Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 21, 2022

LCG Members Fasting To Humble Themselves This Weekend

Gerald Weston is seeking that LCG members can finally be "one" by declaring a fast this weekend. Oh, and to humble themselves.

Instead of forcing members to fast, he should make the fast requirement of all in the ordained ministry as far too many of them are as far as being humble as they are to practicing oneness.

Members often ask about the purpose of a fast when the Church calls one. When the disciples of John came to Jesus and asked why they and the Pharisees fasted often but His did not, He explained that there was no need to as long as the bridegroom (Jesus) was with them, but when He would be taken away, then they would fast. This is a clear statement that fasting is for the purpose of drawing close to God. Other scriptures show us that fasting is a means of humbling ourselves. When we look around at all that is happening in our world, all the distractions that can cause us to stray from the right path, the current dangers and those that loom on the near horizon, it is imperative that we draw close to God in humility. This applies to us individually and as the collective Body of Christ. Let us spend extra time in prayer, study, and meditation this Sabbath as we draw close to God in humility and oneness of mind.— Gerald Weston


  1. The membership's concepts of Jesus Christ have been irreparably corrupted by the doctrinal approach and programming of Armstrongism to the point where they need to deflect and study another example of humility, one which has been largely left untouched by their church. I would suggest that they study and meditate upon Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi this weekend during their fast.

  2. I'd be very interested to know how often these ministers fast? Especially since they portray themselves as moral-spiritual supermen.

  3. This is a good example of how "government" works in LCG. Basically they believe they can live the members live and aim to keep them as spiritual babes dependant on them. Can't the members decide when and if they fast for themselves? I know for a fact that when Pope Weston/Meredith calls a fast, it is as good as scripture, and individuals will be severely looked down on/questioned their loyalty if they don't choose to fast... but LCG thinks they can make decisions for grown adults. Don't get me wrong, there are cases in scripture where a "national" fast is called, but they were not of a regular and reoccurring nature but their lives literally depended on it.

  4. LCG should fast because the do not have Jesus among them.
    Or, they could turn to Christian groups that actually embrace Jesus as the Sabbath Rest and look to Jesus as an all sufficient Savior.
    If LCG tried to learn what Christian groups know about the finished work of Jesus and Jesus presently being a victorious King ruling a current Kingdom, they would be feasting instead of fasting.
    Instead, LCG is pathetic, impoverished, and starving - I wish I could bring them all into the feast!

  5. COG ministers should be fasting more. They look like they are enjoying too much gluttony. When/why did LCG remove gluttony from sin status? Looks like LCG does not keep the whole law.

  6. Sometimes people are so quick to condemn others for doing something such as fasting they don't
    or won't do themselves. Please he who is without sin pick up the first stone.

  7. Why not go really "old school" and have people just come to church, and then RIP THEIR CLOTHES and proceed to put ashes on their head??

  8. Weston calls this world "our world" and Winnail calls the kingdom "a kingdom"?

  9. I've never fasted and frankly I never will.

  10. I’m hungry! Let’s eat!!

  11. I think it is good to experiment with spiritual disciplines, but, fasting never accomplished anything of great import for me. It did help me in building a sort of gladiator's attitude somewhat akin to the ability to withstand pain, to run five miles if needed, or to go without sleep. If I need to stay focussed on project and there is temporarily no time to eat or drink, I can easily endure that. So, some of the harsher things we learned from Armstrongism were not completely wasted, they just did not end up being the spiritual silver bullet we might have hoped.

    For some, I suppose that fasting makes them feel as if they are part of a collective, something bigger than themselves. It really didn't do that for me, because I never saw it as a team activity. Contrary to what was intended by our spiritual teachers, fasting actually gave me a greater sense of self. When you are fasting, you realize some of the profound limitations of being human, like the essentialness of nourishment and the liquids which flush and cleanse the system. I once fasted for 48 hours, no food, no liquids. I did keep a journal, but several weeks later when I reviewed my writings, there was very little difference between my thoughts during the fast, and my normal daily thought processes.

  12. Gerald Weston explained the purpose of a fast to some of his inquiring members as follows:

    "...a clear statement that fasting is for the purpose of drawing close to God...fasting is a means of humbling ourselves...we draw close to God in humility. This applies to us individually and as the collective Body of Christ. Let us spend extra time in prayer, study, and meditation this Sabbath as we draw close to God in humility and oneness of mind."
    That Sabbath is over. Anyone feeling that oneness and humility, besides Weston and Winnail? Was it so wonderful that fasting will no longer be necessary?

    At least, Weston didn't ask his members to make their voices to be: "...heard on high," Isaiah 58:4, because God isn't interested in prayers and fasting to get for self.

    Might fasting actually have another purpose that the likes of Weston/Winnail, and other former hirelings of the former WCG, hadn't though of?

    Think about it. Moses and Christ fasted for weeks. David did it for days. Were they any humbler? Were they any loser to God?

    Weston/Winnail, as are Kubik, Franks, Thiel, Pack, Weinland, Flurry, etc., other former WCG hirelings (not sure who these people really are today?), all believe in their Mickey Mouse Millennium, to one degree or another lord it over others, and want their members to fast. Why? What has fasting ever done during the days of HWA, and since 16 January 1986?

    Aren't true Christians, something other than organizations, associations, groups of men striving to rule, lord, and control the lives of men and women....already humbled by God and are hence close to God?

    Did Moses and Jesus fast for the reasons Weston gave? If yes, then prove it to us with scripture!

    Jesus told us this:

    John 17:21 "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me."

    :23 "I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me."

    Can a Christian get any closer to God than that: the Father in Christ, and Christ in every Christian? If these verses are true, that's pretty close to God and that Bridegroom (hint for Weston referencing the Bridegroom being taken away: well, He was away for 3 days and 3 nights), if you ask me.

    Fasting is for some other reason(s), but not for what Weston said. Jesus fasted for 40 days and He wasn't going to get any closer to His Father, who was always with Him. And Christ is in them (John 17:23), those to be dragged by the Father and sealed by God's Spirit to be Firstfruits, part of a Bride to be built over time.

    Will the likes of Weston, Winnail, other former WCG hirelings determine some other reasons for fasting other than the ones they burden their members with? Will they learn why Christ just may not be "in them:" if that is the actual situation?

    Time will tell...

