Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 25, 2022

Why do Restored Church of God members continue to allow themselves to be made out as fools for believing Dave Pack's daily lies?


Here we are in another day, the sun is up and it is a beautiful day outside and the Wadsworth "jesus" has not returned!

Every single day Dave Pack makes up a new excuse as to why the creature he invented has not returned and the Restored Church of God members sit there and lap it all up as truth. How many lies will it take before they wake up? Worse yet, how many more failed returns need to happen before some RCG employee or member snaps and there is another COG tragedy happening?

Why are COG members so willing to give up individual self-worth to blindly follow these liars? So many church members have a deep need to be told what to do and believe. That then removes all responsibility from themselves and alleviates their fear and insecurity. If someone else is in control of their beliefs and tells them what to believe then they can remain in a child-like state all their lives. Sadly, this is an attractive option for most RCG members and other COG members.

Restored Church of God members danced the night away in anticipation of Dave's creature returning, but alas, it did not, but fun was had anyway.

As a wonderful dinner dance went deeper into the evening here at Headquarters, it BECAME EVIDENT our wait MIGHT be longer than expected—PERHAPS deep into the night, or even the daylight portion of today. A POWERFUL rationale for a seven-day “one week”—not eight-day—Kingdom of Israel EMERGED, which SOLIDIFIED AFTER a meeting this morning with Headquarters ministers. The case is PROFOUND and involves many scriptures, but only two are needed for proof: 
Daniel 9:27 says Christ will confirm the covenant with many for ONE WEEK.” Simple reading leaves no room for an eighth day! The “confirmation” is finished in seven days. Couple this with I Corinthians 1:8, which says Christ will “confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ [synonymous with the Day of the Lord].” 
Do NOT MISS what is being said when these two passages are linked! “Confirmation” is complete in the Day of Christ—which caps a seven-day period! 
YET AGAIN, we should cling to the promise in Habakkuk 2:3 as the day progresses and we move into the night: “though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry!” We are all STILL MOST EXCITED and INSPIRED here as a meeting with 14 ministers comes to a close!

Dave met with the 14 men he considers his council. Being the weak impotent men that they are, they sat there and nodded heads in agreement with Dave's latest lies. I wonder how many of them deep down inside know that Dave is a liar? 


  1. Let's not mince words here.

    RCG members expect that at the resurrection from the dead, they will become God, as God is God.

    To remain in RCG at this point, they must also believe that God is kind of a jerk, and that He doesn't mind abusing His most faithful servants for His purposes.

    This means either that RCG members expect to become a nicer and more merciful God than the God they now serve, or that they look forward to being jerks toward others once they become God. Either way, they have taken on a warped view of God, a view that will ruin them if they don't let go of it.

  2. When people invest heavily in an idea (whether financially or emotionally), they are very reluctant to abandon that idea. The leader has to convince them that they are so close to the end, that they can't quit now. In the COG movement, an early event in this regard was when GTA committed flagrant adultery in the early '70s and HWA gave him a slap on the wrist, swept it under the rug, and then totally exonerated him, and restored him to his earlier position. Many elders and members (3000? - not sure) saw this VERY wrong behavior on the part of HWA and left WCG. Those that stayed however, were now in for good. They had already compromised themselves because of the "importance" of HWA, they weren't going to leave now. Thus, when HWA and WCG were severely wrong again in 1978-79 (admittedly under the influence of the corrupt Stan Rader), these men accepted it. "We're so close, we can't leave now." (One exception to this was Ron Dart, who was right to leave, but, as he later admitted, was wrong to affiliate with GTA, even though this time GTA had be wrongly disfellowshipped.) So, the ruse continues today. "I've invested so much of my life in this organization, this group of people, this belief system, etc., I can't leave now, even though I see the errors."


  3. “Dave met with the 14 men he considers his council. Being the weak impotent men that they are, they sat there and nodded heads in agreement with Dave's latest lies. I wonder how many of them deep down inside know that Dave is a liar?”

    All of Dave Pack's YES-MICE on his Council of Evil probably know deep down inside, as well as higher up, that they are liars too. Going along with everything that Dave makes up is just the sort of thing that they have to do to keep their positions and paychecks in the RCG cult. This tells you everything you need to know about what type of mice they really are.

