Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 2, 2021

LCG Members With Hardened Hearts Are Going To Suffer Serious Consequences!


It's time for the regular Friday Night Smackdown of LCG members who just can never seem to do anything right. Now it seems that some have hardened their hearts by not being teachable and as a result will be suffering serious consequences at some point in the future! What a comforting message to receive on the Sabbath, a supposed time of rest and time of communion with God. The chances of becoming a god when the rest of the loyal LCG members do are now slim to none.

Are You Teachable? The Scriptures reveal that one of the important qualities of character that God is looking for in Christians and in future leaders in the Kingdom of God is teachability—the desire and willingness to listen and learn and be molded by God. Abraham was teachable and responsive to God’s instructions (Genesis 12:1–4). Moses was a very capable leader, yet he was also humble and teachable (Numbers 12:3). David’s attitude comes through in Psalm 119:33, when he writes, “Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes.” Solomon recognized his own human inadequacies when he asked God for wisdom and an “understanding heart” so he could learn to rule God’s people wisely (1 Kings 3:9). When Jesus said the meek and the poor in spirit will be blessed, He was referring to their teachability and their willingness to learn and grow (Matthew 5:3, 5). However, the Bible also warns that if we harden our hearts to instruction and correction, we will reap serious consequences (Proverbs 8:32–36; 28:14). We’ve been called to reign with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God—and being teachable is one of the keys to attaining that reward.

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Contrast the constant striving to do everything right with this:


  1. January 2008
    July 2012
    July 2013
    May 2019
    August 2020

    Any more times than that? Somebody might want to check.

    I guess LCG members aren't very teachable, as Winnail keeps telling them the same thing over and over again, just changing a (very) few words around each time so he (mistakenly thinks) won't get caught out by search engines.

    Gerald Weston, aren't you the least bit embarrassed by this? Doug obviously isn't. But Gerald, for the money he pays Doug, should expect a lot better.

  2. I do not know how people can be so religious as the armstrongites in 2020.

  3. It has to be exhausting being a COG member these days! Always working towards a goal that you are constantly being told is unattainable.

    1. You mistakenly assume these exhausted COG members take notice of the human higher ups...

  4. I always found "becoming me therefore perfect/mature as my heavenly Father is" to be a challenge.

  5. Not everything that the ACOGs teach is wrong
    Many successful people like George Washington were teachable. Abraham Lincoln would often be seen with a book on his person.
    Many times I complained to abusive members, only to have them explode in my face. There's no such thing as the right to abuse.
    So I agree with Douglas on this one.

    1. Could not agree with you more.The authors of this site try to take everything and turn it around. And they feel that no one should be moral Christians...thinking everyone should be like them. Hate to say this, but those who follow God's laws,for the most part are decent humans, and are not all in it because we are brainwashed.

    2. Yet they will have something to say that goes along the line... We know he did not say anything wrong, but he was implying xyz.

  6. ". . . and being teachable is one of the keys to attaining that reward."

    Anonymous (10:28) makes a good point: "Always working towards a goal that you are constantly being told is unattainable." I do not think there is anything wrong with what this Splinterist minister is advocating. Teachability is valuable in what is known in Christianity as sanctification - following The Way in life.

    While the message per se is fine, the context may communicate a different concept. A continual message of admonition about the need to live a rigorous life is discouraging and effectively counterworks the intent to edify. This is a blind spot in, shall we say, leadership. I wonder if this same Splinterist minister ever delivers a message of grace?

    Back when I was an Armstrongist, I spoke with our pastor after he gave a typical Armstrongst sermon that centered on "character development." We were standing in the lobby on a peaceful Saturday afternoon and I said darkly, "None of us are going to be in the Kingdom of God, are we?" He was taken aback at this but it was impossible for me or anyone who thought about it to draw any other conclusion considering the frequent harangues about personal righteousness and the vacuum where grace should be present. He said that it was not that bad. He believed that God "winked" at our deficiencies. That was the largest concession he was able to make to the idea of grace.

    My view is that discipline delivered repetitively, no matter how good each individual message might be, and without grace just generates resentment. And it should.

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  7. People need to be teachable and learn to grow in knowledge and correct their mistakes if they realize they have them.

  8. When we are humble, we are teachable and you teachable, open mind and allow God to “speak” to you—tell you His will. True wisdom is to fear God!

    1. So the members are too stupid to learn from God through prayer, scriptures and meditation to name but a few. That is unacceptable. They can only learn what God "speaks" to them from a man at a wooden stand. A Rarther Catholic outlook.


    Check out why Bob Thiel left the Living Church of God! LCG is a lukewarm organization and no longer holds the Philadelphian mantle.

