Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, February 12, 2022

PCG Claims 10,000 Members Will Be Ready To Meet Christ When He Returns


Scripture twisting at its finest. But, this is the Philadelphia Church of God, after all.

Scripture indicates that the membership of God’s end-time work, at Christ’s return, will be around 10,000 strong (Deuteronomy 33:2; Jude 14-15; see our booklet No Freedom Without Law for further explanation). That is 10,000 out of a world population of close to 8 billion. This means each member will have been chosen now over 800,000 others. Would God choose someone at such vast odds and not make them a critical part of His work force?


  1. Fat chance!!!! They don’t even have 3500 “baptised” members 🤣🤣🤣

  2. They are starting to walk that number back because they we aren’t even close in-terms of membership.

  3. Well, a critical part of Flurry's work force. After all his personal jet is expensive traveling around not visiting world leaders like he said he'd need the jet for

  4. Why, how spiritual! (Just kidding)

  5. Oops! They missed the 7000 in 1 Kings 19:18. The narcissism reeks.

  6. It has always blew my mind how Flurry has been so narcissistic and self important. He names his church the "philadelphia era" church when in reality it should be up to God who would bestow that name, not man. He crowns himself as a prophet when if judged by his proclamations and their failures, he is a FALSE PROPHET and a fraud. He goes out of his way to diminish Christ and adds his own writings as scripture while quoting from Mystery of the Ages as if it was gospel. He uses HWA as an idol and does that because he lusts after the power and control that he had. He causes the destruction of lives and families without guilt. His so called "college" is nothing but an institution of "lower education" and does not benefit most of the students who attend. Hopefully, some of the students who attend can be like the young fellow named Kieran who I have read about that did not check his brain at the door but took note of Flurry's failures and PCOG's beliefs against the truth & noted their discrepancies.

    1. Gerry crowned himself a KING!
      And all the brainwashed people follow along and worship yet another man. Wasting their lives for literally nothing. It’s devastating.

  7. This is another example of the ACOGs habit of dressing up speculation or wishing thinking as the gospel truth.
    HWA excelled at this. He knew it was deceit, but still did it non stop.

  8. These ACOG crackpots sure are fixated on numbers, numbers none of them have. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  9. The PCG has made this claim for at least 20 years. In the meantime their numbers have stagnated and future growth may be nearly impossible. No one really cares about PCG except those in the PCG. They think they are so important! Yet, as an organization they are irrelevant.

  10. This is a good example of what can happen when you view the Scriptures through the lens of the Fundamentalist/Literalist perspective. Instead of evoking an image of Christ being accompanied by a great company of his saints, it becomes the exact number of people who will be present (I wonder if that's supposed to include all of the folks who died in the Lord down through the ages - talk about a "little flock").

  11. Déjà vu. Arithmetic can sometimes seem affirming. I remember a sermonette where the speaker had taken the estimated number of stars in the Universe (nobody knows what that number is - the estimates are always for the "observable" universe) and divided that number by the number of people in the WCG to yield the number of stars we would each get in the "world tomorrow." The whole thing was fatuous, but it sounded good in a Spokesman-Clubby kind of way.

    The 10,000-member figure cited by this Splinterist preacher likewise has no certain traction. Culturally, in the ancient world, these numbers may be fairly loosely applied. For instance, Hank Hanegraaff pointed out that round number 1,000 years in reference to the Millennium is a figure of speech meaning a long, long time. Hanegraaff states, "...the figurative use of the whole number 1,000 is virtually ubiquitous in Old Testament Usage" (The Apocalypse Code, p. 127). It seems to have the same force and accuracy that our expression a "gazillion" would have. So, what is the 10,000 really? Precise or figurative? And is it really reasonable to apply arithmetic to it if it is only figurative? These are the pitfalls of literalism.

    And there is the shaky structure of assumption on which the theory is built. Like who is the Elect and is there really a credible census of these people in the scripture. It's about uncertain methods applied to uncertain data.

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  12. Certainly a characteristic of any cult, is to make the "human fuel" that is being consumed, feel special about itself. Similar to what happened to Kamikazee pilots, or Jihadists.

  13. Since we are discussing numbers, what does Flurry teach about the 144,000? How do his 10,000 fit into this greater number? Other commentators have speculated that there will be 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes, and still others that the 144K would be Gentile Christians who became sealed through their lives in the tribulation before being martyred for their faith.

    Since Flurry dwells so much on Laodiceans, are they involved in this number?

  14. "They don’t even have 3500"

    More like down to 3000 now with the accelerating attrition in splinterdom

    1. 12.28 PM
      Many cults are generously supported by their members wills. So they live on despite their shrinking numbers.

  15. To be a fly on the wall when PCG members finally realize that not even 20 people can fit in that jet of theirs when it's "time to flee."

    PCG members don't realize they symbolize the virgins who sleep and lack oil when Christ returns.

  16. 2/13 @ 3:29,

    Yes, their children have been screwed by large contributions to the Church throughout their parents' affiliation with an ACOG, and they are screwed in the will when they die. People of limited means who gave away what resources they had to the Church - so sad. Just like the Pharisees before them, instead of taking care of their families, they thought that they could purchase God's favor in the hereafter!

  17. I recently left the PCG and at last feast took down the number of people attending at each feast site. When totalled it was only 2500. There’s no way they even have 5000 members

    1. 👆🏼Yes! Someone else with a brain! Now hopefully more people will start calling BS on their shady financial stats! They NEVER factor in inflation into their numbers, that’s just the most obvious way to call them out of their crap. Andrew Locher is such a shady, liar and he had so many people fooled with his False humility facade.

  18. To be a fly on the wall when PCG members finally realize that not even 20 people can fit in that jet of theirs when it's "time to flee."

    Reading this comment makes me realize how the two end credits scenes ("22,740 years later") in Don't Look Up sarcastically portray fleeing to the place of safety. Substitute GF for the President.

  19. The ACOGs will all have their William Miller moment sooner or later, but it won't faze them or even make them blink. HWA took a lickin' and kept on tickin' in 1975!
