Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, December 10, 2021

Commercial Break: A View from the Trenches


The Apostle Dave C Pack has often referenced, when perhaps helpful, his close relationship to Herbert Armstrong as if that pretty much gave him the mantle and permission to succeed him. It seems HWA's own view of being called personally was somewhat different. 

From very credible and unexpected personal friend who was in the room with HWA when such a call was ongoing and then ended: 

HWA- "Why does that man call me all the time?  I wish he would stop!"


  1. Pack and all the other splinter leaders give themselves the right to lie through their teeth, while insisting that their members not even tell white lies.
    They want a monopoly on corruption.

  2. Eh? And you thought this worthy of a post ? Desperate times. Running on empty ?

  3. HWA- "Why does that man call me all the time? I wish he would stop!"

    This demonstrates that Pack was a total kiss ass and sociopathic climber. At least he can claim some kind of "very loose and inconsequential" connection to HWA.

    Flurry, Weinland and Thiel have ZERO connection to HWA , who would not even know their names if asked. Ultimately, whether HWA had a connection or not to you is inconsequential in the eternal scheme of things,

    Seems little attention is paid to the scripture that says "Those that are last shall be first, and those that are first will be last".

  4. "It seems HWA's own view of being called personally was somewhat different."

    The following statement appears to be about the first time HWA began taking his "calling" as "Christ's apostle" seriously even though Herman Hoeh thought HWA was an apostle way back in about 1951(?)

    “God has raised me up as a special apostle……..” - HWA, sermon transcript, Oct 9, 1976.

    Uh, no. False. There are only 12 apostles of Jesus Christ - Rev 21:14.


  5. Fortunately, when klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies tries to “call” you and sucker you into his Restored Cash Grab (RCG) scam, you do not have to listen to him at all. You can skip literally hundreds of hours of evil, lying, thieving noise and save yourself from him.

  6. Er,me think your head is empty, Pack is all about show me the money, witness his all things common call, except that it does not apply to him, buying all those houses next to his temple while preaching the end is here, If people can't see thru that facade than I will say ignorance surely must be bliss, sheep to feed the temple a la Dave Pack...

  7. It's hard to build a strong case on an anonymous source quoting another anonymous source. Even if the first anonymous source assures us the second anonymous source is "very credible".

  8. Y'all might have heard it before, 6:54, but there is a constant influx of newbies here, and they are in their first love of learning the truth about their conch-claiming former leaders. Besides, don't you have some snow to shovel up there?

  9. Replies
    1. 3.11 PM
      Projecting are we? That's OK TC. We are broad minded and accepting at Banned.

  10. True Christian, being nieve cost you money. But that makes Dave Pack happy

  11. Then you ought to repent, TC.

  12. Dave claimed it was one of these little chats that resulted in HWA giving GTA the final heave-ho.

    Dave said GTA visited him and unloaded all his complaints about what was wrong in the WCG. Dave told GTA that he'd have to report all that whining to his father, and so he did... or at least, claims he did...

  13. Dave always has been a smug self-righteous tattletale

  14. Anon, Friday, December 10, 2021 at 1:17:00 PM PST, said:

    "...It's hard to build a strong case on an anonymous source quoting another anonymous source. Even if the first anonymous source assures us the second anonymous source is "very credible"."

    Your comment seems to be so thoughtful, and so true!

    The Sabbath is good day to enjoy a little jocularity, and

    Time will tell.........and.......... I ain't a moose!


  15. I'd like to know: Who was *HWA* close to? He had no spiritual authority himself, so claiming a close relationship to him means nothing.

  16. What is your point in making good fun of the churches of God. You guys need a life
