Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Dave Pack: Caught Lying Again Has To Move The Goal Posts Further Out


From Dave's mind:

For many reasons, we are still not out of time! The spectacular complexity of the picture has moved many BIG things we are waiting for closer to the start - but also widen the window of our wait. The idea of counting back from the Last Great Day no longer applies as we understand it - something a brief email cannot explain. Suffice to say, we are still right where we need to be. With no reason to believe we must "wait another year"!

Have a profitable Sabbath. May God speed the arrival of His Kingdom as the world only gets worse with each passing day.


  1. The only one in RCG that has a profitable sabbath is Dave Pack. All the money goes into his deep pockets.

  2. Forget about "goal posts", for PACK isn't even in the BALLPARK!

  3. Ho-hum... I think I've heard this story before. Dave! Make up a new story...no one is buying this one anymore...


  4. "For many reasons, we are still not out of time! The spectacular complexity of the picture has moved many BIG things we are waiting for closer to the start - but also widen the window of our wait."

    So, this means the start is still the same start that was established, only the BIG things got moved closer to the start with all the little things that were to take place then?

    So then, how did our wait for the start just get widened? Please tell me more Dave?

    "The idea of counting back from the Last Great Day no longer applies as we understand it - something a brief email cannot explain"

    So then, counting back from the Last Great Day to establish the start is now no longer valid. This now means we have no established start and from my perspective, the START has now been moved ahead closer to the established BIG THINGS.

    If it is okay with you Dave, I may wait a few more days before "I clean out my bank account".

  5. Dave's failed prophetic explanations are like a toy train on a circular track. We are always were we need to be. Everything is right on track. Nothing has changed. He thought he understood. God waited to withhold this information until the time was right. God is testing us to see who is going to leave. It fits perfectly now. All the ministers agreed. Nobody else has ever understood this. You are in the right place. -- I stayed as long as I could. I can quote Popeye here, "That's all I can stands and I can't stands no more."

  6. Where is True Christian's post?
    Why isn't he defending the magnificent one?

  7. So does the "BIG things" refer to the neighbors he's forcing out?
