Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 28, 2022

PCG: Are You Ready To Run And Tug On Their Garments So You Too Can Have Abundant Life?


The lunatics are loose in the asylum in Edmond Oklahoma. Lil'Stevie thinks that the PCG is so important that people will be running to them tugging on their garments to find out the awesome truth that the PCG has to preach. Once more, Bob Thiel was seen whimpering in the corner because he never thought of this!

Apparently, PCG believes they are living life so abundantly that everyone will want to join them when they see this. Unfortunately, the only people living life abundantly are the elite and their children/grandchildren. 

Stephen Flurry Goes Off the Rails Again:
January 22, 2022 
Just to show how far off the rails Stephen Flurry is getting, he gave a Bible Study titled “Ask and You Shall Receive” where he talked about how we members (including the PCG youth) should know how to answer questions. He said the following which I thought was more than a little ridiculous: 
“There is going to come a time when people are going to be chasing us down, pulling at the hem of our garment, to get answers to life’s most important questions. And we’ve got to be ready to answer everyone that asks.

On the other hand, if a member were to ask a minister (especially your highness SF or GF) something that they don’t like, don’t want to hear, or can’t answer, you can be sure that person will be suspended on the spot. 
In this Bible study, SF took a long time to brag non-stop about Herbert Armstrong, ad nauseam, raising him up as the whitest of white saints.What would PCG ever do if they didn’t have HWA to continually refer to? The Bible, and especially the Christ of the Bible, wouldn’t be enough for them. 
Even though this Bible study was about how we should know how to ask and reply to questions, SF said God doesn’t want us to question His authority (Translation: PCG ministers), His leadership (Translation: Gerald Flurry and Stephen Flurry), His Truth (Translation: GF’s teaching promulgated to the exclusion of all other groups).

He told about the “abundant life you all have in God’s church” and “why would you want to give that up?” 
The only ones I know who have the “abundant life” are the higher up ministers and their pampered, rich kids. The rest have to endure split families, financial problems, and fearing what’s coming in the future. 
I wonder how SF thinks his loud, nerve-wracking, voice (which crescendos in the middle of all his speeches) is going to get anyone to focus on asking any kind of question. But his behavior is all part of mind control which he is very good at. –G. E. Exit and Support Network


  1. The constant references to HWA means that the leadership knows that members are worshipping Herb rather than Christ. They're telling their members what they want to hear, and appealing to all the other Herb worshippers in splinterdom to join their group.

  2. Seems like little Stephen is becoming as delusional and as self important as old Gerald. How about instead let's go back to the early 1990'S & list all of Gerald Flurry's FAILED PROPHECIES!!! Also, didn't old Gerald get arrested for public drunkenness about that time and tried to pay off the arresting policeman?

  3. Questions can be insightful. When I was a member of the WCG, someone in a seminar once asked, "If you could be anything other than what you are right now, what would you choose to be?"

    I pondered that for a while. The only answer I could come up with was an abortion. I felt so trapped, so hopeless because of everything I' thought I knew from church, that having been aborted as a fetus seemed to be the only solution that would have provided relief. Didn't like the game presented by Armstrongism, didn't like the rules of the game.

    After having left, I realized that I'd allowed a soul-killing scam to take over and dominate my every thought and act. So, I went on to repair life and to follow my dreams. My journey hasn't always been a bed of roses, but quality of life on my current path is so much better than it had been with HWA as a so-called spiritual guide. I really hope that no PCG members follow me or clutch at my garments begging for answers. They may not like what I have to share with them.

  4. Armstrongism has a tendency to minimize or almost eliminate Christ from their narrative & too many times HWA or the leader of that branch of church has been emphasized as the defacto messiah. It does not take in to account that as hard as a human may try, that we are all sinners and what is important that we do try but that we realize Christ is our saviour and only thru him is our salvation. It helps eliminate the hopelessness and the enormous burden that too many in the Worldwide tradition have laid on the backs of members. It also invalidates worthless doctrines like church government or church eras.

  5. "
    “There is going to come a time when people are going to be chasing us down,"

    I could agree with that...

  6. This looks like a typical COG misinterpretation of scripture - in this case, Zech 8:23 "This is what the Lord Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’”

    1. This's obviously written in symbolic language. This is plainly referring to the work of the Christian Church that started with Pentecost. Compare Acts 2 with this passage, and you'll see "ten people from all languages and nations taking hold on the hem of one Jew," that Jew being Jesus Christ.

  7. Nothing new here. Didnt Tedster, HWA and others "PULL DOWN" skirts and hems in the WCG??

  8. Yet another reminder. There but for the grace of God go we, who were also once mindless Zombies and flaming A-holes. We see it all around us these days amongst fundamentalists and political demagogues.

