Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, November 15, 2021

"Pleased to announce"? Why?

The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce this sermonette from its ContinuingCOG channel:

                                                         Preparation to Support the Work

"Louis Rubin discusses some aspects of preparation including one related to Herbert W. Armstrong’s list of success. He jokingly asserts that Dr. Thiel said “shape up or ship out” and that he must read the “Gospel of the Kingdom of God” booklet to become part of CCOG. He goes into reasons about preparing for the work to “instruct many” that Daniel 11:32 points to."

(Note:  I could be mistaken but it sounds like the above confusing and poorly written description of the sermonette,  is also written to clean up a few comments that Bob may not have appreciated, gave a negative impression of him and thus wanted it understood the speaker was "just joking'.  The "Gospel of Bob" is going to take a very long time, going him therefore into all the world,  if this is the quality of presentation and truth he settles for. )



  1. We live in bizarre times, a time when it makes the news that a female rock star has urinated on a fan on stage during her performance. The difference between that rock star and Bob Theil is that she at least had the decency to apologize for her foolishness. Theil never does.

  2. The sleepy people must be the entire non-African congregation at a feast site. They can sit unmasked and not 6 feet apart because they all take Bob's pills to avert COVID.

  3. In the catchphrase spirit of Maxwell Smart, from the old TV show "Get Smart"...


  4. Here I thought Thiel was incredibly boring when he preached, but Rubin is far worse. Those poor people in Africa who thought they were being taught by real Christians have to be bored out of their skulls by these guys. So sad for them.

  5. but Rubin is far worse

    Rubin is Bob's wingman - compared to him, Bob looks good.

    Those poor people in Africa

    Maybe the translator replaces Bob's message with something more palatable.

  6. Those poor people in Africa who thought they were being taught by real Christians have to be bored out of their skulls by these guys.

    If you were at a below-poverty-line level of subsistence living, I'm sure you wouldn't mind spending a couple of hours listening to some guy blather at you in Swahili (or any other language you don't understand) in exchange for farming supplies and laptop computers.

    Remember also that there is usually a "translator" present, who is teaching the audience whatever the group really believes, no matter what sect today's gullible white donor/leader may profess.

  7. Sermonettes always seemed to be pointless & meaningless, or at least in the WCG congregation I attended back in the 1980s and '90s.

  8. Remember also that there is usually a "translator" present, who is teaching the audience whatever the group really believes, no matter what sect today's gullible white donor/leader may profess.

    Like the German dubbing of Hogan's Heroes, where the Nazi salute substitutes "Heil Hitler" with "How high is your corn?".

  9. "If you were at a below-poverty-line level of subsistence living, I'm sure you wouldn't mind spending a couple of hours listening to some guy blather at you in Swahili (or any other language you don't understand) in exchange for farming supplies and laptop computers."

    And this is after they got the same things from the local 7th Day Adventist or another Sabbatarian preacher who is also providing them with goodies when Bob isn't looking.

    Bob is such a tool!

  10. The most pathetic sermonette I think I have ever heard from an ACOG pulpit. Cartoon Bob must be scraping the bottom of the barrel for elders. Seems this Rubin was just reading something Thiel had written and used it for the entire sermonette. And what was those dogs barking in the background?


  11. When some aspiring leader of an ACOG urges you to prepare, the best thing for you to do is run to the drugstore or supermarket, go directly to the anal care aisle, and buy some Preparation H.

  12. Man, this guy is worse than Theil. Tried real hard to stay with it, but it was too much torture.

  13. It helps answer the "why" aspect of "what if somebody started an ACOG and nobody came?
