Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, August 5, 2021

It's All Your Fault! "People that are abused either physically, mentally, or both did things before God healed them that were bad"


I have been sitting on this response from True Christian that came through earlier this morning because I wasn't going to publish it. The more I read it the more insulting it is. This is a comment that was sent to "Dave Pack's Sickening Ability To Destroy Families In His Cult".

This comment reeks of bad theology because the theology they have been spoon-fed by COG leaders,  especially by Dave Pack, has been totally destructive. Jesus really is not that much in the picture other than telling people to "go and sin no more". COG members have no concept of what grace, justification, and sanctification means, and thus they need to rely upon mental midgets like Dave Pack and Bob Thiel to receive visions and dreams from their creature gods. Because of that, we are supposed to excuse their "mistakes" and give them a pass when they lie, tell false prophecies, and/or mentally and spiritually abuse members. No one is allowed to judge these leaders, only the creature god that rules those churches can do that.

I know Mr. Pack isn't perfect but hear me out. For people looking for a better life., Church of god literature will It is the most Biblically based literature. Church of god literature is because it is backed up by the bible. Our restored church of god it is a good church option that promises to help you further your character building with god. You need to remember something, ok people here at banned by Hwa. Christ said there would be tares mixed with the wheat. He said do not pull them up or the wheat would be pulled up too! We must never think the whole congregation is corrupt because of a couple of evil people. Satan has always come after God's people but he can't unless God allows it. But also people that lived terrible lives before they were called God can and does make clean after they are called and they never do really bad sins again. People that are abused either physically, mentally, or both did things before God healed them that were bad. Like Christ did when He was on this earth!! He healed and loved them and Said, "sin no more!!" GOD IS HIS JUDGE. We will know though. Everything that happened. Anyway, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us and there is no one worthy, no, NOT ONE!! because it is ourselves we should be looking at and repent of. No man is perfect not even apostles so we must remember that before pointing out everyone else's mistakes. So please stop talking about Mr. David C. Pack.


  1. Thanks for you contribution David. Pack is a false prophet and minister convicted by scripture and his own false prophecies, just like those of Quack Flurry and Herbert "False Apostle" Armstrong. You can judge them by their fruits & actions. They have been weighed & found wanting.


  2. "I know Mr. Pack isn't perfect but hear me out. For people looking for a better life..... Our restored church of god it is a good church option that promises to help you further your character building with god."

    True Christian, you should be intimately familiar and knowledgeable of what the one greatest doctrine of the RCG is? This is taught by the almost perfect Mr. Pack and I am sure you and the rest of the "wheat" in the RCG wholeheartedly embrace that doctrine. If you could please expound for us how this doctrine not only makes the RCG a "good church option", but please explain how this one greatest doctrine will help all of us to further our "character building with god"?

  3. anon 11:37 AM Jesus Christ says be careful with judging others we all have sin character building is a life long process first examine yourself you guys love showing everyone else's faults especially in God’s church but you do not look at your own faults only Christ is perfect.

  4. anon 12:12 Almost perfect is not fully perfect no man but Jesus was fully sinless since birth but that doesn't mean a sinner can't turn from sin and strive to be perfect as Christ is perfect that should be our goal to copy the perfect life as Christ as much as possible.

  5. TC wrote: "Our restored church of god it is a good church option that promises to help you further your character building with god."

    That is the biggest load of crap I have seen lately. No one and I mean NO ONE needs Dave Pack's cult furthering your character building.

    Suffering spiritual abuse under a degenerate COG leader is not building one's character or righteousness. Sending in thousands of dollars monthly to Dave so he can plant more flowers in his Jesus Walks With Me Garden is not building character or impressing God.

    Righteous character can only be found OUTSIDE of the Restored Church of God cult!

  6. I mean this in the most disrespectful way possible.

    David C. Pack is:

    A False Prophet
    A Narcissist
    Filled with Anger and Rage
    A Dictator
    On and on...

    He will literally speak about himself in the third person and talk about how he never wanted the role of the Apostle. STEP DOWN! It's that easy. Of course, he wants the power! Of course, he wants to be the center of attention.

    Contrary to his autobiography what people who don't use critical thinking cant gather is that he was the issue! Just like other dictators he uses a couple of true stories intertwined with grandiose self-serving stories of how he suffered trying to preserve the truth and went on to gain the following that he has having promised them that RCG would also Maintain the grand pattern of HWA and preserve the truth!

    He stabbed them all in the back! He took their money to funnel it into a campus that no king/leader besides the local leaders has stepped on.

    He told us that he would open up the campus to those in the public and the leadership so that RCG can shine as a light on the hill and instead he locked it up and alienated the community.

