Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, September 13, 2021

On a Personal Note: You Can Sure Tell It's Feast Time :)


I moved to a great place last week and the Landlord offered me either the camper nicely set up in the back yard or a great room in the house.  I opted for the room in the house to save a few bucks.  Last night at 7:30  the camper exploded with a propane leak.  (That's a whole other story)  The teacher who did rent it had turned on the propane thinking to heating the water and then came into the house for a bit a dinner with another housemate. She would not have survived according to the fire dept. 


  1. So glad you and the teacher were not injured or killed.

  2. The rest of your life is bonus. Glad nobody got hurt. I'm living bonus years myself.

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  3. Dennis, can't you see that the great Wotan was using this disaster to wake you up and turn from your evil ways to become his acolyte and worshipper?

    I'm glad you're safe. Even if it was Osiris or Chac Mool who was trying to get your attention with that tragic accident.

  4. Glad no one was hurt.
    Life’s scary at times. I think many of us can relate stories such as this.
    Enjoy and treasure life, it’s precious. Best wishes to all……

  5. NEO said: The rest of your life is bonus. Glad nobody got hurt. I'm living bonus years myself.
    That's the truth! I estimate being in bonus round number 5 or 6 :)

  6. How have you ended up in this predicament Dennis ?

    1. In the naivete of youth I fell for the Plain Truth 😜👈

  7. Is this what is called a "pop-out" trailer?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Is this what is called a "pop-out" trailer?

    This is the Pop Up and Out version :)

  9. There used to be satirical public service features in National Lampoon about a dreaded disease called "terminal flatulence." (Sometimes a little humor helps us in dealing with near misses and tragedies). Pictures of this trailer would have fit right into one of those PSAs. Little (school teacher's name) suffers from terminal flatulence! Once again she finds herself homeless because of this dreaded disease. Act today! Your generous contributions can help eradicate this serious medical condition and all of the heartache which it causes.