  10. Anon 6:56 yes, I agree with you that not everything they teach is wrong, I actually believe they have a lot of truth, but when they do, we must understand that everyone is wrong and no one is perfect. Also remember no matter how much you think you know, there's always something you don't know, please don't judge people Mr. David C. Pack.

  11. The thing is, many times in the COG universe, being "teachable" is code word for "obeying the minister" or even worse, putting up with spiritual abuse and being conditioned that if you have any problems you are "not being teachable".

  12. Anon 10:17 am if by LCOG you mean the living church of God that is because most of their members are narcissists they think they're special when they are not better they think they are better than the uncalled world when they are not and they put down all churches that contradict them they even had a shooter named Terry Michael Ratzmann and both UCG and LCG had child molesters and all kind of immoral people who are not christ-like and you would think you would think find in a prison and Gerald Flurry's group has had many suicides and so these churches of God and the original WCG are not truly God's people the good ones would expose the ministry of the evil stuff that is going on inside so that more people do not have to go through the horrible experiences so many evil people had to go through.

  13. I fear too many in America have turned away from Him. America IS the promised land & will only stay free as long as we follow Him & His commandments. Our leaders do not follow Him. Churches are considered "nonessential". The Bible & latter-day scriptures are full of what happens when people are faithful & when they are not along with plea's to repent & come back to Him. I am tired of people trying to stop me and others from spreading the true Gospel of the kingdom of God and trying to take members away from true biblically-based Christianity which is the church of God and Christ is the head of the true church which is the church of God and I believe that Cog members are the most persecuted people on planet earth.

    1. Who is trying to stop you from trying to take members away from true biblically-based Christianity?

  14. Those of you who call yourselves "MEMBERS" of LCG, RCG, PCG, etc. are sinning, because we're NOT supposed to call ourselves "MEMBERS" of one of the banana-peeling COG groups. Instead, we should just call ourselves members of THE CHURCH OF GOD. GOD'S CHURCH is NOT a place, building, organization, etc. It is a living spiritual organism made up of TRUE BELIEVERS. Matthew 16:18 talks about ONE CHURCH and ONE ONLY.

  15. I've noticed that some are pretty involved with the many splinter groups (the banana-peeling, vanity-plate this and that church of god groups), and are working against God's Church being ONE Body, ONE Church -- and are causing DIVISIONS which God says He hates. Soooo MANY banana-peeling, vanity-plate COG "Christians" want to chummy up with other people from these banana-peeling, vanity-plate COG groups. Getting to know brethren whom you might be able to help at some time can be good, but in many cases it's going to be a waste of time and sometimes dangerous because the goal of some ''brethren'' so-called is to chorale up as many people as they can into the particular splinter division with the which they hob-nob. I don't know if I said all that very eloquently -- but I've seen that MANY of YOU know "BRETHREN" in these GROUPS that shouldn't exist and I WANT YOU to KNOW that we are a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM and SHOULD NOT BE CALLING OURSELVES MEMBERS of these banana-peeling, vanity-plate COG groups!!!!!!!

  16. The leaders + members of LCG need wake up! There organization is lukewarm! Check up on me like Roderick used to say.

  17. UCG, LCG, and many others are lukewarm keeping birthdays and stuff only RCG, PCG, and a couple of others are truly holding fast let's not kid ourselves by placing all the blame on LCG.

  18. If you believe the word of God, then these words from Dr.Winail should be instructive. Part of being a shepherd. Some of these posts are grasping at straws in an effort to discredit sound teaching. And I am not an LCG member

  19. Keeping birthdays and stuff ? Stuff 7:11?? Hark the pharisee.

  20. Anon, July 2, 2021 at 6:45 PM, said:
    "...January 2008
    July 2012
    July 2013
    May 2019
    August 2020

    Any more times than that? Somebody might want to check.

    I guess LCG members aren't very teachable, as Winnail keeps telling them the same thing over and over again, just changing a (very) few words around each time so he (mistakenly thinks) won't get caught out by search engines.

    Gerald Weston, aren't you the least bit embarrassed by this? Doug obviously isn't. But Gerald, for the money he pays Doug, should expect a lot better.
    Anon, don't pick on Doug, b/c he may be a victim of Alzheimer's symptoms and can't remember what/when he previously wrote virtually the same thing over and over again, repeating himself; however, that is unlikely. I'd rather suspect he is just in a stagnant condition, in a lukewarm rut, and can't get out of it, so Doug keeps preaching his brand of "Fear Religion:" as evidenced by his writing "...However, the Bible also warns that if we harden our hearts to instruction and correction, we will reap serious consequences..." It's SOT: same old thing!

    Doug is driven by another spirit (2 Cor 11:4 "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or [if] ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with [him]."), and is preaching another gospel (earn salvation by works of self), and another Jesus (to soon return to reign on earth).