    Meanwhile, the vast majority around the world living in REAL WORLD consequences have been pressed to give more and more and to fund-raise among themselves. When you are giving several tithes, offerings, and donations and that's not even enough. The membership has been groomed to believe that they have all things in Common! BULLSHIT!

    How do you all feel knowing that while you are pinching your pennies for the "Two-fold Commission of RCG"

    That David Pack is having his breakfast/lunch/dinner all ORGANIC, prepared for him. That others do his groceries for him. That others pick up and drop of his suits to be maintained. That his car is never going to break down on him because it will....be taken care of! The apostle needs to have a car!

    How do you feel knowing that as you are being told in your local congregation that you can skip that Dunkin this week or that Starbucks this week! That the staff pays a coffee fund every month! That Dave Pack gets his coffee delivered to him!

    Nobody benefits from this campus! The balance of giving to take is skewed in the favor of ABUSE! Can you imagine feeling torn and tired and wanting to drive up to the campus after hours and maybe sit in solace by one of the majestic ponds and find out that you cant!

    I remember the day RCG laid me off I went back after hours to help set up the halls for the sabbath and on that very day, Ginger Schleifer questioned why I was on the campus! I chuckled but deep inside I was very hurt! I responded I'm here to set up the hall! You see how quick they flip?

    David Pack often referred RCG to as several trains moving on a track and each carriage was a component of the work! He would hammer this analogy into our minds that the train was adding carts fast and the train was moving faster.

    Took me some time to realize RCG WAS RIGHT ON TRACK! but not the right track! it's been on track to becoming one of the most spiritually destitute COG's to ever plague this earth!

    Both spreading the gospel and feeding the flock have been a tremendous disaster! The flock has been fed a disproportionate diet of FALSE PROPHECY! This all coming from a man who often told the Church that its spiritual diet needed to be balanced!

    Nobody knows who David C pack is! Even the locals! They say that RCG is this strange church that is gated and that a church should be a place for anyone! They feel that it is mystic, I say like Babalon the mystery!

    David C Pack and those who continue to support him are cunning and calculating! They will be the ones to say look over there Christ is in the cave! And take the sheep to the slaughter!

    This is what happened where a man is given so much power and there are no checks and balances!

  7. About the other post me requesting proof you are free to make any decision you desire. Remember. God requires everyone to prove all things so they can hold fast to that which is good. If you have not done this you are personally rejecting God's command. Breaking God’s commandments is sinning by the way.

  8. I know who the one who claims to be "true christian" is. You can tell by his mental instability. He's trying to discredit and confuse this site, and is attempting to do it incognito.

    Mental illness should be professionally treated.

  9. "Christ said there would be tares mixed with the wheat. He said do not pull them up or the wheat would be pulled up too! We must never think the whole congregation is corrupt because of a couple of evil people. Satan has always come after God's people but he can't unless God allows it.

    Don't forget to include Dave and the ministry in the possible tares. It's not just a Congregation/Sheep problem.

  10. Hi, I cannot remember the scriptures but the Bible says if a man says something will happen while claiming to be of God and it does not come to pass "EXACTLY" when & where he foretold it would then he is a false prophet and should never be listened to again.

    I know I'm butchering the quote but this is coming from the mind of someone who has been so frightened since 5 or 6 from hearing the story of my namesake and being taught to fear strangers since I can remember lest I be kidnapped and then being told that when I was told that I had to fear someone I couldn't see or hear except through the mouths of the minister's i was not supposed to be afraid like I was told but obey & respect their God who is not of the Bible from the fruits of the groups I attended (wwcg, gcg & lcg). .
    I admit I've never listened to rcg as it's fruits where as bitter as what I typed above.

    Thank you for y'alls time and comfort as I try & do as much recovering as I can from the spiritual and emotional abuse I suffered from as a child

    Stephen "skywarptfb

  11. TC wrote " that doesn't mean a sinner can't turn from sin and strive to be perfect as Christ is perfect that should be our goal to copy the perfect life as Christ as much as possible.

    This is a perfect example of how ignorant COG members are concerning the word of justification and sanctification. All they have heard is the law and nothing about what was accomplished by Christ. Pack's "christ" does not even exist and is incapable of doing anything to any ones. The same goes for the impotent god he has created.

  12. The one good thing about Total Crap's comments is this: It must INFURIATE Dave Deceiver!! TC lumps him in with Thiel and Flurry, which is not something Dave enjoys at all. Plus TC tries to make himself sound ignorant with his poor sentence structure...or maybe he is typing under the influence... All I know is Dave must be royally pissed off!


