Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Tale of Two Churches - Headline News Preaching


A Tale of Two Churches


Darrell’s Chickens

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way…” –from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

The current situation within the Church of God International evokes some of the characteristics of the classic novel that inspired the title of this piece. Indeed, two pastors of that church have put forth two very different visions of what their message to the world should look like. Pastor Bill Watson’s latest offering in The International News is a textbook example of “Headline Theology,” and Pastor Jeff Reed’s latest blog post condemns that kind of messaging. And while the irreconcilable gulf between the two views is apparent to almost everyone else, the leadership within that organization seems oblivious to the fact.

In The Dangers of Headline Theology, Pastor Reed observed that Headline Theology “can be defined as searching out sensational headlines in the news upon which to base one’s biblical theology. Many supposed modern-day prophets find joy in connecting world events to their prophetic scenarios even though they continually are proven wrong and continue to move the goalposts of their predictions.” He went on to note that “We in the Church of God International may occasionally look at world events and examine them through the lens of God’s law or prophecy. Still, we carefully avoid making dogmatic statements and identify our observations as speculation.” Pastor Reed also pointed out that setting dates or implying that “the end” is just around the corner can lead to all kinds of problems for any church which engages in such behavior. According to him, Christians can succumb to anxiety and paranoia about the future, “that it may cause some to lose their faith” (because their expectations are never satisfied) and that it can divert a Christian’s attention away from the fundamentals of his or her faith.

Ironically, in the current edition of The International News, Pastor Bill Watson’s China: The Emerging Red Dragon stands in stark contrast to his friend’s blog post. In the piece, he relates how China’s activities mesh with those of the Marxist/Globalist leaders whom he claims are currently running things in the United States. Pastor Watson goes on to suggest that the “mark of the beast” may somehow be related to vaccine mandates. In fact, he makes clear that he sees the pandemic as a tool in the hands of China and these Marxist/Globalist leaders to take down the United States. Pastor Watson underscores China’s current bad behavior in seeking to undermine the U.S. (cyber-attacks, stealing technology, the “Wuhan” virus). He continues: “Further, evidence appears to be growing that seems to indicate China—in combination with hundreds of non-profit Foundations and USA corporations, politicians, and a multitude of government operatives—helped hijack and rig the 2020 USA Presidential election, for their own self-serving gains and additional infiltration and control of the United States government. IF—and I emphasize IF—this is true, we may very well be seeing the beginning of the end of the world’s balance of power and the taking down of the last powerful birthright nation of God’s promise to Abraham! If that happens, the world without the United States will be a very different place!”

After going on to underscore that he believes American freedoms are under assault, Mr. Watson asks “So What Can We Do?” His answer: “The United States is under attack from within and without. There are people, private interest groups, non-profit foundations, politicians, entertainers, and athletes that would like nothing else but to see the United States collapse, or be destroyed. This is a time to make a stand, ‘pick a lane,’ and be brave, courageous, and bold in your faith for our families, our country, and of course, the work of our God!” The pastor continued: “Keep in mind, there is nothing sacrilegious about being patriotic. It is okay, as a Christian, to express your disapproval when it becomes apparent our freedoms are being jeopardized and our families endangered. Remember, it is never too late to appeal in prayer to God for mercy upon our land. Even Abraham attempted to beseech God, hoping to rescue Sodom and Gomorrah, as evil and corrupt as they were.”

For Mr. Watson, these circumstances clearly warrant immediate action on the part of the saints. He concludes: “So brethren, in today’s environment, God’s Church needs to step up and be courageous, brave, and bold—a prayerful and an outspoken people! This is not a time to be fearful, timid, or tacit about the things you know are not in the best interests of you, your family, communities, and religious freedoms.” In other words, CGI needs more of Pastor Watson’s messaging, and God and country needs their help!

Is anyone experiencing a little cognitive dissonance and whiplash at present? Pastor Reed warns of the dangers of “Headline Theology,” and Pastor Watson turns around and offers a full serving of it! Yes, CGI is truly simultaneously experiencing a “spring of hope” and a “winter of despair.” Will they continue to be of two minds? Are they metaphorically headed for heaven or the other place?    


  1. Headline Theology! Brilliant! I vote Pastor Reed. Headline Theology! Bob Thiel if ever there was a description that fit.

    Years ago, my neighbor was a Lutheran Pastor and warning of the mistake Churches make reading the Bible as if it was a newspaper. That comment defined WCG of that day. I suspect that was his way of telling me he knew all about WCG and the Armstrongs. In hindsight now it was a lesson, obviously, the Lutheran Church had learned long ago which is why they are still around and WCG prophesied itself into oblivion as will all the splits, splinters and slivers.

  2. A sickening sub headline is the COG splits referring to themselves as "God's Church". They're not. Jesus Christ is not divided. His Church is not divided. It is a good question: where is it?

  3. I join Dennis in voting for Pastor Reed's take on "Headline Theology."

  4. The narrow gate is a healthy respect for bible prophesy. The broad gate by contrast is no prophesy, or HWAs terror religion prophesy. Terror religion sucked the life out of so many church members.

  5. Birthright nation…??? This nation is named after its leader. America comes from the Mayan term Ama-Ruka, the plumed serpent. This nation is cursed and is named for its god satan, the plumed serpent.

    1. Which Mayans used the term "Ama-Ruka"? I only remember Kukulkan and Q'uq'umatz from school.
