Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 11, 2022

Crackpot Prophet Forgives Those That Mock Him…So He Claims

The Great Bwana and Savior of Africa and the Laodiceans heretics is talking down to us about forgiveness and mercy. Imagine a COG leader doing such a thing. Its Impossible, I know! Just smoke and mirrors.

Mercy and Forgiving Someone Who is NOT Sorry
We have all been hurt or offended by someone. As Christians, we know we are supposed to forgive. But what about forgiving someone who is not sorry? In this message, Dr. Thiel goes over ideas about forgiving the unrepentant from secular writers Harriet Lerner, Robert Enright, and Laura Davis. He then quotes the Apostle Paul and some passages in the Book of Proverbs. Dr. Thiel further quotes Jesus, the Apostle Peter, the Apostle James, and more from the Apostle Paul explaining why it is good for your well being to forgive and show mercy even to those who do not apologize to you. Mercy is one of the weightier matters of the law that Christians are to have.


  1. Forgive, if he repents - Luke 17:3.

  2. Over the years, he has taken a lot more of a beating than Dennis, and has still hung in there. Obviously he must have found something that works for him. Now if only we could get him to stop all of the belly aching!

  3. All that talk about forgiveness, but he overlooks one fundamental point. If you are still visibly butthurt, you haven't forgiven. Fiver years after his death, Rod Meredith is still living rent-free in Bob's head.

  4. Dear Bob:

    I forgive you for your now many year old flowered curtains, with the pink sash in the middle surrounding your head, like you are coming out of the birth canal.

    Fashion and design sense or lack of it, is not a sin, just a handicap. For all of us with a deficiency, it is best to hire some things out, like a a good tax accountant for instance, or even at the most basic level like a barber.

  5. Forgiving those who do not apologize is Kenneth Copeland rather than biblical Christianity. This perverse religion is the religion HWA learnt in his eleven year stay in COG7 and passed on to his members. It's nothing more than "wallet Christianity." To attract members, these ministers are no different than politicians who buy office by giving their voters free stuff. The free stuff, identified in the parable of the talents, is the ability to abuse other church members. Hence the endless forgive. be merciful, ignore slights and insults, a soft answer turns away wrath etc, etc. This is conditioning members to be door mats and punching bags for pathological abusers. All tolerated and protected proving the abusers bring their wallets. The equivalent of protection money. This is obvious by the lack of affirmations such as: members right to be free from violence and deception, the right to be treated with respect and dignity, the right to push back and defend themselves by complaining.
    Which is why Kenneth Copeland type Christianity and it's clones, such as the ACOGs, do NOT have Gods blessing. And is why protestant Christianity is shrinking in America.

  6. Jesus said we are to LOVE OUR ENEMY as well as our neighbor. I've never heard of an enemy apologizing. In this rancorous and divided world, our enemies include a lot of people. Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6. We are to do these things toward our enemies: Do good to them when they do bad to you; Bless those who curse you; Pray for those who spitefully use you; lend to those who abuse you, expecting nothing in return (Luke 6:35). Jesus prayed on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do" Love has a cost, one we must be willing to pay. So why do we love? Because Jesus said to "be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect" Matthew 5:48. Because Our Father causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. Be like Father. Be like Jesus. This is only possible if you have experienced the rebirth and have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. Have a good day

  7. Bob makes a living spreading lies while Gary goes broke trying to expose Bob. Gary hates Bob, and Bob deserves it.

  8. Be like Jesus.

    Can't. I'm not a myth who never lived.

  9. Pray for those who spitefully use you; lend to those who abuse you, expecting nothing in return (Luke 6:35).

    Christianity is impractical. Follow it, and you're dead. It was invented by enemies of Rome who wanted to use it to infiltrate and destroy Rome.

    1. A bully trait is that if their victims don't fight back, they attack their victims more frequently and with greater levels of abuse.

      Those who quote Luke 6.35 ignore context, and are abusers themselves.
      Btw, where in the scriptures did Christ tolerate abuse in everyday life?

  10. 12:47 and 12:49: Dude, that's about as funny as your rear end!

  11. Dude, that's about as funny as your rear end!

    How do you know what somebody's rear end looks like over the Internet, and why would you be interested in that?

  12. Uh, developmental copy of some special software?
