Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Is Jelly A Better Preacher Than Bob Thiel?


I will just leave this here to see what you think....


  1. ‘Jelly’?
    I go all wobbly thinking about it.

  2. Not really. I'd have to classify both as being in the home movie category, and as kind of having the same value.

  3. Informative in a small way, and lots of distractions... Yes, a bit like Sideshow Bob.


  4. Why does the UCG have to copy its fictional, make-believe characters for its theatrical plays from a worldly, grungy, television show like Sesame Street?

  5. Video executes a 'rack-focus' @ 0.26; the new iPhone13 has software for doing this "giving videos a Pro Hollywood look" as seen on Apple's recent product launch show.

  6. NEWS FLASH! ---

    Thiel to come out with new competitor cartoon character to be named SMELLY !

  7. The real question is which cartoon character is better - Jelly or animated cartoon Bob? Thiel once proclaimed that God has opened the door of animation to his Church. How is that opened door working out for the grossly mis-named (Dis)Continuing Church of God? Perhaps Bob can give us an update in one of his cartoons.

    And Thiel wonders why people think he's a joke?


  8. Ariana reminds me so much of her parents, but Jelly?

    Jelly is no Bob Thiel, and Jelly performs better than Bob and any of Bob's "stick" videos.

    Repeating the Lord's Prayer sounds very appealing with music added.

    Jesus Christ always expressed a great appreciation for the works that His Father did in His own life.

    Will any who watch the video obtain a greater appreciation for God the Father: the God of the Old Testament?

    Time will tell...


  9. "Jelly Teaches the Kids What You Can Do About Climate Change" would be a better use of the puppet.

  10. I've never been impressed with the Jelly videos. In past episodes, Jelly's parents (?) Were dressed in 1950's clothes, and the car they drove was obviously from the 50's as well.

    But to me, the strangest thing about this video was the way the kids behaviors were handled. Pardon me for being a cynic, but in the real life ACOG's, every one of those kids would've goten a blistering butt whupping for their goofing off. If there were any prayers afterward, it would have been prayers for forgiveness, followed by a sermonette from mom or dad about avoiding the lake of fire. Now, that's ACOG entertainment!

  11. Even peanut butter is a much better preacher than Bob Thiel. Peanut butter and jelly is better still, and will for sure hold kids' attention longer and better.

  12. Probably a recruitment video for outsiders, Phinnpoy! The adults are faking being normal, at least to the extent that they can.

  13. Phinnpoy,

    What insanity are you spouting this time?? I know speaking falsely is what Banned people do, but you are grossly mistaken. There are few if any that would "blister their kids butts" in the Church now a days. Just because members in the Church take time and make sure their children will be productive members of society, does not mean they are beaten. Proper discipline is required to help the child be respectful. Look at society today. Many of the disrespect comes from letting their child do anything they please. Please get your stories straight, there is a HUGE different between beating a child and disciplining a child, and you do not even have to lay a hand on a child to discipline them.

    1. Phinnpoo is clearly 1st generation and not 2nd or 3rd or 4th.

    2. Anon at 12:20 PM, I'm not a 1st generation member. I started to attend services of the Peoria, Il WCG in 1973, so I'm not a 1st generation member. However, I heard stories about how rough the kids were treated while I was there. What got me was how the adults would relate these stories in a humorous manner, even from the pulpit.

      Your reply to me is an obvisious
      attempt to avoid the truth about child abuse in the cult. Those of us who were in it, and refused to allow ourselves to be blinded when the true picture emerged, won't buy your false history.

    3. 12:20 was replying to 4:29 and not Phinnpoy.

  14. This Jelly film is superb. Putting the puppet with real children works far better than the puppet with adults. Fantastic song, good acting and singing. Well done to UCG.

  15. I always wondered how COGs explain reality to their children, on one hand these parents will let then watch a church sponsored puppet shows, but when the kids ask to watch a public school magical show, the parents respond, “Magic is fake!” To which the kids will say, “Yes magic is fake, but so is that puppet show you make me watch.”

  16. The video was kind of COG-odd.
    At the same time, it was oddly atypical for a COG.
    I agree with Phinnpoy; these boys would have been spanked for lying to the adult and for carrying on like hooligans, back in the glory days of Herbert the Pervert.
    The writhing, heathen dancing would not have been tolerated.
    Then Spanky Meredith would have lectured them on how to dress like a man; what's up with matching PJs, accented with orange accoutre?
    The parents would also have been spanked for raising sissies.
    The pleasant, but not hot, young women looked liked a magic apparition of AC co-eds stepping out of Ambassador College, when it actually existed, decades before these kids were born.
    I'm glad they were teaching the kids to pray; they will need that skill when they grow up and realize they were raised in a cult.

  17. Now I know why the Prophet Bob bounces around so much while preaching.
    He's trying to imitate Jelly!

  18. It was so STUPID that I could not watch the whole thing. The concept is to BRAIN WASH the children while they are young to ensure the next generation of TITHE PAYERS!! Notice the CULT mentality?? The children were all dressed in the SAME pajamas!! Watch it again if you can keep from vomiting!! Better yet, do a quick study on CULTS and you will see the video utilizes classic BRAIN WASHING techniques!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!! You are in a CULT!! STOP drinking the KOOL-AID!! They cannot produce stupid videos without YOUR MONEY!!
