Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, September 10, 2021

Prophet Thiel Asks: What kind of sport is NFL football? A violent and damaging one. One that will hurt people this season.

Prophet Thiel says...

"Many non-Philadelphian Christians do not wish to seriously consider that American tackle football is harmful, despite the facts, and would prefer that I not post about it.
The Bible suggests otherwise: 

1 Cry aloud, spare not;
Lift up your voice like a trumpet;
Tell My people their transgression,
And the house of Jacob their sins. (Isaiah 58:1) 

The reality is that American tackle football is evil–the players get harmed. This really is not debatable as it is an established fact."

NOTE: I would suggest that pretending to be a prophet of the One True Church is equally evil--the members get harmed. This reality is not debatable as it is an established fact...

NFL 2021 season to begin–people will be hurt


The National Football League (NFL) season is upon us. Despite COVID concerns, it was not cancelled:


  1. Matthew 10:28 tells Christians not to fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

    Football can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. So why does Bob fear it so much, contrary to Jesus' instructions?

  2. Dear Bob:

    40,000 Americans die each year in auto accidents, and a staggering 1.35 MILLION die globally from auto accidents.

    Using your logic, then people should not drive cars as it is a violent and damaging activity.

  3. Who cares what Bob thinks about football. Just because Bobby wasn’t any good at sports, so what.

  4. Wasn't there a question the other day about those who could watch gladiatorial combat or Christian martyrdom in ancient Rome? For some fans, they get that out of sports like football and boxing! My daughters used to get it from WWE! (fake wrestling)

    I'll admit there can be serious injuries in football. I remember a very old public service announcement cartoon that cautioned about high school football (mostly broken teeth).

    I think Bob said he failed his Attack! speech with one about football.

  5. Well, hot damn! I finally found it: Thiel 12:1: Thou shalt not watch football. Oh, wait, that was a dream. After waking up I found Romans 4:15: Where there is no law, there is no transgression.

  6. he's the world famous "Oracle of Arroyo"

  7. Tonto - unless you include demolition derbies and terrorists, auto accidents aren't deliberate outcomes of your activities. Football injuries are. So are basketball accidents when you're playing against COG ministers!

  8. There's many dangerous sporting activities that insurance companies won't touch, such as sky diving. Where do you draw the line? The Japanese have their "fat police" that weigh and fine people on the spot. Why not do the same since obesity is damaging to ones health?

  9. I keep waiting for Dr. Thiel to say something about ice hockey - and perhaps car racing, which I heard a Reformed preacher oppose on Family Radio after the death of Dale Earnhardt in 2001.

    Does his silence mean these sometimes-violent sports are OK?

  10. If it's a sin to watch violence, it's a sin to watch the news.

  11. There is more violence in the Bible than in sports.

  12. It is a sin to watch people get drunk, or watch them drive too fast?

  13. Rugby is way more violent than American football, and is wildly popular in former British colonies such as Kenya.

    Will Bob take a principled stand as Overseer and tell his African followers that rugby is every bit as sinful as American football? Or would that cost him most of his Gentile following?

  14. I was in the same club Thiel was in when he gave his stupid anti-football attack speech. He was widely mocked and criticized for the complete stupidity of his reasoning. He was the laughing stock of the club for a while. The funny thing about Thiel's speeches back then was that he was just as bad then as he is now.

  15. I wonder what Isaiah would think about Armstrongism's appropriation of his commission? Those folks who have swallowed the disproven teaching about Anglo-Israelism love to quote this scripture! It makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

  16. I'm not into football myself, but I recognize that there is a lot of skill and determination involved in the game. It also requires intelligence. Theil's basic problem is probably that he's a sissy.

  17. "I'm not into football myself, but I recognize that there is a lot of skill and determination involved in the game. It also requires intelligence. Theil's basic problem is probably that he's a sissy. "

    Bob is so delicate that his hands have no calluses and therefore would be unable to catch a football and hold it. His hands are only used to open homeopathic pill bottles and type on his computer. They have never seen hard work or been used in exertive sport activites.


  18. To 4:14

    Hate to break it to you but all of his following is Gentile, not just the Africans. Americans are Gentiles unless they are Jewish. So if some poor Jewish person has fallen in his trap he or she is the exception.

    I know that is very, very, very shocking news to those who think they are descendents of the Israelites. But surprise! You're Gentile!

  19. To 5:41

    Hate to break it to you, but 4:14's comment is just as valid regarding British-descended Gentiles, rugby lovers that they are, as it is regarding those Gentiles who grew up in British Commonwealth nations that taught them to love rugby.

  20. Bob isn’t masculine enough to play sports. I can see him running to mommy everytime he got a booboo.

  21. If Jesus can play football, why can't Bob?

  22. In the old neighborhood, we used to play "free for all" football. There were no teams, and everyone playing was trying their damndest to get you when the ball was in your possession.

  23. Anonymous James said...My body, my choice. Fuck you bob.

    I see that James Pottimouthus is show his shining character again.

  24. He's not totally wrong in that American football, like boxing, wrestling and hockey, features athletes likely to suffer major, life-changing injuries (especially CTE). However, I dont necessarily put that on a par with gladiatorial combat practices from Rome or Mesoamerica.

  25. Guys, please understand that football you could get hurt it is very dangerous so of course, Bob is right about this who in their right logical mind would put themselves in harm's way.

  26. Recently there was a segment on a current affairs program about a teenager who ended up a paraplegic after being rugby tackled. A very legitimate move. It was heartbreaking seeing his mother struggling to push her son's wheelchair up a slight incline. I question whether the sport should be permitted.

  27. @5:36: Gladiators, Bubba! Gladiators!

  28. Wrestling is a dangerous sport that results in injuries and deaths.

    Still, the Bible in Genesis 32 records Jacob wrestling literally with the pre-incarnate Christ, and suffering a severe hip injury as a result.

    Nowhere in the Bible are Christians told not to do dangerous things. That's just a sentiment of soft, flabby, lukewarm, ease-loving modern society.
