Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 9, 2021

COG Prophet Persecuted By Satan Once Again


Latter-day COG prophets are in the crosshairs of Satan who hates everything they do. Never has the church had a prophet that is persecuted as much as the Great Bwana to Africa and his 299 Caucasians. Just check out the intense persecution he had his leaders have been suffering lately.

Puerto Rico, Trials, and Triumphs

On September 26, 2021, Bob, Joyce, and David Thiel flew to Puerto Rico to meet with Spanish-speaking supporters of the Continuing Church of God who were gathered together for the Feast of Tabernacles. The Thiels encountered numerous tests and trials there as well as on their return to San Luis Obispo, California. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel mentions specific trials he and his family encountered on that trip including losses of electrical power, automotive failures, airline problems, and more. He also quotes scriptures from the Apostles, Peter, Paul, and James that Christians should expect trials and have the faith to not rebel like the ancient children of Israel did. Vaccine-complaints are discussed in the light of Jesus’ words in Mark 16:15-18 as well as Revelation 3:7. Dr. Thiel discusses some of the steps being taken and planned to reach more Spanish-speaking people. He also quotes Romans 11:25 and discusses the importance of not just being a witness to the world related to the gospel of the Kingdom of God, but also the necessity of the full number of Gentiles being converted before Jesus returns. He also quotes various leaders once in the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God on this topic. Dr. Thiel discusses that God will offer all salvation in this age or the age to come and that Gentiles being called and converted in this age will help the billions that will come up after the second resurrection. Dr. Thiel quotes the Apostle Paul who wrote, “God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”


  1. What a refreshing breath of fresh air it is to hear from Dr Rabbi Bob Squarepants Amos Elijah Prophet Thiel once more.
    And not about…..you know………Covid 19.
    Nah………let’s go back to the pandemic………..
    But I will say I like the hat Dr Rabbi Bob is wearing in the post above. Ha, the life of a ‘Prophet’……..

  2. To be fair to Bob, this account was a "Trials and Tribulations" (not to be confused with a Star Trek TOS episode) and not persecution and attacks by Satan.
    Bob's unforeseen mishaps reminded me of some family travel vacations I've been on myself. But then, we were not doing God's end-time work, and we had prepared a bit better for such circumstances.
    I believe I heard Bob set a date - that the Tribulation can't come later than 2027. We shall see what we shall see...

  3. I had two flight delays last week. PERSECUTION.

  4. He sounds entitled to not have shit happen in a real life. Evidently his impotent god was unable defeat the powers of Satan and to cozy up his trip to where He had placed his name. Perhaps now he'll get his own plane so he won't have to mingle with reality.

  5. Well, at least he wasn't "almost arrested"!

  6. At the 11:52 mark, Thiel appears to label all of us on Banned as "false brethren". Well, who else could he be referring to?

    On a positive note, Thiel seems to have out done himself in the hand gestures department.

    Perhaps Cartoon Bob can use that mighty door which he claims God has opened to the Continuing Church of God by make an animation of his Puerto Rico trials and triumphs. Power outages, car breakdowns, no AC in the hot humid tropics, wife attacked by bees and hounded by dogs, PC technology not working, etc. It could be very entertaining Cartoon, Bob!


  7. Being a prophet is such a negative and depressing job that it is difficult to understand why any sane person would actually seek it out. It is hardly surprising that Bob Theil would attempt to note and exploit the types of circumstances that most of the prophets in the Bible experienced. In one perverse sense, you'd have to have these present if you wanted to call yourself a prophet. Hence, the need to magnify minor inconveniences into full blown attacks by Satan himself. What many people do not realize is that the Bible does not describe Satan as being omnipresent like God. Satan is where he is, in one place at a time. It's a tall order making a case that Satan is in your particular space, attacking you and your work, and it requires a lot of ego to even make that assertion in the first place.

    HWA, who claimed to be the physical head of the one true church, was almost believable when he claimed to being attacked by Satan. All of the splinters today from time to time make this same claim. Fact is, someone is lying. Satan could not be in all of those places at the same time. But, which one of these self-aggrandizing egomaniacs is going to lower themselves to "only" being attacked by a demon?

  8. Puerto Rico sadly seems to have electrical problems often.

    I went there for a WCG Feast in the 1990s in the Isla Verde area of San Juan, and the neighborhood had several outages. I think the hotel where we met had a generator, to guard against that.

    Yet I wish P.R. was a Feast site more often. All in all, it's a beautiful place.

  9. Oh, that proves Bob is God's prophet. Bob had to deal with the same inconveniences that the rest of humanity does. During FOT, even! THAT DASTARDLY SATAN AND HIS EVIL DEEDS! Well, no one but Bob Thiel and his humble ways can get God's church through these trials.

  10. Bob is again using his Puerto Rico ordeal, this time over requirements for proof of vaccination.
