers like Doug can be relied on to pretend that they are paragons of truth standing for the most truthful, virtuous, unchanging church the world has ever seen.
