Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Kangaroos and the COG



  1. ...after jumping off ark.

    As a description of Armstrongism today, you missed it by just two letters!

  2. The Creation Museum is almost as crooked as CNN, MSNBC and Fox. They just make stuff up, and people believe them.

  3. There is a very good argument that can be made for the flood being a localized event, ie the Black Sea land bridge collapsing under a previous warming period. Hugh Ross explores these options in his series of books.

  4. Early in my lifetime, it was possible to make questionable statements about the distant past, and they would be widely believed, because the methods of the day could not definitively refute them. Those were simpler times, and certain types of people long for their return. The refinement of radio carbon dating, the reading of ice core samples, and the mapping of the human genome place the Creation Museum into the realm of Santa Claus. Some will always choose fantasy over fact, because it enhances their comfort level. I have no idea whether there is a British Israel museum. Well, that's not entirely true. That museum is called the COG. People live their lives expecting all that they love to be destroyed, because that will validate the miserable lives they were manipulated into living. When something other than that happens, they will adapt it to what they had been taught, and continue to believe their chosen teachers were right. Funny species, those humans!

  5. They jumped off in mid flood and floated all the way from Anatolia to Australia. Ok.

  6. "RSK said...
    They jumped off in mid flood and floated all the way from Anatolia to Australia. Ok."

    Apparently, they had fishing poles out so they could catch fish as they floated from the Middle East to the Australian continent. Either that or God supplied manna for them to consume as they floated. Or, they jumped ship when the ark floated all the way down by the soon-to-be Australian landmass and jumped off there.

  7. The 'roos must have had supernatural protection, seeing as how there were only two of each unclean animal. All the sharks and other sea animals remained in the oceans at full population. See, this is part of the magical aspect of Christianity that I just don't get. People invoke it to explain events of today, too!

  8. Kangaroos, koala bears and many other species could not survive if predatory animals such as lions and tigers existed in Australia. The same goes for some species in New Zealand.
    Common sense tells me that God gave his angels the assignment of placing these animals in Australia and similar. minus their predators. This is another proof of God's existence.

    1. Never heard of dingoes and thylacines?

    2. RSK
      These "dogs" cannot climb trees to devour koala bears or overpower kangaroos. It's too big a coincidence that no "big cats" such as tigers, panthers, leopards etc do not exist on the Australian continent. It has to be by Gods' design.
      Btw, look at the damage caused in Australia by man's imported animals such as mice. rats. and especially rabbits.

    3. Wrong. Kangaroos are among the most common large prey taken by dingoes. The slow-moving koala, which does not jump from tree to tree and must take to the ground to rove, is also preyed on by dingoes as well as the goanna and some other animals. The thylacine preyed on both as well, though its a marsupial, not a dog.

  9. Anon 7:00:00 PM PDT

    ‘Common sense tells me that God gave his angels the assignment of placing these animals in Australia and similar’.
    Well no.
    Then God should have removed verminous snakes and spiders plus the man eating sharks that inhabit the waters around this fair land called Australia.
    BUT HE DID NOT and many many human lives have being lost by these killers or in your words ‘predators’.
    And mankind is inherently more valuable than animals as Jesus Christ said so clearly in the gospel accounts.
    ‘This is another proof of God’s existence’.
    If that is your evidence for Gods existence then it has to merit an unqualified fail.
    And it surely harms what little credibility Christianity has today in the eyes of the general public.

  10. Anonymous said...

    "Common sense tells me that God gave his angels the assignment of placing these animals in Australia and similar. minus their predators. This is another proof of God's existence."


  11. If you look at the continentson a globe or a map, they lok like pieces of a jigdaw puzzle that has been taken apart. Many scientists have speculated that the land mass was once a single piece of land. Thst would explain why Noah, with or without supernatural help was able to gather all the animals he needed without much difficulty.

    As for the land mass being broken up to what it is today, I think the tremendous upheavals caused by the flood was the cause of the continents separating. That would explain why certain animals are only found in certain countries and continents.

