Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, June 4, 2021

Sabbath Tidbit: David C Pack Blows Smoke and Delivers Sheer Nonsense #303 to a Brain Dead Church


Dave opens Sermon 303 with a funny. 

"Should there be more time, new people would start with 301 to 303 and disregard 1 to 300"  (All laugh)

So far the rest of the sermon is a rambling, disjointed and "what the hell are you talking about" experience. I truly wish it was public. All 212 minutes of it.  

 I couldn't take notes on this sermon if my life depended on it. I can't imagine  one minister or member being capable of explaining anything Dave comes up in this absolutely horrid, rambling and meaningless sermon. If he did any real preparation, there is little evidence for having done so. 

I have made visits to mental hospitals where I sat listening to much of this same kind of Biblical diarrhea  and reasoning until I simply had to wrap it up and leave.   No gyrating in any seats I could detect though it was promised Dave would amaze them. 

Personally, his tone of voice sounds more desperate to convince, ass covering, glib, cutesy and tale weaving which has no basis in scriptural reality or any other reality I can think of. I don't think I have quite heard so many scriptures cobbled together into one incoherent mess in my life. I think he beat Bob Thiel this once is numbers of diversions and topics covered quickly and badly.  RCG
 members, ministry and 16 Bored Members should be ashamed of themselves for putting up with this confusion of which Dave and his god evidently is indeed the author of.  

Dave fancies himself the master of doctrinal "Precision" and taught all the rules of logic and reasoning by his parents from his youth. This is delusional and personal self deception on Dave's part.


  1. “Dave fancies himself the master of doctrinal 'Precision' and taught all the rules of logic and reasoning by his parents from his youth.” -- DCD

    Instead of teaching the young Dave Pack to debate and argue all the time, his parents should have taught him not to lie and steal all the time. They should have taught Dave that it is especially wrong to lie and steal in God's name all the time.


  2. "'Should there be more time, new people would start with 301 to 303 and disregard 1 to 300' (All laugh)”

    At this point, no matter how much more time there might be left, there should not be any more new suckers at all joining Dave Pack's satanic imposter cult.

    The early victims of Dave Pack's satanic fraud cult probably had no idea how totally deranged and doctrinally unstable Dave Pack would turn out to be. After all, what normal person could ever imagine that anyone could possibly be as totally warped as Dave Pack has turned out to be?

    If anyone is hopelessly bent on doing evil and does still want to go with Dave Pack, they should at least wait a few more years and start with sermons 601 to 666 and skip 1 to 600 (Don't laugh, this is not funny).

    1. The problem is RCG still employs the ole "bait and switch." A lot of what is still on the website is doctrinally accurate (although this is changing more and more as the boys in Editorial have a chance to change it, which is nearly impossible because it's a moving target). Once new people get in, they listen to a GUS sermon and promptly do a 180. Dave classifies these people as "in and outs" and "non-events" on his Church growth charts. These people "don't really count," you see, when in reality those people should be seen as a good indication that things are TERRIBLY WRONG in RCG-land. People come in with fresh eyes and they're outta there faster than the local minister can say, "Hey! Where's Joe this Sabbath?! He's missing Part 432!"

  3. The people that stay in Dave’s cult are masochists. You have to be.

    How else would a person be able to listen to this ranting maniac hours on end? How else would a person allow someone like Dave (and his so-called ‘ministers’) to tear up their family? How else would a person allow Dave to grab all their cash? How else would a person allow Dave to bully them?

    Dave destroys lives, taking his followers ever further away from God and sanity. Pushing them over the edge of the cliff, straight into the infamous lake of fire.

    I have a new name for this malignant narcissist: Dave the Destroyer.

  4. I like to call Dave Mr. Fairy Tale or Mr. Fairy Tale the narcissist.

  5. Cults are organizations, not individuals. They usually persist after the death of the original leader. The largest and most destructive cults have many leaders, and the original leader died long ago. Cults are recognizable by their methods, and those methods go on after the death of the original leader, so you will not find a causative motivation of the kind you’re expecting.

    The undue influence or abuse of power that cults perpetrate are built into cult methods. There are many agents who perpetrate that influence and abuse, including the rank and file. Yes, cult members themselves become fellow perpetrators in cults, so cult recovery involves forgiving oneself and others and making amends, as best one can.

    Cults are ideologically totalitarian systems. They self-perpetuate because all members become agents supporting sick cult methods. So looking for the motivation within a single cult leader is misguided and based upon a misunderstanding about who is the agent of action. That sick motivation is possessed by all members, even those who are relatively powerless and enslaved by the system they support.

    Marxist states are political cults, because they use the same cult mind control methods as religious cults. That sick motivation is why citizens who live in marxist states sometimes support their government, even though it is enslaving them.

    Cults (totalitarian systems) do not tolerate dissent, and condition their members not to criticize the organization. Thus cult members learn not to criticize their organizations, and become incapable of doing so—and thus support for the oppressive system becomes unanimous (or nearly so).

    Learn what the motivation of cult members is in supporting sick organizational methods, and you’re significantly closer to understanding the cult phenomenon. That mindset is comparable to that of the Jannissaries of the Ottoman Empire. They were loyal slaves with an illusion of power.

    They get a sense of belonging, prestige, and identity by supporting the methods of slavery. Slavery is a messy, ugly, and convoluted mentality. Totalitarianism is evil.

  6. 212 minute sermon? The ghost of Greald Waterhouse strikes again!
