Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Fred Coulter Creates A Second Organization To Deceive COG Members


The Church of God is filled with so many self-important vain men who have set themselves up as new potentates of splinter groups all claiming to accurately represent first-century Christianity. Fred Coulter, the COG resident phrenologist, rebelled and left the mother church to form the Christian Biblical Church of God. The CBCG is another do-nothing church that has made no impact upon the world even after Coulter reorganized the Bible and started selling it for $175 USD.

Not able to draw in new members these guys then try to reach out to the scores of COG members who stay home and listen to tapes and recordings each week, Coulter set up the Church at Home organization. There is an untapped field of potential tithe payers sitting out there who send money to different groups as they wish and various COG leaders have continually been unsuccessful in drawing them into their groups.

In reality, this second group is nothing more than a shell front for the money-making con games of another COG leader, much like Bob Thiel's CG7 website which imitates the legitimate COG 7 Day and diverts people away to Thiel's improperly named "continuing" Church of God.

A reader here sent this:

Gentlemen —
The current issue of Biblical Archaeology Review has an ad that I found interesting. I immediately figured out it was for one of the WCG offshoots, but “church at home.org” was not familiar to me. Gary, of course, would have known immediately that “church at home” was an alias for the unChristian unBiblical Church of God.

Ad in Biblical Archeology Review

Where would the Church of God be without the British Israelism myth that it uses to support its shaky foundation? Without this myth, which has so much evidence against it, the entire system of Armstrongism collapses into a moldy heap of nothingness.


  1. Ok, it's now an epidemic: Bob Thiel and his CG7 site, Flurry and his Armstrong-Mazar project, and now Fred Coal-tar! If you can't effectively get out what you call the gospel (it isn't), then try a little disingenuousness! Right in keeping with the Zeitgeist there, fellas! Wonder if you also praise Putin in his assault on freedom!

  2. This is BLOG is SOOOOO UNGRATEFUL for the AMAZING and WONDERFUL TRUTH GOD gave to US using the LEADERSHIP of Herbert W. Armstrong

    1. 4:33, You seriously need to study the Word of God.

    2. I so wish it came with laugh reacts.

  3. Why pay $175 New, when you can gets Coulters book for $19.99 on EBAY in almost new condition!


  4. A Bible in the original order? Big deal. I once had a loose leaf Bible. I could shuffle the books into any arrangement I wanted and not have to spend $175.

  5. 4:33 ~ Let us know if you ever have anything truthful or intelligent to post.

  6. "Wonderful truth?" Hogwash! All Armstrongism is is a mish mash of Adventism, Mormonism, JWism, and British-Israelism. If all of them are false, so is Armstrongism. Any reading of the history of these groups shows they have a track record of false prophecies, distorted understanding of Christian history, and no real knowledge of world history. Sadly, the average ACOG member is too lazy to read or study anything outside the Armstrong orbit.

  7. Anon 4:33, I'm pretty sure he is the former True Christian. Anyone can see it.

  8. Wouldn't the NT in its original order be problematic for Harmstrongites?
    - showing the anti-sabbatarian Pauline epistles first and the gospels near the back -