  13. True [Tragedy] at 1:13 PM said...“Jesus Christ says be careful with judging others we all have sin character building is a life long process....”

    Getting strung along by klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies and his endless wrong prophetic date guesses could become a lifelong process if you do not smarten up at some point.

  14. Wow you guys are so mean to God's true church.

  15. There is NOTHING true or godly about the Restored Church of God. Scripture condemns Pack as a liar and a false prophet. The RCG is not even Christian.

  16. Let me help you know what Christian is : A person is a Christian only if God’s Holy Spirit is dwelling in him or her. A true Christian is one who has repented of past sins, was baptized and in whom the Holy Spirit now dwells. A Christian, then, is one who has the Holy Spirit leading him. All those who are truly converted have the Holy Spirit in them. The people who have the Spirit of God is a Christian.

  17. Let me help you know that the Restored Church of God is not Christian. It does not have a Christian leading it and the Holy Spirit certainly is NOT part of the Restored Church of God cult. Pack is a certified liar and a false prophet. He preaches heresy, denies Christ, and blasphemes the New Covenant. Anyone who has the Holy Spirit would NEVER be part of Pack's cult!

  18. Hey @True Christian

    By your very definition of what a true Christian is, all the other COGs are true christians too and therefore thr true church!

  19. Even Mr. Pack knows those who are called out ones and has the holy spirit is part of the body of the church even if they are out of rcg but if when shows him where he is doing his work they do not go because they are too comfortable in their splinter they will lose the holy spirit.

  20. Do you think God would lead one unified organization or a bunch of competing organizations?

  21. anyone with even the slightest hint of the HS dwelling within them knows automatically that Pack is a liar would NEVER join such a perverse cult that has destroyed so many lives.

  22. True Christian, I want you to focus on a few things and then reply to me why you don't seem to take these seriously. And if you don't reply to me I'll know you haven't bought what RCG is selling at 10±% of your income.
    1. Why does Dave Pack constantly tell false prophecies in violation to Due. 18:22 and you think he's a man of God in charge of God's true church.
    2. Pack told his church that even when he's wrong God will back him up as if God doesn't have the balls to correct Pack, at least in Dave's mind. Why would he be so arrogant to say that?
    3. Why would he tell members to take loans out and give them to him and not bother repaying them because Jesus will be here soon. For a guy that's so hell bent on keeping laws he seems to forget the thy shall not steal commandment.
    Earlier you said people here are so mean to God's true church yet Dave has, what, 50 years or so of being a complete ass to WCG members and the splinter church's members he's been involved. Have you taken time to look into the stories of how he has been nothing short of a hypocritical bully? Doesn't the Bible say to test everything?
    If there's other questions I'm not thinking of that commenters have for true Christian please ask her. Of course she will give sound answers since she goes to God's true church 🙄

  23. Dear banned by hwa, I understand the mean comments here because you guys are not called by God we are living in Satan's world—where everybody is selfish, and we are just out to get more for ourselves. We only love and care about ourselves, and we are looking to take away from everybody else. We are not concerned for the good and welfare of others, and we don't care about them. We have the “I love me, but I don't love you” attitude and mindset. Almost everybody in the whole world is living Satan’s GET way of life, instead of God's GIVE and that is why the world is the way it is the only way to fix this troubled world is for the kingdom of God to come is our only solution but you guys here on this blog are fighting the way to world peace and for the old worldwide Church of God members on this blog I'm very disappointed in you because you tasted the truth but rejected I dust my feet before all of you.

    1. Its too bad this blog doesnt have a laugh react feature.


  24. True [Tragedy] at 5:25 PM said...“Wow you guys are so mean to God's true church.”

    The PLAIN TRUTH is that Dave Pack is Satan's false prophet, and the Restored Cash Grab (RCG) is a satanic imposter cult.

    The PLAIN TRUTH is that Satan's false prophet and his satanic imposter cult have been BEYOND MEAN to former Worldwide Church of God people and all others who have listened to them.

    If you really want the PLAIN TRUTH, without all the lies and thefts, you will have to escape from Dave Pack and the RCG at some point.

  25. Stevereno
    1 Whether Mr. Pack is a true or false prophet one thing I know for sure is he has a hot group mostly truth.
    2. I never heard Mr. Pack say that so I don't know.
    3. You must obey Mr. Pack unless it contradicts God's law.

  26. Don't critisise Pack. God is his judge. Same goes for Charles Manson and Stalin.

  27. Anon 7:06 PM where has Mr. David C. Pack been beyond mean to former worldwide church of god people show me proof.

  28. Jesus and Osiris were both baptized by a man named John. Coincidence? There is probably a hundred such coincidences in the New Testament. The basic problem with pack is the bible itself.

