Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Crackpot COG Prophet Delivers The Most Awful "Behind the Work" Film Ever Created In The History Of The Church

Touting the most documented history of the church ever written in human history with a new book in a "high-quality" video production.
The Great Bwana has developed a nervous tick that whenever he lies, he rubs his nose, in between the bouncing in this chair and the flailing of his arms and hands.

Anyone who was in the Worldwide Church of God during the glory days, or even in some of the larger splinter groups will remember how slick and professional the Behind the Work films were. While the sheep looked at these as proof of a mighty work, they were actually mass propaganda of an already dysfunctional church covering up its sins.

Even today, in 2021, LCG, RCG, and PCG have slick production made annually to keep their members enthused and ready to open their wallets.

And, this brings us to the most amazing Church of God to exist in human history, a work so amazing that God has supposedly doubly blessed its prophet with the greatest mind the church has ever seen. There is no more glorious work on the face of the earth today and thanks to that, no one would have ever know the correct time to flee to Petra or some other god-forsaken place in the Jordanian desert for 3 1/2 years of mind-numbing torture by having to listen to him preach.

Thanks to his awesomeness, he has produced a video about his amazing work which is actually a back-slapping narcissistic snow job of lies and half-truths all about himself.

If you dare, you can watch this shitshow here:


  1. He rubs his nose to stop it getting longer as he speaks.

    1. Nah, he rubs his nose because he thinks he's going to cause something to happen like Samantha on Bewitched did when she wiggled her nose.

  2. How embarrassing! This s perfect proof of the sad state that the COG movement is in today.

    I watched a few minutes, jumping around the video. I have never seen a speaker bounce in his chair as much as Thiel does. The constant arm flapping and limp wrist gestures totally distract from his delivery, which in itself is pathetically poor.

    Did he ever graduate from Spokesman Club? I can see why Rod Meredith never let him preach that much.

  3. Is he comparing himself to Herbert Armstrong?

  4. Anonymous said...
    Is he comparing himself to Herbert Armstrong?

    I believe he prefers to compare himself to the Prophet Amos who, as An untrained sheepherder and self appointed prophet, simply went with the voices in his head.

  5. With his shit show, he's more like the prophet Anus.

  6. Ugh, what a mess of a presentation. Maybe I really should hit him up for a contract job to fix that mess-on-wheels he calls a video.

  7. Can Bob ever sit still in his chair? It is so distracting.

  8. Did any of you see the Behind The Work film from last year, 2020? Here's the link, it's on thier African channel: https://youtu.be/_1njqbAPmxI

  9. Those curtains are an affront to good taste.

  10. A quick scan of this video doesn't seem to show any photos or videos taking me "behind the work." It's all Dr. Thiel in his (home?) studio.

    No tours of his headquarters. No highlights of his travels to preach the gospel around the world. I didn't even spot any other ministers or preachers. It's totally HWA and him.

  11. Thing is, I rewatched one of the old mideighties "Behind the Work" films recently and I was appalled at how slow paced it was. But I guess the idea was to fill up a two hour run time to substitute for a sermon at the FOT, so they had to drag it out.

  12. I watched about 30 minutes of this and I have to admit it was pretty pathetic. I have to agree with the others here about how distracting it is to see him bounce around so much and flail his arms and hands. Thiel should put his books on a stand beside him instead of holding them in frot of his face. He looks so stupid when he does this.

    1. Hell, it would take all of three minutes to simply shoot the books on a stand or end table and then cut to them when he mentions them, complete with onscreen ordering info and so on. Thats simple work. But no, we get what HWA would have called "unnatural gestures" and bouncing.

  13. Yeah RSK,

    Now try and watch the intro of "The Streets of San Francisco".

    I fell asleep halfway the bridge in the intro.
    Thousands more of impulses per second these days.

    I do work that in the past required at least 5 office assistants supporting me. Stupid computers.


  14. When I started watching, the sound was out of synch - making the gestures, pictures and holding booklets totally inappropriate! It was far worse than watching dubbed movies!

  15. "unnatural gestures" oh man..... That is about the worst insult civilized man can deal to another.....


  16. I hope Bob Theil doesn't do what my French teacher did! He would be reading to us from our textbooks, and knowing all of us had our eyes on our books, would pick his nose and eat it.

    We should probably monitor Theil's rubbing of the nose closely for a while. If coke flakes fall out while he is rubbing, it will speak volumes about the man.

  17. Bob ought to call his ACOG the Bounce and Flounce Church of God!

  18. Bob ought to call his ACOG the Bounce and Flounce Church of God!

    La Church aux Folles
