Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Dave Pack Blows A Gasket Over Ex-Members Gathering Together To Celebrate 4th of July

Dave Pack popped his prophetic white shirt last week when he lashed out at ex-members and ex-employees who got together to celebrate the 4th of July together. One of his ass-kissing young men on the payroll has been monitoring certain facebook pages of ex-member/employees to find any dirt he can report back to Dave with. Imagine living a life so petty and filled with such jealousy that this is what you spend your day doing so you can run and "impress" Dave. Little does this guy know that he will suffer the same wrath from Dave and be treated like dirt at some point in the future, just like the ex-employees and ex-members were.

Dave was incensed that these people all gathered together to celebrate the 4th of July. Imagine that! Dave really popped the buttons on his white shirt when he said some of these ex-members and ex-employees were CHRISTMAS KEEPERS! How dare some of these people associate with such heathens! Even worse, there were ex-members and ex-employees who were supposedly there from various splinter groups. How dare those people associate with Christmas keepers! Lord have mercy! Imagine a group of exRCG people enjoying a day of fun, friendship, and patriotism! What a damnable thing to do!

Dave was not happy that these people chose to gather on the 4th of July instead of waiting patiently for Dave's creature called "christ" to return on the weekend of July 17. Which it did not, as we all know.

So, now we wait for the creature to return this Saturday, but I have a feeling it will delay its second coming once again so it can watch the Olympics. After all, what would be more interesting....some creature return to Wadsworth to walk the hallowed ground of Dave's campus or watching the amazing abilities of world-class athletes in all their glory? Even JC knows the answer to that!

It's a strange thing. There's a group of people who recently who got together for the 4th of July, a week ago. Somebody showed me some pictures of them, and a lot of them are now Christmas keepers and a lot of others are in the splinters. And the one thing they had in common was that they had all been here (RCG HQ in Wadsworth, Ohio). But it was like there was no difference between them! Whether you are a Christmas keeper or you go to a splinter they are all right there enjoying the 4thof July together and they are happy to post it. Now I thought about some of the people who left us who would rather go send the 4th of July with CHRISTMAS KEEPERS, Easter, Halloween, who blew off all the laws of God and they wouldn't even say good-bye to us, never mind Thank-you, for anything.   Well, there's a lot of actors out there who are stage players and God has to get rid of them. And if people will quit when there is no fire, Come now and have a great meal and you can have eternal life in a few days and they say, "No, I choose my field and my cows or my wife who is gonna be DEAD WITH ME!" Boy, oh boy! Shallow, actors! So we ended where we started. There are a lot of people who are like that. Many are called, few are chosen. Blessed are those and happy are those who come to the 1335 and are REALLY BLESSED is a tiny little flock and there was always for 2,000 years a tiny ongoing microblock, generation by generation who actually going to be blessed a week before the others and I think it'll happen God willing, within the next week!

Even nominal Christians know that the God of Scripture has a far better outlook about people's lives than Daves nasty vengeful god does. Dave needs all of the COG reprobates to die horrible deaths in order to be proven right while scripture states just the opposite:

Don’t overlook the obvious here, friends. With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day. God isn’t late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.


  1. Are you sure it is one of Dave's boys reporting on Facebook posts? Vernia was doing it a few years ago, when former RCG ministers were sharing xmas posts on FB. Dave put it in the sermon the same day. Of course if you look at current ministers and members, you will see that they are still "friends" with many former ministers and members, and post on each other's pages. As Dave claims to never have used a computer or cellphone in his life, he has to rely on his wife and other minions for reports! (I guess Dave forgets how many times he has mentioned being on a cellphone for hours with prospective ministers from other COGs in the early days!) And I find it very interesting that Dave, who has spoken strongly against members using Facebook, now WANTS members to use FB and other social media to promote him and RCG.

    James 1:8 A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

    James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

  2. It could be Vernia but it could also be one of the boys working in the HQ building. Certain ones have had a tendency to do such a thing in order to impress Pack. No2 is right in that sooner or later Pack will turn on them like he did to all of us who left. What irritates him the most about all of us is that he has no control over us anymore and we don't care! He drove all of us out because of his lies. Pack also has no regrets in the fact that he has driven out all of his children from RCG and most of them want nothing to do with him.

  3. It's most probably Dave himself. Everyone else on campus are reportedly worked to death.

  4. I don't think ACOGs leaders mentally let go of former members. They still feel that they are their daddies.

  5. hey Dave, they're EX members...

    and apparently commemorating the founding of a God ordained nation is equal to celebrating christmas in Dave's mind.....

  6. Sorry Dave, I enjoyed my "CUATRO DE JULIO" immensely! :-)

  7. This is too funny! I was just talking to someone yesterday about how Dave is computer illiterate so he has his "servants" (Dave's words) get on a computer in a boardroom in front of him and he tells them what sites to check out. It might be fun to post some outrageous material on Facebook just to mess with him. By the way, Dave, you're a splinter too. A very self-righteous one at that.

  8. I don't know what Dave's problem is, he did after all stand in front of the headquarters congregation and face to face told them that 80% or perhaps even 90% of them wouldn't make it into the Kingdom of God. Echoing HWA in the past, he said Mr. Armstrong believed that and why wouldn't it be so now in the Laodicean age.

    Freedom from Pack celebrations could be the new thing, just be aware, with Dave proclaiming an event happening on July 17 - which happened to be the ninth of Av this year - the day in which both temples were completely destroyed, I would be looking over my shoulder for a man with sword - the ultimate temple destroyer.
