Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, September 3, 2021

LCG Preparing For A Feast Like No Other. Will They Take The Interests Of Others To Heart For Once?

Greetings from Charlotte, 
Numerous countries around the world are locking down as a result of the rapid spread of the Delta and other COVID variants, making Festival planning very difficult as governments and venues impose restrictions. Mr. Rob Tyler wrote, “Much of the region is now quite affected by lockdowns and restrictions. It’s a real mess in many countries.” Mr. Paul Shumway wrote regarding Trinidad, “We were praying and expecting the government in Trinidad to lift restrictions before the Feast to allow live Church meetings for our 160 members. Unfortunately, this has not happened. Most of the members stayed in ‘temporary’ housing last year and are planning to do the same this year. Surprisingly, I heard more comments from Trinidad last year that it was ‘the best Feast ever’ than I’ve heard in a long while!” He went on to report that in Barbados there is a 25-person limit for churches and a 90-minute limit to services. “One of the biggest challenges is dealing with the uncertainty. The landscape is constantly changing and in a number of cases, it is impossible to make definite plans. This does encourage remaining flexible and looking more to God for His guidance and direction. A real faith builder!” This is once again a very challenging year for our Festival planners, especially those in our international areas. Those of us who are able to attend in person should be thankful when we consider the lockdowns many of our brethren around the world face. As we approach these special days, let us take time to review and meditate on Philippians 2:3–8.—Gerald Weston

Philippians 2:3–8 

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. 5 Let the same mind be in you that wasa in Christ Jesus,

6 who, though he was in the form of God,

did not regard equality with God

as something to be exploited,

7 but emptied himself,

taking the form of a slave,

being born in human likeness.

And being found in human form,

8 he humbled himself

and became obedient to the point of death—

even death on a cross.

If LCG and other COG's actually took this verse to heart then they would cancel this year's Feast of Tabernacles. God certainly is not going to be upset if they do. Instead of looking after their own interests (huge amounts of offering money rolling in at the Feast), isn't it about time they looked after their members? With LCG's aging membership which is comprised of people highly susceptible to the ravages of the pandemic, wouldn't this year be the ideal time to let go and be merciful to their followers? God isn't going to put a black mark in some mysterious book because they canceled the Feast this year.


  1. I believe that no matter the circumstances, members should keep the feast as best they can. For many, this might mean viewing web sermons, and watching movies at home.

  2. What a weird take. God wouldn't mind you cancelling his commanded Holy Days. How very Catholic of you. Maybe replace them with your own holiday based on pagan origins too.

  3. Not at all a fan of the COG, but I do find it interesting at time how cultish this site can also be at times. Perhaps because you don’t cloak your opinions wrapped around an organization or even any diety, some of the regulars on here can come across as pretty out there as well.

    Perhaps a mirror might come in handy for all who believe their beliefs or opinions supersede any aspect of faith or science. I’m sure this will trigger some to protect this turf just as vehemently as those they condemn.

    I’ve always said the COG misses any mark God might expect through their greed, power mongering and fence building instead of building bridges and finding common ground. At times on this site, the oneupmanship is just a nauseating and without much regard for anyone else either.

    There are times I eagerly read things here; other times it’s just as bloviating as those being condemned or marked by the posters. Maybe the glass house example for all of us?

    I have also been very hurt by the COG…. that being said, why stoop to their level with just as denigrating comments as they call doctrine.

  4. All I can say is you must be an atheist or an agnostic. But why not take all off your anger and channel it towards helping people. I find it funny you make fun of every one who believes something different than you. Why not take all your reasons you don't believe in God and argue with him?

  5. Considering the Feast is not a New Covenant command there is no issue in cancelling it.

  6. "Apple is a good fruit!"

    "No, apple is a bad fruit!"

    "Good fruit!"

    "Bad fruit!"

    "Good fruit!"

    "BAD fruit"

    (Loud whistle)

    "Hi friends! I'm Satan the Devil! Did you know that with apple, you get the advantage not only of knowing good, but also (heh heh) evil?
    It's the perfect snack, chock full of vitamins, and it comes with its own easily washable outer skin. So, next time you send Eve out to the garden be sure to have her bring back an apple!)

  7. GW said " This does encourage remaining flexible and looking more to God for His guidance and direction."

    I guess it would be too difficult for God to remove the plague so has to just figure out how to guide everyone through it?


  8. If the people in the Dead Church of Rod were being governed by the Holy Spirit, they would NOT need MORONS masquerading as Ministers to tell them what to do!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!! Time is RUNNING OUT!!!!


  9. Anyone who does not like the comments on here can feel free to LEAVE and NOT come back!! We won’t miss you!!

    1. Then why don't ya follow the same principle in life. Hypocrites.

  10. It is interesting to consider the typical COG process and understanding of "God placing His name" here or there for the feast. What happens when they cancel a FOT site because of Covid? That has happened where I am. If I believe in this idea of God placing His name, I must then believe either, a) God changed His mind because of covid and wanted His people to be at home (there are verses about God changing not, and why would He do that anyway,is He scared of a virus) b) He is not able to override the Government decision to close (Of course not) or, c) our concept of God placing His name is not correct. After all the place that He chose to place His name "forever" was Jerusalem! Surely, if God actually placed His name in Nowhere Town, NJ, there would be no need for flexibility- God will make it happen. I am coming to the understanding of God literally placing His name being incorrect. It was an OT model that the COG tries to force into the new. Also, it is a convenient belief to enslave members as it gives the COG leaders the authority to be effective intermediaries deciding the will of God for everyone else... to go against them is to go against God.

  11. Research the meaning of “tabernacle”….and then stop using that word. Like “church”, “god” or “sabbath”.

  12. I wonder if any of the splinters are experiencing problems with their feasts being held in states where recreational marijuana is legal. Imagine people rejoicing around the pool enjoying the high from inspected, and graded strains of Mary Jane, such as Purple Punch (indica) or Gas Pedal (Sativa) from Curaleaf. Back in the day, I knew a member who related that smoking up before sunset on Friday evenings helped him in getting into the proper mood and attitude for the Sabbath. Others on another forum years ago regaled us with tales of having shared communal joint at the F/T with Mark Armstrong. Anybody know if Mark still does that?
