Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Commercial Break: If the First Century Church Preached the Good News Like Dr. Bob

 Cogwriter Prophectic Teasers and Homily for the Day

I suppose a Prophet has to seem to possess special knowing and appear to prophesy. Or at least be able to say, "I wrote about that!"  

Can't be special just sticking with the actual New Testament Gospel  

Twenty First Century Gospel of the Kingdom of God According to Bob

Latest News & Analysis

First Century Gospel of the The Kingdom of God According to Prophet Bob

Latest News and Analysis

It is Palestine's Canaanite History Month; Let's Look at some Jewish Christian Canaanite history

RomeTalk: The Battle for Jerusalem and Jewish/Gentile Christian Integration is Failing and Vespasian Provides Proof:  ADCOG:: Oh We Don't Think So!

Apostolic Poll: 76 Percent of Militant Jews and Christians Oppose Vespasian's Pledge to Elect Titus to the Roman Senate Vacancy

Chinese Year of the Tiger. Should Jewish Christians Celebrate and What Does the Torah Have to Say About that?

Jewish/Gentile Church of God News in Egyptian

Iberian Plan to Revolt Against Rome Threats... Spain is de facto still part of the Roman Empire and Her Goodies. 

Quintus Roscius Gallus decries the effemination of Rome's Manly Men!

TorahNewsProphecy: Increasing Romanization Will Not End Well

The Gentile Church Cannot Police Itself



  1. If the first century church preached like Bob, there would be no second century church!

  2. "...then, after the improperly named Essenes refused to acknowledge me as a prophet, John the Baptizer dunked me twice. That's one time more than he dunked his cousin Jesus. But when I told Jesus about my dream, the one in which I was made higher than the high priest, he just looked at me as if I were some Doubly Dunked Dimwit. So, I'm a Mithraist now. And that's no bull!"

  3. What is the address for Father Guido Sarducci?

    Id like to mail him a contribution!

  4. Anonymous 2/1 @ 6:23,

    Amen! I just posted with a similar thesis to Dennis' post:


  5. Why is it that Bob Thiel has no following in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc? A measly few hundred worldwide is telling. What are those reasons? I know the African followers are just following the whims so their so-called leaders who church hop them from one organisation to another, but still want to know what no one in the COG is interested in him. I honestly want to know.

  6. Why is it that Bob Thiel has no following in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc?

    People are in an ACOG either because they believe its doctrines or they value the social circle their membership brings.

    The improperly named Continuing Church of God, aka "Bobism", affords members outside of Africa no particular social circle, so people seeking ACOG social contacts will gravitate toward UCG, LCG, or COGWA instead. Furthermore, Bobism is doctrinally suspect, basing so much on Catholic and Mayan prophecies and on the dreams of Bob's flatterers. A few Bobists joined because the bigger ACOGs wouldn't let them become deacons or elders, and Bobism lets them swim as big fish in their very small pond. For a while, a few people exiting LCG would try Bobism out for a while, but Monsonism is currently the preferred choice for LCG exiters. Bobism is obsolete, and will die with Bob.

  7. "Bobism is doctrinally suspect, basing so much on Catholic and Mayan prophecies and on the dreams of Bob's flatterers. A few Bobists joined because the bigger ACOGs wouldn't let them become deacons or elders, and Bobism lets them swim as big fish in their very small pond. "

    This is the best definition of Bobism I have seen! Well done!

  8. Bob is an abomination in ANY DOSE! Never has the COG had a more absurd leader than it has in the improperly named Church of Bob

  9. Post-HWA Armstrongism carries systemic problems, inherited both its CG7 background, from HWA's eclectic selection of doctrine, and from his own tinkering and twists.
    The competitive nature of claiming to be the truest of the truth and correctness is akin to entering a contest for which there is no real prize. Bob is simply another challenger for the illusive and illusional king of the COGleaders, and Bobism is another "unique" flavor of of error-ridden Armstrongism.