  29. Just pray that Pack will take the "vaccine" and get depopulated.

  30. Don't tear out the tare Fauci. Just let science die along with his victims. Make sense? No the whole idea of tolerating tares is suicidal. Destroy Pack. That is justice.

  31. Lots of people on this blog were probably tares among the wheat in worldwide church of God look at what happened in the 1979 lawsuit against the church. Did not those dissidents or tares "team-up" so-to-speak against Mr. Armstrong and other recognized heads of the church? Of course, when people like me bring up the plain truth it is going to ravel up the demons but God will deliver me.

  32. Please pray Mr. Pack is safe from Covid 19.

  33. Although they can be funny on occasion, maybe its better not to feed the troll.

  34. I am not a troll I am an RCG member.


  35. True [Troll] at 8:44 PM said...“I am not a troll I am an RCG member.”

    Can you show any “PROOF” that you are not a troll?

    Can you show any “PROOF” that you are a member of the RCG?

    If you are a member of the RCG, you could end up destitute and living under a bridge like a troll.

  36. True Christian

    I do not know about your leaders form of Armstrongism first hand but I do know first hand that worldwide was a high maintenance fear & trance induction cult that used fear, bullying and a 2 tier teaching system... i.e. if you joined as an adult u heard one thing & as a child who's reasoning skills & emotions where molded by the scientific thought reform methods used by wwcg to shape children's minds to whatever the leadership wanted.

    And if as you say I'm wrong please prove me wrong using either Bible based or worldly based proof.

    One thing all acog's get wrong from my point of view is having children and adults mixed as if they all "must" agree with what they are told or be burned to ashes when the child mind is unable to mentally walk through the paradoxes that are adult concepts due to not having the means to work out what to do with the implanted data.
    Later and good luck>

  37. TC - Bob Thiel claims that he has the true church.
    Why don’t you fight it out with him?
    We should have a WCG idol competition where all the true church leaders can fight it out with Gary and Dennis as the judges.

  38. In my long experience with COG folks, i have found that people who are the most "BOT" and cultish in the WCG are often the ones who flip the hardest and become either atheist or very bizarre religiously, once they become disillusioned, which is inevitable with any of the cults.

    I have always maintained a healthy and heavy skepticism about human organizations, and ESPECIALLY for anyone who claims some kind of "Biblical Title", like Apostle, Prophet, Two Witness et al.

    It is one thing to believe in a type of 1st century christianity, and yet another to be adding the extra biblical nonsense that guys like Pack, Thiel, Flurry , Weinland and a whole host of other dingy characters try to add to it.

    I have found my experience with the COG 7th Day, (often referred to as Sardis by WCG groups), to be a very balanced and enlightened experience sans all the cultish crap that originated with the Armstrongs.

  39. @True Christian is not an RCG member. For if he was a member he would know that:

    1 - RCG prohibits members from engaging with blogs such as these because it is considered debating which is a work of the flesh. David Pack has also said that members who read this blog have given up their minds to Satan. Go back and listen to the entire sermon series, it's there more than 20 times referenced. PROOF!

    2 - David Bull Crap and his yes men teach all members that you are never to force RCG teachings on anyone. That even David Crackhead himself does not answer his accusers. (Not that we are false accusers, each of our stories is plenty proof, and the countless stories on this blog make up for more than enough witnesses by God's instruction in the bible when bringing accusations against someone). David will choose which accusers he answers based on how easily he can make himself the victim and warp scriptures to be on his side. But you will never know that because we are considered tare, such a nice way to discredit the actual TRUTH.

    3 - He is probably stirring the pot and we are all feeding into it. In the same way, @TrueChristian demands proof of all the things we have "accused" Pack of! We demand proof that David is a true apostle, I'll wait! Because considering his current track record with setting return dates for Christ, it's safe to say the proof is in the pudding! But I'd like your proof or 50 reasons anyways!

    4 - @TrueChristian is not aware that recently David Pack addressed RCG and informed RCG that they were sending out materials (books/Articles/videos) to prospects and members that were outdated, and filled with errors. He said, not we! That the task of updating the entire collection of church materials with the NEW UNDERSTANDING would take too long and he doesn't believe it would be worth it considering time is short! But that It's okay to send out "false", "Error-ridden", and "Outdated" material to members because they were originally taught thru HWA and it turned out to be wrong in a lot of things but over time the truth was revealed.