  9. That should be: "There will come a time when people will ignore us, and will not even aware our "church" exists. You know, just like now." ~ Little Stevie.

  10. oh, by the way, they changed their Israeli-based magazine that now really accurately describes Flurry, his son, and his ministers --

    Let The Stoned Speak!

  11. Just curious, but I wonder what the rate of suicides are by members in all the ACOGs....

  12. People here are very mean to the PCG brothers. Let PCG prosper no need for persecution.

  13. Let me tell you PCG is a blessed church.
    Blessing is part of the walk of believers! It sets you apart to show God's goodness to others!
    People may forget you, but God ALWAYS remembers you! You are constantly on His mind!
    Don't let anything or anything makes you bitter and steal your blessing. Let it go!
    Your praise for His goodness will pull you out and promote you!
    But those who slander God's church like PCG are in danger of the judgment this blog persecutes PCG because they have nothing better to do and it's nothing but Sad.

    1. People here aren’t ever going back to the PCG… we have all proved that Herbert Armstrong was a fraud, we’ve proved where he snatched his doctrines from, how he studied the communists and went to their meeting to see hiw they were made to devote themselves entirely to the cause and then replicated those principles in his organisation, we’ve all proved how he scammed people out of their hard earned money, told them to take out loans, etc anything to help dig the wcg out of one financial “disaster” 🙄 after another, we watched him morph his teachings over the years as it suited his purpose ie- “church government”, we’ve seen testimony after testimony about miss use of funds, backed by courts in pay outs and hush money, we’ve seen abuse after abuse to try to gain control and we’ve experienced families torn apart and people destroyed at an unspeakable rate…..I would go on but typically people don’t read the long posts….. look it up for yourself

  14. The only flaw I've seen with the PCG is that they're not keeping enough of what Herbert Armstrong taught. What you need is to be 100% for Armstrong and be neither more nor less than what Armstrong taught you. Armstrong gave you guys the truth don't give up come back the full truth, work and government of God.

  15. Jesus, a torah observant Jew, was wearing tassels - these tassels are the "hem" that people were grabbing. All of Armstrongdom is vehemently against wearing tassels. Ergo the COGs literally have no "hem" for anyone to grab.

  16. The only flaw I've seen with the PCG is that they're not keeping enough of what Herbert Armstrong taught. What you need is to be 100% for Armstrong and be neither more nor less than what Armstrong taught you. Armstrong gave you guys the truth don't give up come back the full truth, work and government of God.

    HWA taught, and printed in MOA, that all the stuff he foretold would happen by the end of the 20th century. He also taught that there are no prophets in the New Testament church.

    The entire foundation of PCG is based on the premise that He Was Wrong.

  17. Let the Stoned Speak

    You idiot! It's Let the Stones Speak. Mick and Keith FTW.

    Which means that the playlist at future PCG dances is going to be a lot more, shall we say, raucous and profane, than most PCG members have been used to. But this shouldn't surprise us, as we've known all along that Gerald Flurry and his minions truly do have Sympathy for the Devil.

  18. 👆🏼Funny stuff up there! They are an evil family destroying money grabbing cult. And cheers to you, you little PCG rebels! You’re not even supose to be listening to Joe Rogan, let alone this blog! Hope your not using your smart phone 🤣

  19. We have been given FORTY YEARS TO WANDER IN THE WILDERNESS since the death of the great HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, brethren. Be you not misled and divided by little incompetent men like those that run PCG, LCG, UCG, RCG, etc. Enriching these CHARLATANS will gain you nothing - they are nothing more than MOABITES preying on the weak. HOLD FAST to what you have and wait for the ETERNAL to return to the PROMISED LAND and end this present evil age!

  20. New Philadelphia Church of God Hymn:(use music accompanying instrumental courtesy of Alice Cooper) Welcome to Flurry's nightmare. I don't think you're gonna like it. I think you're gonna feel, you don't belong. A nocturnal vacation. Sermons that cause sedation. You'll wanna be @ home, cause you don't belong. Welcome to Flurry's nightmare whoa whoa oh. Welcome to your breakdown. Gerry hopes he scared you. That's just the way when we ministers are, when we come down. We shout, lie & scream here. Cause life is just a bad dream here. You know inside, you wish you were @ home. Welcome to Flurry's nightmare whoa whoa oh.

  21. I like the idea of the splinters being Moab.

  22. Claiming that outsiders will be pulling at the hem of members garments is typical of all the ACOGs. They teach the give way, condemn the "get way," while sneaking in the "get way."
    They know what truly motivates people, and hope their members won't notice the hypocrisy.
