Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 30, 2022

PCG Lake Evaporates Just Like The Church Is Losing Members


Today's webcam shot on the cult compound of the Philadelphia Church of God shows that the lake is evaporating. Is God withholding his blessings from the cult?

The lake is receding just like the membership of the church is. 

Will we see in 10-15-20 years a housing project built here?


  1. One very interesting question would be, with such prima facie evidence right under their noses, does PCG teach climate change denial? It's not as if they would be alone in doing that new dance craze called "The Ostrich". I mean, even conservatives are aware of the devastating conditions Lake Mead and Lake Powell are in here in the Southwest. But, facts are no longer at the top of the triangle. Agenda is.

  2. Eye roll- not it’s not they are doing work on it. I hate and I mean HATE the pcg and what it has done to people and families etc. But seriously, this is dumb.

  3. But I do agree 100% that their membership is shrinking…. A LOT! Yeah!!

  4. The compound will make a nice golf course someday.

  5. Do you think the local real estate brokers are eagerly waiting to swoop down and grab this property?

  6. Re-fill the lake with beer that Flurry has been stockpiling for the end times.