    WHAT!?!?!?! God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33 And don't give me that crap that RCG sees thru a glass darkly. The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Ill tell you what is wrong, DAVID C. PACK'S INTERPRETATION. He is not mentioned in the bible. He isn't mentioned in prophecy. He is a lunatic with a God complex. He drank the cool-aid and was just another wolf who stepped in as Amstrong died to live off the income of the members. Giving himself the title of Apostle would all ensure that he would live his lifestyle until he dies. He doesn't care about you or any of his members. As one leaves another one will come and supply his needs. Get with the program.

    5 - The staff turnover at RCG HQ is unlike anything the world has seen. The list of over 150 staff members that circulates on this blog is more than 150 stories of inside accounts that can validate precisely with each other stories unlike you never heard. But when you are so far away from HQ and your diet is controlled and all the not-so-nice news is hidden from you, it's easy for you to staunchly defend a man who has underpaid and overworked his staff. Some of his staff were making 3x less than what they were making in the "world". Such people could not at times provide for their own.

    Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.1 Timothy 5:8

  40. Isn't it nice knowing that HQ put many of us in that category! HQ GODS, HQ ON EARTH!

    People need to take off their rose-colored glasses. When the veil of ignorance falls away you can stand on that beautiful majestic campus, which it is! And See that the people administering out of is are like this very scripture:

    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Matthew 23:27

  41. 5. How do we do this? The Bible says “Repent, and believe the gospel.”

    Answer: Yes, we need to repent and believe the gospel, but that is easier said than done. First of all—we need to know exactly WHAT we need to REPENT FROM, and second, we need to

    know WHICH “gospel” we need to believe. The world has it all wrong. They believe in repenting FROM doing what is right, and they (including you) believe in one or more of several different wrong “gospels.” There are all kinds of wrong “gospels” out there, that the world believes in today, because the Devil and Satan has deceived the whole world. Revelation 12:9.

  42. I will preface this by saying that I was raised in WWCG and still have issues from what I went thru. The thing I have noticed is that is looking at Christ's example and what was taught in Worldwide and most of their split off groups were very different. HWA strictly taught against military service yet Christ did not condemn the faithful centurion for being a man of military service but commended him for his faith & healed his servant. Likewise, the thief on the cross was not condemned by Christ during his crucifixion, and it seemed that Christ was de-emphasized by HWA and a false gospel of the "Government of God" was substituted in it's place. Then "church government" became all important and it all drifted toward an idolatry of HWA. It also hit me how few children who grew up in Worldwide remained. I remember Ron Dart said there was a study that revealed less than 10% of children raised in the church continued to attend after becoming adults, & said this was a glaring indicator that something was wrong. I think much of it had to do with 2 hour+ services with nothing being groomed towards children or teens in those days. If a message cannot be delivered in about 45 minutes, studies have shown, most people's retention rate starts to fall off dramatically.

  43. True Christian the gospel that your god David Pack preaches sounds like it got ripped straight out of the pages of harry potter.

    Have you listened to all 300 plus sermons of his "Greatest Prophecy Untold"?

    You won't know up from down, left from right, in from out. You will as we all have come to the conclusion, wish it stayed untold.

    RCG teaches a far very different Gospel than it preached even 6 years ago. Do the research on your own organization. Request the versions of the church materials that were retired. Ask for material that was the bedrock of RCG that is no longer being offered. Request even the 2010 version of Anoint your eyes, you will compare it to the one now and see how cunning this church is.

    You are defending a church that has hidden what it use to preach as the grand pattern gospel of HWA and replaced it completely with a looney, empty promises-filled story that always seems to center around David c pack.

    He is literally feeding you his fantasy, what he role-plays in his head, and how he seems himself. He lost his mind! I doubt that you ever had yours, you sound a bit mentally unstable and easily fooled.

    Claim back your critical thinking and follow God, not man.

  44. Answering Banned By HWA:
    Even though he claimed he knows the day christ would come he set several dates and it all failed even christ does not know the day and the hour how could a man know only god the father knows the day and hour of christ's coming, not even the angels or christ know when, as our young ambassador magazine, it has many positive points that i find very useful because like how it teaches how to make friends around the world and be close to true believers and it has a great knowledge that if everyone followed it, the world would be a better place.

  45. anyone with kindness and love wouldn't talk like most of you on this site, with all your criticism and insults. You know how people know we are God's disciples by our love for one another. "By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    John 13:35 HCSB
    But this could also mean that if you don't have love then you are not God's disciple and those who do not love do not know God because God is love.
    If someone represents a God of love they would be loving if not then they would be a terrible representative. So since all you guys do is put people down and talk meanly almost none of you are actually God's disciples or servants.

