Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Gerald Weston…Oh, before I forget, let me add this...

Gerald waxes eloquent about the great things the church is doing and then quickly inserts a zinger before going quickly back to his backslapping. 

Greetings from Charlotte,
We had an enjoyable Young Adult Weekend in Delavan, Wisconsin, last week, with 33 in attendance. It was marked by profitable group sessions, warm fellowship, and a bit of recreation. The weekend format was similar to our previous “Living 4 Tomorrow” (L4T) program, and we plan to revive that program once again. We have Tomorrow’s World Presentations scheduled for this weekend in Spokane, Washington; Jacksonville, Florida; Tacoma, Washington; and Ocala, Florida. Follow-up presentations are scheduled for next weekend, as well as a first-time presentation in El Paso, Texas. Brethren, we understand that there is a very contagious COVID variant going around, but we will continue to do the Work while there is time. Last year, we had 523 guests attend TWPs in person with another 199 connecting online, and we have a very aggressive schedule planned for 2022.— Gerald Weston


  1. Vaccination is a personal decision for every Christian, but remember that God is you are own divine healer, not any man.

  2. I agree with LCG on this because people who are truly dedicated to God's work will continue to do it even if a deadly virus will kill them all.

  3. The Kingdom of God will replace all human governments and rule over the entire earth, so don't worry about catching covid, because those who are serious about God's work are at risk of catching covid to ensure their message gets out.

  4. Anon 12:06:00 PM PST

    ‘so don’t worry about catching covid, because those who are serious about God’s work are at risk of catching covid to ensure their message gets out’.
    Not very encouraging to those who have lost loved ones and friends due to this virus.
    I do worry about this virus, but then I happen to care for family members who are disabled and have serious health issues and covid could cause serious, perhaps lethal harm to them.
    I also think if an individual was serious about getting ‘their message’ out they would be deeply concerned for the welfare of their fellow man and would exercise all precautions necessary to mitigate the possibility of transmission, which would include vaccination, the wearing of masks etc.
    But these issues have already been addressed on previous posts on this webpage.

  5. If a Christian has faith in Yahweh, that person would get inoculated.

  6. The point is true servants of God are willing to preach the true gospel even if it costed their lives.

  7. "Don't worry about the virus." is just another paraphrase of "Let the dead bury the dead." which is one of the classic catch-all instructions used by Armstrongites at any time when the ministry determined that a member might actually be distracted by his or her own love and caring for fellow human beings.

  8. Young adults weekend in Wisconsin - 33 in attendance.
    TWP - 523 guests last year and 199 online.
    Appallingly low figures.
    They say volumes about the invisibility of this ‘work’.
    An aggressive schedule planned for next year. That of course depends on ‘cash flow’.
    More members = more cash.
    A simple reading of the Gospel messages and the Acts of the apostles reveals an entirely different church and message to the proclamations of lcog.

  9. My name is Mark Fike. I am a member of COGWA. I've read the garbage that you people post here and it is all LIES! I know for a fact that people such as Dennis is a reprobate who couldn't stay in the church because he couldn't stay true to the Word Of God. I doubt any of you were ever real saints of God.

    1. 5.45 PM
      Hi Mark. Can you elaborate on your "..and it is all lies." What are these lies?

      My life long experience with people like Dennis is that they never embraced the word of God from the very beginning.

      The accusation of not being a real saint has a history of abuse. Ministers have often used the accusation as a club against members who questioned church teachings, or who informally challenged the under the table expectations, such as members being passive. I'm weary of that accusation.

      Btw, there are many members attending the various ACOG splinters who are not real saints.
      And not forgetting, my mental health went through the roof when I stopped attending services. Church environments are toxic.

  10. Come hell or high water, they continue in their insanity. No love shown towards fellow man or your brother. Yes, they know COVID is very contagious but they don't care if anyone catches it, or if anyone dies from it. But hey, that's the Loveless Church of God for you!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Vaccination is a personal decision for every Christian, but remember that God is you are own divine healer, not any man.

    Obviously you have not been keeping up with God's healing record of success

  12. On which day of creation were viruses, bacteria, and fungi created? Never found that in the creation poem.

    The priests of old had a limited understanding of science, but at least they had an excuse. This new batch thinks gay people cause hurricanes to hit New Orleans.

  13. Anon 7:56 PM I think it was Pat Robertson who thought guys cause hurricanes.

  14. "If a Christian has faith in Yahweh, that person would get inoculated. "

    eh, possibly, if there was an inoculation available....but the only thing out there is experimental gene therapy, which goes against Christian belief, and does nothing to protect from infection/disease.(the numbers don't lie)

  15. Mark is in COGWA, yet he has the audacity to fault Dennis for not staying in the church?

    COGWA members have already "left the church" at least twice, leaving WCG for UCG, then leaving UCG for COGWA. Dennis only left the church once.