  12. Phinnpoy is conflating a couple of chronologies incorrectly.

    Even old-Earth creationists place Noah's flood within the last 10,000 years or so, and some put it more recent than 6,000 years.

    Pangaea, the long-ago single-land-mass that existed before it began to break up into today's continents, began to break apart 200 million years ago.

    There is no credible science or theology that can put Noah on a single world-continent.

  13. Young earthers often use similar tactics, and specious logic, 8:26. That's how you get dinosaurs as contemporaries with Adam and Eve. Ha ha! Adam and Eve as the original Flintstones!

  14. Surely the answer is obvious?

    How did the animals get to the ark in the first place? In Genesis 6v20 God said that the animals would come to Noah. Noah didn't have to go and search for them.

    So whatever way they came (probably God transporting them there), why would they not go back the same way? Where is the problem?

  15. I once read a paper by a physicist who chronicled the damage the sheer mass of water required to cover the highest mountains would have done to the planet. There would have been such pressure on the tectonic plates, causing volcanic activity as they shifted, and much was said about the damage the tides would have caused as the natural shoreline borders to the ocean allowed unmitigated motion of the water as it was pulled by the gravity of the moon. The delicate, life sustaining chemistry of the oceans and fresh water rivers and lakes would have been destroyed as one diluted the other. There would have been runaway bacteriological phenomena resulting from the mass death to humans, and animals, and with the normal predators having also been killed in both the oceans and on land, the normal clean up process which nature conducts would have been completely nonexistent. And, by the way, archaeologists would most certainly have discovered mass burial grounds of these creatures, much the same as they found huge numbers of prehistoric animal remains from an earlier extinction event!

    This had to have been a localized flood, a Mesopotamian event, with our understanding of the nuances of the ancient Hebrew language being responsible for bad translation, and literalists doing the rest to support a completely impossible tale. The fundies are always going to respond with "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it!" They are not motivated to do further, deeper investigation. That's just one of their personal limitations.

  16. Anon 10:46:00 AM PDT

    ‘tigers, panthers, leopards etc do not exist on the Australian continent. It has to be by God’s design. Btw look at the damage caused in Australia by man’s imported animals such as mice, rats and especially rabbits’.
    I presume you are alluding to Australia as being ‘special’ and ‘set aside’, i:e Israelites in origin.
    The fact that the dangerous creatures you mentioned do not live in Australia is no proof that it was by design and Australia has ‘special’ status.
    Well there are Anglo Saxon nations where lions and cats of that family live as well as many dangerous creatures such as wolves, snakes, spiders etc.
    Mice rats and rabbits are a stable of many of these ‘special’ nations also, indeed they have lived beside mankind since the ‘dawn’ of time. As well as the humble cockroach.

    1. 3.57 PM
      It's not about BI. My point which posters skirt around is that it's way too convenient that major pests such as mice and rabbits were absent prior to white settlements. And way too convenient that predatory animals such as bears, cheetahs, tigers etc are absent in the continent. Any one of these species could wipe out the koala population.

  17. Anon 7:42:00 PM PDT

    Also way too convenient that lions exist on the African continent, which keep many species in the animal world culled and under control least they cause enormous damage.
    But really?
    What point are you making here?
    These comments are lacking clarity and are rather hodgepodge and not on point….which is?
    And your argument is?

  18. 11.04 PM
    Lacking clarity? My point is that it's by Gods design and intervention that African cats and similar are not found in Australia. He probably intervened on occasion to stop humans bringing these animals to the continent.

  19. God has done an excellent job of protecting the Aborigines. I can see where they would have enjoyed much safer hunting conditions than the hunter-gatherers in Africa.

  20. I don't know about the clarity criticism, because your meaning and intent were fairly clearly stated. But, the logic behind your construct is very similar to the logic which leads COGlodytes to blame tornados and earthquakes on homosexuals. And in case you haven't noticed, around here, any time you invoke an Armstrong cliche or shibboleth, you're going to get called on it.

  21. ROTFL!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 LOVE the visual!! 😂👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