  46. James tell us that TRUE religion that God find acceptable is _________________and ______________________. Look it up and tell us what the Churches of God are doing to show themselves as a TRUE religion.

  47. "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
    James 1:27 KJV
    Since I haven't had the best experiences in the church either I am not going to say the fulfill this verse but I will say I have met some nice people in them the ones that don't obey the Bible more than just a few should be disfellowshiped from services.

  48. Herbert W. Armstrong and David C. Pack have the RIGHT TO CALL THEMSELVES the Pastor Generals of GOD'S END-TIME CHURCH because BOTH MEN are TYPES of CHRIST.


  49. True [Basket Case] at 12:34 PM said...“anyone with kindness and love wouldn't talk like most of you on this site, with all your criticism and insults. You know how people know we are God's disciples by our love for one another. 'By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.' John 13:35 HCSB”

    I do care about people in and out of the so-called Churches of God. That is why I try to warn them about the crazy and vicious false prophets like David C. Pack that Jesus himself said to beware of.

    Dave Pack is more cunning and deceitful than most could imagine. He used Herbert W. Armstrong's name to attract former Worldwide Church of God people and then destroy them financially, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Dave Pack originally claimed to be restoring everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught at the time of his death in 1986, and soon wanted people to give him all their money and possessions to help with the effort. Early on, Dave Pack appeared to be working hard to rewrite all the old Worldwide Church of God literature in his own words. Interestingly, in hindsight, Dave Pack once assured everyone that the Devil would not have him go to that much trouble just to have him go bad in the end. Nevertheless, after getting all their money and possessions, Dave Pack made unbelievably massive changes to the major things that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught. Dave Pack went from yelling and spitting about “precision of doctrine” to vomiting uncontrollably on his hearers week after week, month after month, and year after year. The victims of this truly shocking Bait & Switch scam that Dave Pack played on them feel trapped now that everything they had is in the Restored Cult.

    Dave Pack's crazy new teachings make the Restored Cult people look like the biggest suckers around, and complete idiots who do not know anything at all. Restored Cult people are totally unstable doctrinally, and can easily be led into anything Dave Pack wants now that they have handed over everything they had to the Restored Cult. It is psychologically difficult for Dave Pack's victims to admit that they were some of the unluckiest suckers around and that they got scammed by one of the very worst false prophets around. That certainly is not what they expected when they first went into the Restored Cult.

    Dave Pack is one of Satan's more vicious and cruel false prophets. He is aiming for the utter destruction of people who thought that they were the more intelligent and sincere followers of Herbert W. Armstrong, and who thought that they were somehow smarter and better than the people who went with other splinter groups. Now, it turns out that instead of the Restored Cult being the very best splinter group around, it is actually one of the very worst splinter groups around. Talk about really, really, really lousy luck.

    Trying to get people to go to the Restored Cult at this point in time is not showing them any love at all. It is helping Satan and Dave Pack to destroy them forever.


  50. True Christian at 12:34 PM said...“anyone with kindness and love wouldn't talk like most of you on this site, with all your criticism and insults. You know how people know we are God's disciples by our love for one another. 'By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.' John 13:35 HCSB”

    If you ever end up out of the RCG for any reason, you will find out how little love DCP and the RCG members have for you. You will get all their usual criticism and insults and shunning.

    You appear to be all mixed up and confused, but if you are sincere about wanting to be a true Christian, I hope that you escape from DCP and his RCG and find something much better.

  51. I have no idea what true love that y’all speak of almost totally from the time my Dad was killed flying a plane when I was 3 and only have a few memories of him and everyone from my mom, stepdad, brothers & sisters (both by blood & spirit) church and almost everyone in my life has shown condition love… I.e. do what I say never question or think or we Will withdraw what we tell you is love and what we says the Bible says is love is& and now I have no central vision so I cannot even read Gods word for myself I have to hope the person or screen reader does not leave out something I need to know when I finally escape my current living situation and can start exploreing what I believe .

    OK I’ll stop bugging y’all
    You want me add lee between Stephen & Schley or add @gmail.com to the other name I used in my last post.(the add lee is on Facebook)

  52. The true church is unified at rcg except a few scattered lukewarm sheep.

  53. Love is outgoing concern for others and selfless out give rather than get along with the qualities mentioned in the corinthians.

  54. Are you people here on this blog so unfamiliar with how comments work that you cannot spot this obvious TROLL here on Banned..?? No doubt he is sitting in mommy’s basement laughing his ass off at all of you who take his bait...crystal clear to me that he is just here to troll and laugh.