    Doug is too blind at this time to see "another spirit" within himSELF: "...The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5

    In fact, that same spirit is within each of those followers in the living group that Doug addresses...if, IF they are Christians like the Apostle James was. James was addressing fellow Christians, who had the same problems created by the same spirit within (Hint: Romans 7:17, 20-21).

    Doug does not meet up to the standards he is asking his followers to meet. It's hypocritical. Is Doug meek? If so, then good for him, and Doug's reward? The meek will inherit the earth...in the second resurrection! Isn't that what the Bible (Psalm 37:11; Matthew 5:5) says? Congratulations to Doug! That's a nice reward! That will still require the grace of God. And guess when God's Kingdom will be on earth? Doug does not know. Doug, believing a false theory, another gospel, is guessing, but Doug will be there!

    The Firstfruits, sealed by God's Spirit, will be in the first resurrection. Doug, was it Richard Ames that said the saints were going to be on some throne in heaven some day? Doug are you looking to be in heaven or on earth?

    Regardless, both resurrections require God's grace b/c just being meek and teachable doesn't "cut it!"

    Doug is not being a hireling that cares (John 10:13), but is a hireling that strives to get his followers to think they will get into God's Kingdom "some other way" John 10:1

    Will meek, teachable, Doug be in the 1st or 2nd resurrection: there is no need for a 3rd?

    Time will tell...


  21. Everything Doug writes is dangerous - because he preaches a false gospel. False is bad enough; but, Doug's gospel is also one that enslaves the people to endless works without defining how much they must do to attain that reward they must work for.

    Dangerous Doug wrote:
    "We’ve been called to reign with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God—and being teachable is one of the keys to attaining that reward."

    Despite all the scriptures that proclaim that we are saved by grace, and that salvation is a gift from God, Doug demand that we must work, on an endless treadmill to attain something that God offers a free gift. Dangerous Doug defies Holy Scripture, as Doug defies God.

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

    No one should pay attention to a very old preacher who spends more time dying his hair than he spends preaching grace.

  22. Dennis found it to be a challenge to be perfect, as God is perfect. That is a very real and sad fact of COG false doctrines.

    COG's teach endless, unfindable works are necessary to obtain righteousness and the Kingdom. COGlodytes seek the kingdom, but contrary to Matthew 6:33, the they are seeking their own righteousness, instead of God's righteousness.

    However, the Christian doctrine of Justification shows that we are made righteous by and because of the righteousness of Jesus.

    Romans 3:24
    All are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

    Holy Scripture makes it clear, unless you are under the deception of the COGs, that works of the law will not justify, or make anyone right/righteous.

    Galatians 2:16
    A person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.


  23. “LCG Members With Hardened Hearts Are Going To Suffer Serious Consequences!”

    Blah, blah, blah.

    The REALLY SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES come from wasting your time, energy, and money in the Dying Church of Rod.


  24. Anonymous at 7:11 PM said...“UCG, LCG, and many others are lukewarm keeping birthdays and stuff only RCG, PCG, and a couple of others are truly holding fast let's not kid ourselves by placing all the blame on LCG.”

    That is part of the strange overall problem on the so-called COG scene these days. Either get WISHY-WASHY groups like LCG, UCG, and even COGWA that want to observe things like their Winter X-mass Weekend custom, or else get groups like PCG and RCG that don't do that but that are TOTALLY SATANIC in so many other ways.

    1. Weird slanted comment 9:49 AM as the vast majority of COG keep Winter Xmas weekend.


  25. Anon at 7:11 PM,

    If you think that the PCG and RCG are “truly holding fast,” then you have not been paying attention at all and have not been “holding fast.”

  26. You put way too much focus on Doug Winnail's weekly comments.
    When I was a faithful member, I spent about 10 seconds skimming it, then moved on to the rest of the bulletin.
    No-one ever talked about it afterwards or included it in sermonettes and sermons.
    It basically is nothing more than a snippet from our overall beliefs - or in my case former beliefs.

  27. I don't think these leaders keep saying the same things with minor word changes out of lazyness. More likely they are terrified of rocking the boat and offending their tithe payers.
    They don't have the same job security as in Herbs day. Especially in their old age.

  28. Anon 4:59 AM it is irrefutable that birthdays are pagan even Wikipedia says that " early Christians did not keep birthdays because of their pagan origins" and also there is a CBS news article showing the plain truth on the subject.
    Article: https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2011/01/24/good-question-how-did-birthday-traditions-start/

  29. Hey Anonymous of July 4, 2021 at 10:33 AM - I think you are correct - most LCG members know that Doug Winnail has not said anything of interest or importance to the lives in the past few decades. They ignore Winnail without even thinking about it. However, there are some who still worship HWA, and therefore, Winnail gets his clout via connection to Spanky Meredith, who was next to HWA. Those are my family members - they think everything Winnail preaches is blessed by HWA. Someone needs to draw attention to how silly and biblically illiterate Doug is.

