Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 11, 2022

"Dancing With The Stars" Alum and "Selling Sunset" Star Is Ex-Church of God Member


Another feel-good story of an ex-member who overcame the odds of a chaotic life and time in Armstrongism.

“Dancing With the Stars” alum Chrishell Stause has a memoir out now in which she writes candidly about her childhood growing up in Kentucky, including that her family was homeless at several points in her life and also that her parents got them involved for a while in what “felt like a cult.” Andrea Reiher

See full story here:  DWTS Alum Was Homeless, In A Cult As A Child

Strause has written a book on growing up against all kinds of odds:

Amazon says this:

In this engaging, witty, and inspirational memoir, Chrishell Stause shares her story of living an unconventional childhood in small-town Kentucky marked by periods of homelessness, family addiction struggles, and dreams of one day being on a daytime soap, all while managing the local Dairy Queen. Through resilience and grit, she overcame obstacles and pushed past every barrier in her path to become one of the most envied luxury realtors in Los Angeles and buzzworthy cast members in reality TV.

She takes us behind the scenes of Selling Sunset, reveals never-before-told stories from her life in soaps, and even pulls back the curtain on her highly publicized love life, offering insight not before shared. With her signature honesty and charm, Stause also gives tangible advice based on the lessons she’s learned over the years and offers unique insight about how to stay resilient and positive no matter how many times life knocks you down. Under Construction is for anyone who wants to remember that no matter what happens or how, you have to get up, dress up, and show up, and walk back into the room stronger than ever before.

Buy the book here:  Under Construction: Because Living My Best Life Took a Little Work




  1. She doesn't seem to be called by God if she left the church.

    1. Anon 12:49, "the church" as you call it was a CULT! Thank God she escaped!

  2. Dancing with the Stars is too worldly. Let's all watch leave it to beaver and Jelly videos and church videos to stay away from bad influences.

  3. She's hot!
    There wasn't much talent back in my COG days.

  4. Anon 3:35 PM yes there was like it won't be long now, we are family and the other songs from the feast films.

    1. Dont forget the uncredited barry manilow covers. Ugh.

    2. It Wont Be Long Now was probably the only thing Jutsum ever wrote that wasnt 100% obnoxious (maybe 98%). But the content? That lil kid in the video for it is probably a grandma now.

  5. She was born in 1981. If her family joined up when she was about 10, as stated, she was there for the waning years. Though she talks about home checks. She must have had one batshit local ministurd.

    1. Guessing she would have attended Paducah, KY, or maybe Cape Girardeau MO. Kilough pastored the latter, I think. I do not recall who had Paducah back then.

    2. Home checks are an important part of control in the PCG.

  6. Anon 12:49:00 PM PST

    Are you sure?
    Perhaps she was lead by God to abandon the ‘church’ or Armstrongism with its deeply flawed theology and easily debunked doctrines and come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the freedom we find in Him.
    Your comment warrants criticism and is revealing.
    You are assuming something with all its implications that may be incorrect and passing judgment forgetting that even Michael dared not bring a rebuke against the devil…….

  7. Anon 7:40 when people reject the truth and don't understand it they aren't called it's that simple.

  8. Anon 9:09:00 PM PST

    ‘when people reject the truth’.

    I presume the ‘truth’ you mention is the doctrines and theology of Armstrongism found within the cog.
    Rejecting the ‘truth’ may well be a simple refusal to accept a series of deeply flawed doctrines and have the clarity of mind and foresight to walk away; and have nothing to do with being ‘called’.
    Rejecting the ‘truth’ taught within Armstrongism is not a rejection of Jesus Christ or His gospel of salvation.

  9. Sometimes having a very adverse fixed point in ones background, like a cult to work against, inspires one to overcompensate and to ultimately triumph and rake in great rewards. The thing is, it all boils down to your individual personality, and how it reacts to negative situations. I'm sure we've all witnessed some become self defeating negative nellies, and others who develop anger issues and explosive temper disorder that continue to sabotage their lives.

    Recovery is the key, and before you are able to do that, you must realize that there was something from which to recover in the first place. So many in Armstrongism never realize that the presence of a cult in their lives constitutes a problem, let alone growing to the point of dealing with that problem and to going on to lead a successful life.

    Armstrongism only ruins lives if you give it that power and allow it to!

  10. Anon 9:45 the thing you apostates fail to understand is that just because you Jesus died for you doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to get the prize. The bible says you have to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. So you have to work at it like a skill but the gift part is because you don't deserve salvation but Christ is willing to forgive if you repent and believe the one true gospel of the kingdom of God but even that is not enough you must also obey the ten commandments and parts of the old testament.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I read the article in the link. It only says "it felt like a cult" because it had a leader. No other details were given. It says both her parents died from lung cancer. Poor girl. Nice to see her getting ahead.

  13. Anon 740

    "Perhaps she was led by God to escape Armstrong's deeply flawed theology and easily debunked doctrines"?

    Her own words prove that is not the case, since "making sure your were earning your way to HEAVEN" was never a church doctrine or part of its theology! Sounds like you don't know much about it either!

  14. Damanation would be having to listen to covers of Barry Manilow songs for eternity.

    1. Seems to me they did two of those. I vaguely remember somw other uncredited covers, as well as "The Holy City (Jerusalem)", which was about as old as HWA himself.

  15. “Christ is willing to forgive if you“

    Forgive of what?

    Paul Ray

  16. How refreshing! None of the COGlodytes trashed Chrishell for her "Aspire to Inspire" tattoo!

  17. This just in: New Zealand officials are blasting Barry Manilow songs and "The Macarena" at crowds of protesters who are demonstrating against vaccine mandates in Wellington in an effort to get them to pack up and go home. The protest has been ongoing since Tuesday.

  18. Chrishell is very open minded in her personal dating policies as well!
