Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, October 29, 2021

Gerald Weston Letter To LCG Members Causing Division Over Vaccines


Dear Brethren,

The Bible clearly indicates that there were tensions among members in the first century. Since many converts came from pagan backgrounds, whether or not to eat meats that may have been offered to idols was a complex issue at that time (1 Corinthians 8). Some members abstained from meats or had special fasting days (Romans 14:1–5). Among the Jews, circumcision was a huge controversy. In response, the Apostles, who were the highest-ranking ministers of the Church at that time, came together and decided the issue guided by God’s Spirit (Acts 15).

Compared to these issues, some of the things that have caused division within the Church in more modern times seem rather trivial: white or brown sugar, wheat, or rice. Some modern controversies were not so trivial: how to count Pentecost, and divorce and remarriage. Current issues involve whether to wear masks and whether to be vaccinated. Just as in the past, Church leaders come together to decide how the Church should handle these controversial issues. No matter what we decide, some members will become offended and leave, ignoring God’s plain instructions regarding divisive matters (Deuteronomy 17:8–13). Masks and social distancing are inconvenient and their usefulness is disputed, but Church leaders believe that they are helpful on some occasions and our experience at the Feast would seem to support that, as very few at our 100 (83 international and 17 U.S.) Feast sites worldwide came down with COVID.

Today members have strong feelings on both sides of the vaccine debate and circumstances vary for each individual. The vaccine controversy is more akin to the issue of circumcision, and the Apostles left that decision up to individuals, though explaining that circumcision for Gentiles was unnecessary and could be counterproductive, depending on the attitude and reason (Acts 16:3; Galatians 5:6, 12)

In our Council of Elders meeting this week, we learned about the plight of unvaccinated individuals in some parts of the world: “no jab, no job”; no travel by commercial air, rail, or boat; no travel outside of a very restricted area; and extremely limited shopping options. Some university students are locked out after years of working on technical degrees. Members must wrestle with feeding their families, or visiting a dying relative. We can begin to see how the Mark of the Beast will eventually be enforced, but, brethren, this is not the Mark of the Beast! The Church does not teach that vaccines are sin, but they can be, depending on one’s conscience. Different members will decide differently in all these circumstances. That is why we have left it to the individual to prayerfully make that very personal choice.

Regarding the fact that sacrificing an animal to an idol affects only its ceremonial cleanness and not the nature of the meat itself, Paul gives this warning about how we treat one another, and it applies today: “But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak(1 Corinthians 8:9).

In similar fashion, Paul warns, “Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil; for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men. Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.... Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin” (Romans 14:16–19, 22–23). Also, note verse 4: “Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.”

The specific issues are different, but the principles teach us how to deal with controversial situations that will arise in every generation. Brethren, the conditions which many of our brethren around the world face are not easy, and Satan will use them to divide us if we let him. We must avoid the anger being stirred up in this world. We must love one another (John 13:34). We have a Work to do. Let us do all we can to promote peace and be about our Father’s business! 


Sincerely, in Christ’s service, Gerald E. Weston


  1. “Once more, Living Church of God members are incapable of doing anything right.”

    If they knew how to do anything right, they would not be in the LCG.


  2. “The Church does not teach that vaccines are sin, but they can be, depending on one’s conscience.”

    The people without a conscience get to do anything they want without sinning.

    The people with a conscience are always sinning.

  3. Is this a first??? Leaving an important personal decision up to the discretion of the individual?

    I have to say that I am shocked, but I also have to remember that throughout the past, there was often the illusion of personal choice, while all the church members knew what the approved choice happened to be.

    1. They are covering their own backs for legal reasons. If a church organisation publicly announces favor towards or against a vaccine then they are leaving themselves open to the potential legal challenges further down the road.

  4. He is twisting Rom 14 just like his "Apostle" High-School-Dropout Herbert did:
    Rom 14 is referring to the sabbath/OT diet - a parallel of Colossians 2:16-17 - sabbatarian legalism.
    "Let the Bible interpret the Bible"

  5. I beg the people on here who HATES the TRUTH TAUGHT by the Restored Church of God and the Worldwide Church of God to come back to their first love (THE TRUTH)

    1. 2.57 PM
      People left the WWCG and RCG physically and/or mentally because they embraced the truth, err, (THE TRUTH.)

  6. Every reason expressed by Mr. Weston about the divisions that have plagued God's people forever.
    This blog exists thanks to that human tendency, there are people who want to discuss the issues seriously as I think is the idea of those responsible for this blog, but others are dedicated to making fun and not respecting the fair right of opinion of others.
    In fact this blog is also divided into opinions.

    With all due respect, have a great Saturday everyone!

  7. Anonymous 1:15 pm said, "Is this a first??? Leaving an important personal decision up to the discretion of the individual?"

    MY COMMENT - Agreed! I read the letter in its entirety, and it doesn't seem like Weston is "lashing out". He seemed very reasonable and NOT condescending. He writes, "We must avoid the anger being stirred up in this world. We must love one another." What is wrong with that?


  8. He is not lashing out, he is only explaining what is happening.

  9. I don't know how Gerald could say that any nicer or in a more balanced way. It's tough times being in any group or organization at this time. Can't please everyone and if not careful will please no one. It's not about pleasing anyone to begin with. It's about getting through as best as one knows how.

  10. Anonymous said...
    I beg the people on here who HATES the TRUTH TAUGHT by the Restored Church of God and the Worldwide Church of God to come back to their first love (THE TRUTH)

    Settle down Dave... No one hates the truth but RCG isn't it nor is DCP it's chosen interpreter of it, obviously by now.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I beg the people on here who HATES the TRUTH TAUGHT by the Restored Church of God and the Worldwide Church of God to come back to their first love (THE TRUTH)

    I perceive that your request was said in the utmost sincerity and concern. Please do understand that many of us CARE about you and your fellow RCG/Pack followers as well, and that it behooves your for your own safety, mental health, financial well being , and very importantly your spiritual well being to get out of the Restored Church of God as soon as possible.