  55. Just would like to add my own perspective...

    True Christian said...
    Like Christ did when He was on this earth!! He healed and loved them and Said, "sin no more!!"

    Actually Christ gave that instruction twice only and specifically for those 2 people He encountered: 1) A man who was lame and 2) An adulteress. We know the latter was guilty of the sin of adultery. Yet, Christ forgave her and thus instructed her to "go, and sin no more" (Jn 8:11). Likewise by inference the man whom Christ healed may have been guilty of a sin that led to his injury and inability to walk, which is why again Christ instructed him to "sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee" (Jn 5:14). It also must be noted that when Christ healed the majority of people He didn't add T&Cs for them to be healed. They simply touched Him and were healed (see e.g. Lk 6:19).

    True Christian said...
    Jesus Christ says be careful with judging others...
    August 5, 2021 at 1:13 PM

    I assume you're referring to verses like Mt 7:1-5; Lk 6:37; Jn 7:24. But, note in those verses that Christ wasn't condemning judging per se, but advocating "righteous judgement" i.e. The one who judges another's sinful words or actions must be guiltless of those same sinful words and actions him/herself. These verses are misused by the enemies of the Christian gospel in our world today to censor Christians from putting a spotlight on sin and those who engage in sinful behaviors. In any event, as the Good Book says, "Let God be true, but every man a liar" (Rm 3:4) so even if another person judges another for the same sin they're guilty of it doesn't negate the righteousness of God's moral law since ultimately God will judge both for no one can escape God's righteous judgment.

    True Christian said...
    Herbert W. Armstrong and David C. Pack have the RIGHT TO CALL THEMSELVES the Pastor Generals of GOD'S END-TIME CHURCH because BOTH MEN are TYPES of CHRIST.
    August 6, 2021 at 3:10 PM

    By that logic the Catholic Pope of Rome as "a type of Christ" has the right to be called "Holy Father" and other blasphemous titles that are reserved for God and/or Christ alone. For instance, "Pastor General" is a title translated in 1 Peter 5:4 as "Chief Shepherd," which is reserved for Christ not any other man. So HWA and those who follow him by claiming for themselves this title are in grievous sin and must repent.

    Further, DCP, GF, BT, etc. like their idol HWA, and all false prophets like them will eventually see all they've built up gone with the wind as Ezekiel a true prophet of God declared: "And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. And they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him (14:9-10).

  56. People should support the citizens' commission on human rights and other organizations that fight for the good, rather than wasting their time in discussions about abortion and other things - there are more serious problems in this world. Then worrying about Jesus and the fairytales mentioned in the Bible.

    1. 9.03 PM
      Human rights organizations worldwide have been hijacked by the bad guys. Being Pharisaic, they pay lip service to rights, while turning a blind eye to the worst offenders.

  57. TC is a troll. If he was a true RCG member, he would never think to actually comment with a verse in the HCSB translation. RCG members only use KJV- being that it’s the only “authorized” translation.

    1. 8.09 AM
      The HCSB is a highly challenged translation. For example, it leaves out much of the Lord's prayer. No larger splinter would use it.
      TC is troll guy. I believe he's most likely a former minister.

  58. Anon 8:09 am Even Mr. Armstrong knew the KJV has some errors in it.

    1. 10.30 AM
      True, All of his ministers believed the KJV had flaws, which is why they sometimes refered to other translations in their articles. But the HWA teaching was that the KJV was one of the least flawed translations.

  59. Listen everyone here at banned by hwa you can me a troll if you want but I actually am a Cog member and one of Satan's jobs is to distract us and keep of busy with things we cannot change.
    God called us out of the world because Satan is actively deceiving the whole world.
    Think about how much you can learn from the Bible by studying every day and then you must obey and apply that precious knowledge.

    1. 11.08 AM
      Yep, a minister/former minister. Once a minister, always a minister.
      So we have two roosters in this hen house. Dennis Diehl and True Christian. At least TC isn't into crown stealing.

    2. TC
      How about "obey and apply that precious knowledge" yourself by not coming here and lying through your teeth about being a RCG member?

  60. But I’ve learned a few things from the reply’s to the troll

  61. Aug 6 6:35

    The true pharisees are on this blog.
    Some and I've seen many, have the audacity to tell the cult members "what to do", since that's what the church did in the 1950's.

    By that standard, Gerald Flurry is "the worst troll to have never commented here". Lol :-)


  62. Nck you need to anoint your eyes that you may see.


  63. 9:03 PM,

    Human Rights and Anti-Bullying Campaigns

    The so-called “human rights” stuff these days is really all about so-called “LGBTQ rights.”

