Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 23, 2021

UCG Summer Camp: Campers and workers come down with COVID


From a UCG member:

This is what Kubik posted on the member site about UCG children being infected with COVID at Pinecrest summer camp. Even after a large number of kids and camp staff were infected at that camps, he saw nothing wrong in driving more kids to another camp. Apparently, he does not believe anyone at the Woodland Camp will catch it or show up having it. The Delta virus is hitting kids this time around.

Bev and I are driving three teenagers to Camp Woodland in Georgia this week. Our teens are so happy to be able to have a camp experience this year after last year’s cancellations. We are aware that a number of staff and campers who returned from Camp Pinecrest tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, anyone who was at Camp Pinecrest, as well as anyone who has come in direct contact with someone who was at Camp Pinecrest, should NOT attend services this coming Sabbath. Please pray for the safety of our children for the remaining camp sessions that are and will be in progress.


  1. Again, covid isn't real but is a means by which the one-world government seeks to control people and make them compliant. You will die from being in a car crash faster than you will from covid. Being forced to take the vaccine is the mark of the beast. Those church members not getting it will soon be persecuted and driven out of the country. France is already prohibiting the nonvaccinated from most public venues.

    1. That is the most inefficient attempt at making people compliant that Ive ever heard of. Put the FB memes down.

  2. That mark of the beast sure changes. I thought the mark of the beast was 666. I guess I have the mark of the beast. I have both shots. One thing never changes. These self proclaimed know-it-alls are nutty as ever. We will soon be in concentration camps in Germany.


    No STDs or unmarried pregnancies were reported at the camp for this year.

    1. Why do you always revert to coarse sexually explicit language ? Don't you know what gets said about that.

    2. Tonto's remarks are dead on. Anyone who has read the old AR's, and other sites run by Ex-ACOG's knows there was a lot of sexual misconduct occuring at the SEP at Orr, Mn. And what explicit language did Tonto use? It sound to me you were only upset about him mentioning the sexual tomfoolery that was going on there

  4. There is no medical proof that viruses are contagious. They are produced IN the body in order to cleanse it. They are a kind of soap. The cleansing usually occurs every spring (in northern climates) when the weather changes, which triggers the body to do a "spring cleaning". The whole narrative is a hoax. The covid danger is totally overblown and misrepresented to make money and grab power. The so-called Covid-19 kills the same number of people as the flu because it actually is a "flu". The PCR test detects corona-viruses NOT covid-19, which is only ONE of many corona-viruses. Everyone has corona viruses of some level in them at all times. Lockdowns kill more people than the virus supposedly does. There is a non-medical agenda behind all of this, as many doctors have said. Bill Gates admitted he wanted to depopulate the planet and could use a "vaccine" to do it. Also, it's not a vaccine but gene "therapy." There is heavy censorship to stop the truth which is portrayed as deadly "misrepresentation." The real terrorists are the media who put unnecessary fear in billions of deluded people.


  5. The god they worship is a little girly man who can't defeat a tiny virus. Or maybe he has been castrated?

  6. James P. (anesthesiologist )Friday, July 23, 2021 at 12:58:00 PM PDT

    Thanks for the truth most of us hospital workers know Dr Kaufman.
    The hoax has gone on long enough.

  7. Dr Kaufman is spot on. A man of science that has not been prostituted to the government as a cheap whore like Fauci is to be admired.

  8. A serious situation which will no doubt be replicated during Tabernacles. Long Covid is a danger to teenagers as much as the elderly.

  9. Is the word "circumcision" also coarse and sexually explicit?

    Maybe their girly-god was just "fully circumcised".

  10. About this "Doctor". One, he is a psychiatrist not a virologist: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-pseudoscience/psychiatrist-who-calmly-denies-reality