    I am not asking you to forsake God, or his commandments, or obedience to him, but again, in true Christian concern for you, I adjure you with all my heart to please examine the truth of Dave Pack and his mental and spiritual mengagerie that is leading to and is absolute madness NOT of God.

  12. 3:41. "He is not lashing out, he is only explaining what is happening."

    You are right. I changed the title.

  13. Having known GW for many years, this seems more a political statement than actually supporting a personal choice. If he and his minions have to normally control every jot and tittle of the member, why make this a “personal choice”??

    Perhaps the fallout outweighs their normal
    bluster? Do what we tell you to do, until there might be blowback? Pretty convenient to suddenly make something you now have the right to decide, when so many lost jobs, has conscious issues over doctors, etc in the past and it was usually damn the consequences to the brethren.

    I was once told by GW I wasn’t political enough to handle a job at HQ. I responded that I took that as a compliment. I love the line that it can’t be the Mark of the Beast, as the leadership still wants to control the normal narrative, until it’s inconvenient or they could be liable.

    1. I think this is a large part of why it is "a personal decision"... its even strange that he would need to make a decision, that is a personal decision... it is self evidently a personal decision. We don't need someone's permission to tell us that I can make that decision on my own. Anyway, it comes down to legal liability... why has he made so many of these types of decisions? Legal department.

    2. Of course it is political. It is a political move for protection against any possible legal challenges.

  14. Any vaccine is filled with unclean materials of which many are abominations. (Fetal cells, dog kidney cells etc) and should not be put into a human body. As he says, the shot makes life more “convenient” for the recipient…as will taking the mark of the beast. I have family in this deranged cult in CLT who took the shots. I agree that this shot is not the mark, but no doubt is greasing the skids to it, via an engraved QR code getting ready to be rolled out by Dr Evil himself, Klaus Schwab.

    Maybe Westin will claim that’s since taking the mark makes life easier, that all members of the LCG should line up for it…666 or not.

    1. Covid 19 various vaccines are NOT filled with unclean materials because of the Jewish and Muslin people.

  15. How does this blog get this before the members get to hear it?

    1. Must be a mole in the ministry...

    2. Quite a few moles from various COG groups. Totally ministry oriented.

    3. This keeps coming up. Whatever distribution list they use is very dated.

  16. As in "Hey, I think you are making this stuff up", 7:03, or are you trying to unmask the leaker? It's perfectly obvious that each of the splinters has courageous members who keep Gary totally informed, in similar fashion to the top ministers who used to purchase Ambassador Reports and keep John Trechak informed prior to the internet days.

    Not everyone is brain dead in the splinters. It's probably uncomfortable for you on sabbath as you are standing there singing "Blow the horn, let Zion hear......" looking around wondering who the leak is. You probably won't ever know, just as those around here will never know that you yourself are reading here and posting comments.

    1. Who are you kidding? Tkatch snr was Pastor General and look at his double life.

  17. "Must be a mole in the ministry..."

    Many in the ministry are demon-possessed and would do this in order to embarrass the church.

  18. This preacher wrote "circumcision for Gentiles was unnecessary"

    Not quite the picture. Circumcision was unnecessary for Jews and Gentiles. Unnecessary in the sense that the physical act was no longer on the critical path to salvation for anyone. It had been sublimated for everyone into a spiritual element of conversion - of the heart.

    I don't mean to be obtusely picky. I know the preacher's point was entirely something else. But these Armstrongist memes will creep into your thinking when you are not expecting. And someone may say "Who cares about circumcision? Dead issue." But the unsound principles behind the first century issue of retaining circumcision form the axis on which Armstrongism rotates.

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  19. Once again the scripture is being used OUT OF CONTEXT!! The scripture is referring to FOOD, NOT vaccines!! The issue is CLEAR!! WHO do you trust, MAN or God???

  20. Weston notes, "In response, the Apostles, who were the highest-ranking ministers of the Church at that time, came together and decided the issue guided by God’s Spirit (Acts 15)"....

    Who actually made the decision? Not just the Apostles.

    Acts 15:23-And they wrote letters by their hand, as follows: "The apostles and the elders and the brethren, to those brethren who are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia:

  21. "Ignoring God’s plain instructions regarding divisive matters (Deuteronomy 17:8–13)"
    Is he advocating that we go to Jerusalem and find a priest to determine the judicial judgement on a personal decision?


  22. “In our Council of Elders meeting this week, we learned about the plight of unvaccinated individuals in some parts of the world: 'no jab, no job'; no travel by commercial air, rail, or boat; no travel outside of a very restricted area; and extremely limited shopping options. Some university students are locked out after years of working on technical degrees. Members must wrestle with feeding their families, or visiting a dying relative. We can begin to see how the Mark of the Beast will eventually be enforced, but, brethren, this is not the Mark of the Beast! The Church does not teach that vaccines are sin, but they can be, depending on one’s conscience. Different members will decide differently in all these circumstances. That is why we have left it to the individual to prayerfully make that very personal choice.”

    Big Questions & Evasive Answers

    Question: Should LCG members get the Poison Death Shot?

    Answer: Decide for yourself. LCG does not want to be responsible for your decision.

    Question: Should LCG members get the Mark of the Beast?

    Answer: Decide for yourself. LCG does not want to be responsible for your decision.

  23. That letter sounded pretty reasonable. I wouldn't accuse it of causing division; on the contrary he's basically asking everyone to not cause division over this issue.