    The so-called “anti-bullying” campaigns these days are really all about teaching that nobody is supposed to say anything against the LGBTQ agenda.

    So, biological men can now go into all the formerly private spaces of biological females and have the women charged with “bullying” if the women try to stop the men. Everyone has to be careful to get all the 57+ different pronouns of the LGBTQ types correct or else they might have committed a horrible hate crime.

    Normal, decent people can now be harassed and bullied more than ever before by the LGBTQ types.

    This suggests that Herbert W. Armstrong was right about the US and Britain becoming so sinful that God would take away their blessings and punish them for their utter depravity.

  64. anon 10:48 am I did not see or hear about Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong foretelling these specific LGBTQ and transgender stuff.

  65. That is because Armstrong didn't say anything about things like this, especially because he had a gay interior decorator that worked for the church for decades who designed and decorated office spaces and ministers home at all three campuses. He also contributed to the design of the auditorium.

    What Armstrong did predict was the moral cesspool in the leadership of the church, and that includes Pack, Flurry, Thiel, Meredith, and almost all the other COG leaders.

    1. And not forgetting HWAs bisexual son. Ted must have been VD ridden, which would explain his shortened lifespan.

  66. Anon 131 said HWA predicted the moral cesspool in the leadership of the church. Easy prediction to make if he set the example for the moral cesspool in the first place. As for condemning the immorality outside the church: Didn't Paul urge the church to discipline an immoral brother in I Cor 5:12, then said, "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church?" Paul didn't expect non Christians to acts like Christians, but he did expect Christians to act like Christians. If the church spent as much time cleaning up the mess inside the church as they did condemning non Christians for their behavior, the church would have been better off.

  67. 7:00 pm. Yes! Beddy Teddy was seen in the West Hollywood area years ago picking up a gay prostitute in addition to the women and men he banged on campus and in the jet.

  68. Anon 10:21 PM you called him " beddy teddy" please show Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong some respect he is the son of our beloved apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.

  69. Beddy Teddy learned his sexual perversions from his Daddy. It is even documented on Youtube about one of Beddy Teddy's escapades. He was a walking STD factory.

  70. Anon 12:35 PM yes and Mr. Armstrong disfellowshipped his son from the church over his moral failings.

  71. The Restored Church of God is NOT a SPLINTER GROUP like PCG, LCG, ETC. , because the Restored Church of God is basically the Worldwide Church of God BROUGHT BACK SPIRITUALLY


  72. True [Mess] at 5:40 PM said...“The Restored Church of God is NOT a SPLINTER GROUP like PCG, LCG, ETC. , because the Restored Church of God is basically the Worldwide Church of God BROUGHT BACK SPIRITUALLY”

    That is just what klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies tells the victims of his Bait & Switch scam about his Restored Cash Grab (RCG) cult. Not true at all.

  73. True Christian said he/she would wipe their feet of us, so why he/she still commenting? Obviously, the feet didn't get wiped after all, did they?

  74. Anon 5:24 PM I am trying to help you be on the right path but because you don't have a calling like most of the world you cannot see the big picture.

  75. Fake Christian has no idea what the bigger picture is other than the mickey mouse fake kingdom that Pack preaches. Pack's kingdom is a demonic kingdom that will never exist. Even his god and this creature he calls christ do not exist. A domain of demons would be more appropriate as to what Pack is promoting. If there ever was a case for demon possession of a church leader, Pack is the ideal person.

  76. Anon 11:26 PM First of all, thank you for acknowledging that Mr. Pack speaks about Christ who will be King of kings and Lord of lords in the kingdom of God. I can't stand how many claim that the Cogs don't teach and preach about Christ just because he doesn't fit their lawless version of Christ. People like Mr. Pack, but not limited to him, have written books about the true Jesus like Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong, for example.

  77. Also about me using the HCSB translation, I just used it to prove a point and I think it is legalistic and controlling to condemn someone because they didn't use someone else specific translation, their "KJV".

  78. LOL missed a bit cuz a centrally light seeing man tried to replace his ram...
    Something I DO NOT recommend since I had to draft my mom to fix my mistakes LOL.

    Thanks for the paul reference maybe it'll help my mom with my gay great niece, her great granddaughter.

    OK I'm sleepy so having lernt something today I'm off... (tells android phone "lumos" and it's flashlight comes on...

    Oh crap doesnot know the spell from harry potter to turn their wands light off???
    (I just turn it off myself by saying OK google turn off flashlight, but if anyone knows the anti-lumos spell I'd like to see if my phone takes it lol)

  79. Stephen Schley, what does that have to do with anything?
