Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

LCG Member Is NOT Happy With Us


Every once in a while we get incredible love letters from readers:

You Haters.. 😔!! Shame.. ALL of the Leadership of LCG is totally of God. Especially Gerald Weston. You liars of Satan are Cruel and Jealous of NOT being in God's TRUE Followers. May Almighty God have Mercy on your Mortal Souls.☹️🙏 A Grateful Member of LCG.


  1. I am an LCG member and I know for a fact that many in the ministry are NOT of God, and that includes Gerald Weston. He screwed up a lot of teenagers' lives here in Canada when he was up here. People up here do not worship him like so many of you do down there.

  2. "Totally of God? "

    What Have You Been Smoking?

  3. ‘A Grateful Member of LCG’.

    Am happy for you then.

    From A Grateful Non Member of LCG.

  4. Love it. Cultie accuses the normal people. What did you think you would accomplish with your little diatribe? Just made us normal ones laugh..................at you!

  5. LCG's form of Godliness has left me a very sad broken man.

    It broke my parents home and did other harm as well.

  6. LCG members know that if they come here, they are in rebellion against God's Government. So, if they come here to defend LCG, they are actually rebelling against the LCG they falsely claim to be supporting. And if they are rebelling against LCG, they are either on their way out, or are undermining LCG from within.

    Unfortunately, that original message probably came from a troll, not from a confused and rebellious LCG cultie.


  7. People sometimes waste the first part of their lives strongly supporting false religious leaders, and then waste the last part of their lives strongly opposing the false religious leaders that they formerly supported.

  8. "ALL of the Leadership of LCG is totally of God."

    I have never seen ANY group of people who can be broadbrushed in such a manner. Who is the writer ???... Santa Claus??, where he "knows" who has been naughty or nice??

    "Jealous"??... yeah I spend nights awake , pounding my chest in jealousy and rage for not being a part of LCG. ...NOT! Truth is , other than reading about them here, I dont spend one minute thinking about LCG, and certainly dont care one twit about not being in that group in the least.

    If the writer is happy with his place in life, then peace brother! However, for virtually everyone , disillusionment comes at one time or another and it is quite painful. My hope for you would be to lower your expectations down a number of levels, so that you are not thrown for a major loop when your "castles in the sky" of LCG get crushed.

    I understand, as a young person coming into the WCG , I was all in, quite naïve, and really did think that I had discovered "the good people", and that it could do no wrong. Dont dismiss me as a heretic, or Godless one either. I still am a Sabbatarian, and believer in God, however, you will ALWAYS be disappointed if you put any faith in men.

  9. Sorry for that Stephen. Yea, their form is very exclusive and they don't consider members who are young and starting out. They don't consider the context or background of people. It's a lord it over you approach that's laodicean. Not displaying the fruits of the spirit or weightier matters. Its a form of godliness but denies....

  10. The three years I spent in LCG I don't think I ever actually met a minister who was a "christian".

  11. I'm not going to beat up on this person, because obviously he or she is a lay member who has not yet had their eyes opened to the inner workings of the ministry. It's sad, really...because so many never see the posturing, positioning, ladder-climbing, and back-stabbing which happens because ALL of the PHYSICAL church organizations are operated by (guess who?) physical, carnal-minded people whose "professional" aspirations are not unlike those working in any other company or corporation - and in MANY cases individual aspirations trump what is in the best interest of the general membership.

  12. Regarding the troll comment I will state that I have no regrets in moving away from Armstrongism.

    On another matter PCG has shown the latest Mrs. Gerald Flurry in a photo accompanying an article entitled "Philadelphia Church of God Celebrates 32 Years." (December 24, 2021.)

  13. In regards to that troll comment I will state that I have no regrets in moving away from Armstrongism.

    On another matter PCG has shown the latest Mrs. Gerald Flurry in an article entitled "Philadelphia Church of God Celebrates 32 Years." (December 24, 2021.)

    1. Funny how according to Gerry, God took away his first wife so he could focus on the work, and now he has a new wife. Go figure. People just swallow this garbage.

  14. New wife??? Let me guess! She wouldn't happen to be a Filipina, would she?

  15. I am not from LCG, but me thinks that there is something fishy in this "letter". It sounds like something someone from this blog would write, not a member from LCG...just to get people to comment on it like they are. Come on now Banned, you can do better than this!

  16. It's my understanding that the "apostles, prophets, evangelists and pastors" were not ranking but just different roles. As long as you have a ladder to climb with ever increasing salaries, power, prestige, etc. you will attract the worst of people, the most carnal. If everyone was on a horizontal plane, equal in status, salary, etc. you would eliminate much of the corruption that you see. I was at AC in the early 70's. How many of the evangelists viewed themselves as the rightful successor to HWA? Who do you think felt the most qualified? I would suggest that Roderick Meredith was one of the most rank conscious power hungry people in leadership there. Of course, Rader was focused more on wealth. And, there were some who were decent people(David Antion comes to mine), and then there were others who were less capable, but harmless (Raymond F. McNair).
    A German officer categorized officer this way: the smart and lazy made good commanders. The smart and hardworking made good staff officers. The stupid and lazy were harmless. But the stupid and ambitious were dangerous and had to be gotten rid of. I wonder how the "evangelists" would be classified by this system.

  17. I like to gamble, but would not care to bet on whether a troll wrote the comment or whether it came from a brainwashed LCG member.
    However, the question of whether LCG leaders have any connection to God is always on the table for dissection.
    There is abundant evidence to weigh, spanning about nine decades, since LCG leaders lay claim to Herbie's slime-smeared mantle.
    On the other hand, there is no fruit-evidence of any LCG leader producing anything of value.
    LCG has built nothing; neglected to improve any community, and declined to feed any stranger - someone as COG-besmeared as Mother Theresa is light years ahead of them.
    All LCG has is a long legacy of failed prophecies, adherence to disproven theories, and doctrines co-opted from other cults - while being sold as delivered to them by God.
    Any LCG member who fails to examine all evidence spotlighting that fact that their leaders have no connection to truth/God - are sadly choosing to forfeit the connection to God that they could enjoy, and instead choose to support the LCG imposters.

  18. By their fruit you shall know them. The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is not doctrines but actions. Gentleness, kindness, love, peace joy, etc. Not much of this was seen at AC in the early 70's when I was there. These fruits are not the first things I think of when I remember RCM or HWA.

  19. We had the misfortune of having Charles Bryce (for a while one of Rod's Boys)

    Absolutely lying/hireling excuse for a "minister"

    Between him and the Meredith/McNair sons, LCOG would be hard-pressed to find a True Minister, let alone "Totally of God"

    The Real God and True Ministers DO exist...

    Be prepared to look elsewhere outside of LCOG for them

  20. Maybe the TC sock puppet has replicated itself with an LCG version. Or there could simply be no shortage of doofburgers. If only we could see through the screen to view the person sitting at the keyboard! On another blog, once there were some characters who seemed to be dogpiling us, and they later revealed themselves to be a couple of GTA's grand kids. Now that was unforeseen, humorous, tragic and educational all at the same time!