  30. Winnail was not teachable when his employer and spiritual guide, WCG, was trying to correct their misguided doctrines and introduce grace. Winnail closed his mind to learning anything about the biblical topics of grace, justification, sanctification, and redemption. The fact that these concepts are in the Bible meant nothing to his closed mind. Winnail hardened his heart to anything but his old doctrines on salvation by following his contrived version of law. Winnail want you to be teachable and open to only his law.

    Galatians 5:4
    You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

  31. We are certainly not justified by our works but we are rewarded according to them. The following is just a brief summary of New Testament requirements for Christians:
    Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized...
    Acts 26:20 ...do works fitting for repentance
    1 Cor. 5:8 Let us keep the Feast
    1 Cor. 6:9-10 Forbidden: fornication, adultery, drunkenness, effiminancy, stealing, coveting
    1 Cor 7:19 keeping the commandments of God
    1 Cor. 11:28 Let a man examine himself
    Eph. 4:25 Put away lying and speak the truth (9th commandment)
    Eph. 4:28 Let him that stole steal no more (8th commandment)
    Eph 5:3 Let fornication, all uncleaness, and covetousness not once be named among you (7th and 10th commandments)
    James 1:22 Be doers of the word, not hearers only (verse 24 says that we must change the kind of person we had been)
    James 5:12 swear not
    1 Peter 2:11 abstain from fleshly lusts
    Rom. 13:9 specifically forbids: killing, stealing, lying, coveting
    2 Tim. 2:15 Study to show yourself approved to God.

  32. Hello July 5, 2021 at 8:35 AM: I'm glad you are reading Holy Scripture and are trying to understand what is required of Christians. It's a good start. However, I got concerned that you may be viewing these commands within the COG enslavement to law (Gal 3) - based on your commentary.

    COGs need to learn that the New Covenant is not like the Old Covenant (Hebrews 8:9) and that under the Priesthood of Jesus, everything is different:
    Hebrews 7:12
    For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also.

    COGs like to say that the law under the New Covenant is just like the old. Jesus said: John 13:34-35
    “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

    The answer to every problem faced by COG members, which Winnail harps on in each of his messages could be fixed by one command that Doug never preaches, which is: Hebrews 12:2 fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

    Here are a few more commands that you are not likely to hear from the COGs:

    Acts 16:31
    They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved — you and your household.”

    Romans 10:9
    If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

    1 John 3:23
    And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.

    Galatians 5:6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

    Galatians 6:14
    Never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

  33. Jer 33:16a In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely

    Jer 33:17a For thus saith the LORD

    Jer 33:18 ... the priests the Levites [will never] want [for] a man before me to offer burnt offerings, and to kindle meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually.

    Jer 33:20 Thus saith the LORD; if ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season;
    Jer 33:21 Then may also my covenant be broken ... with the Levites the priests, my ministers.
    Jer 33:22 As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply ... the Levites that minister unto me.

    Heb 7:12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.
    Heb 8:4 For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest, seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law:

    “The logic of the book [of Hebrews] is based on ancient rhetorical patterns and pre-modern exegetical principles that makes the reader’s task exceptionally difficult” (Richard Nelson, Raising Up a Faithful Priest - Community and Priesthood in Biblical Theology, p.141).

    “The close connection between the Aaronic priesthood and the Law is again stressed. In view of the sanctity of the Law in Jewish minds, there was a real difficulty in accepting any other priesthood than Aaron’s, and this is a problem which the writer of Hebrews has in mind in maintaining that a different priesthood involves a different law. Only so could he support the order of Melchizedek. He thinks in a way similar to the argument of Paul in Romans to the effect that the promise to Abraham preceded the giving of the law by some four hundred years. The writer is here arguing hypothetically, for the law itself cannot be changed. He has primarily in mind the law affecting the Aaronic priesthood” (Donald Guthrie, Hebrews, TNTC, p.161).

    “It occurs to the writer that some confusion might arise in his readers’ minds over the co-existence of two orders of priesthood. He proceeds, therefore, to show that the priesthood of Jesus was not established on earth. The main point he is making is the impossibility of Jesus fulfilling the conditions either in the matter of genealogy, or in the precise nature of the gifts, which are stipulated in the Mosaic Law. This leads into his thesis that the superior priesthood is that which operates in heaven, not on earth” (Donald Guthrie, Hebrews, TNTC, p.172).


  34. Dear July 7 @ 1:35 AM,

    Is your name Keith? Sounds like it.

  35. My name is not Keith?

    A question for you: has there been a change in the priesthood?
