Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Faithful Tithe Payer



  1. They won’t. Happened to family members still stuck in the RCG. When my sister desperately needed financial help after losing her job, she told me that she would ask their minister for help. And that she was sure the church would help them out.

    Few weeks later her and her kids were living in their car. They couldn’t afford the rent anymore and their minister told them that the church only could help them out a bit with some food, because they had no funds.

    Meanwhile that frickin’ imposter Dave Pack is living on a million dollar compound. This cult doesn’t care about the members. All they care about is money.

  2. Go to a quality restaurant and one is treated like royalty. Give tithes and offerings to a ACOG organization, and in return one is stripped of their adulthood and treated like dirt.
    I wonder why people aren't rushing to join these groups?

  3. When I was in RCG, Dave Pack demanded that unemployed members go out and "collect cans" so that they didn't "appear before the Lord empty."

  4. Inertia. Tithes are to be paid by congregant generally to their hurt. Tithes are to be given to the ministry for their benefit. Disrupting either disrupts the inertia of it all.
    If you don’t pay your tithe because you are out of work, then you are generally hurting the ministry. Why hurt the ministry more by expecting monetary help when out of work? Reversing the natural flow of money within the COGs is a real burden even if fo a short time.

  5. So why dont folks just buy a long dated 30 year inexpensive term life insurance policy for say $500,000 for about $50 bucks a month and name the church of their choice as the beneficiary.

    Saves you the current cash flow crunch, and the church gets it after you croak, yet you have "made good" your whole tithe obligation for a lifetime.

    1. Insurance companies survival depends on matching their risk with the pay outs. So no, there are no loop holes by which one can get free money from these companies.
      Such a lack of respect for others property is typical of the ACOGs and their present and former members.
      Property rights are trashed in these groups by the incessant Cool-Aid mental concoction of 'give, help, serve, share, be generous,' etc etc.

  6. Some of the cog's will help you, But most like cogwa have to have their high salaries for the leaders. They don't give a rat behind for the old members who don't pay tithes on their social security. they seem to only want the young, well educated and not the old has-beens who supported the church from world wide days. The only thing you got was a warm fuzzy feeling and an empty wallet. All they wanted, along with todays crop of vampires was your money so they could go on living their sumptuous life style. At least back in the wcg days they did a work. ISAIAH 56:10-12 says it all.

    1. Most old members in RCG are STILL paying tithes..

      Dave & his Pack of Rats tell the older members that the scripture commands them to keep working, even after reaching retirement age. So no well deserved retirement for RCG oldies. You work (and tithe) till you drop!

  7. Seriously??? I have had to give money to brethren to help pay rent or buy food. I don't really know of anyone who RECEIVES third tithe...just people who pay it.

  8. In my WCG days I remember two people I knew getting a handout. One was a widow who had worked for Wayne Cole - but she got in trouble because with Social Security as she hadn't claimed the WCG funds as income. The other was a friend who overspent at the FOT - he told a regional director his plight, and was handed $100. That's about it...

  9. Tithing is much like government taxation. Those that receive the tithes are like politicians. Once they have the money they figure out how to spend it. It rarely goes back to the people. Do gasoline taxes fix our roads, NO. Do taxes for schools ever get back to the kids. Was 3rd tithe ever given to the poor, widow, or orphan. Maybe a small percentage did but most was used by the administration. I worked in Pasadena and know that some ministerial furnishings were paid for from 3rd tithe accounts. On a couple of occasions I had to find a hall for church services. The guidelines, find a cheap rental. Spend the least amount you can. Always the best for those in charge.