  4. Dave Pack is a "skilled" street magician with the scriptures. He's a corner sidewalk card hustler with Bible quotes. He can move the scriptures around week after week and trick the brethren into believing he FINALLY has the whole picture. NOW Daniel is unsealed. NOW "the days of his voice" are over. NOW the Mystery of God has ended.

    In the end, Dave Pack fails. He throws the same verses into the blender and comes up with a new recipe that is always the same: Kick the can down the road. The train will never stop. It cannot stop. Because any pause in the action is at False Teaching Station. Dave cannot have that. His ego cannot have that. After all, someone has to keep feeding the horses.

    As a former member and former employee of RCG, I recently joined the private Wadsworth Neighbors Facebook group and offered to answer any questions folks would have. The thread currently has over 800 comments. Locals want to know what is going on over there. If I have an answer that I know is true and factual, I tell them. If I don't know, then I say so.

    What is going on at RCG is fraud of a Biblical proportion. Dave Pack cannot now, nor ever be right because the Bible proves him to be false. A false minister. A false apostle. A false prophet. A false teacher. God CANNOT allow him to get anything right.

    And yet, the brethren are so exhausted, so confused, so dizzy...they don't know where to go or what to do. "If I just hang on one more time." And yet, the next time Dave says the Kingdom will come...it fails. Count on that! God says Dave Pack HAS to fail. Or the scriptures would be broken.

    Every human being has a "line in the sand" and all it takes is time.

    One way or the other, both God and history will expose what Dave Pack is to everyone watching. Those closest to him already know...they know in their hearts. EVERY former minister I've talked to that left...left feeling uncomfortable and with a tale to tell of inside the wooden walls on the 3rd floor. There is almost a uniform voice from ministers who left "all speaking the same thing." It paints quite the picture.

    How I wish this would be over. Let Christ and God's Kingdom come so I can be declared an antichrist once and for all. OR...Christ and God's Kingdom comes and we can REALLY know what the plan is. I still want to be a part of that.

    Marc Cebrian

  5. Dave actually truly believes that telling everyone that 14 mindless men (I was once one myself) agree will help his case. Instead, saying such things makes him and them look incredibly stupid.

  6. They mindless employees might wake up when their paycheck doesn't arrive on payday. Then, anyone standing in the exit doorway will get run over if they are not careful. I imagine some of them have a Plan B for when the house of cards comes falling down. Resumes have been updated and the networking has begun. Perhaps some realtors have been thinking about how the property might be repurposed and how much they might pay for it.
    I was stationed at Ft. Huachuca in southern Arizona. Nearby was the derelict campus of the Miracle Valley Bible College founded by faith healer A.A. Allen (he died of alcoholism). (Alcoholism must be a occupational hazard for phony healers and con men). Preachers have tried over the years to resurrect the facility, but with little success. The campuses in Edmund, OK. and Wadsworth, OH. are much nicer and can be repurposed.

  7. They mindless employees might wake up when their paycheck doesn't arrive on payday. Then, anyone standing in the exit doorway will get run over if they are not careful. I imagine some of them have a Plan B for when the house of cards comes falling down. Resumes have been updated and the networking has begun.

    Well, they won't get hired at LCG. Weston's latest update brags about buying a six-figure (more than US$100,000) mail inserter, which "does the work of seven fulltime workers." Waiting to see whether Weston is a good steward of tithe money and lays off some of LCG's bloated HQ staff, or whether he keeps the low-paid workers around as spies and for other menial tasks.

  8. I'm wondering if they played "Nearer My God to Thee" at the dance since it would be so if Jesus came back during the break or the ship sinks. Probably the ship sinks.

  9. "Intelligent" inserters have been around for about thirty years now, and can do a demographic pull of inserts customized to each recipient based on a barcode embedded in the file. They are fairly common, $100 grand isn't even the most expensive one, and most are purchased under 5 year lease along with digital print technology.

  10. (2Pet 3:3 [KJV])
    Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

    (2Pet 3:4 [KJV])
    And saying, Where is the promise [message] of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation.

    Obviously God is inspiring these messages for this prophecy to be fulfilled. It is akin to the boy who cried wolf folktale.

  11. "I've invested so much of my life in this organization, this group of people, this belief system, etc., I can't leave now, even though I see the errors."

    Another way of saying this is that 'I'm in too deep to get out now' The problem here is that if you apply this to drowning, it means that you think that you shouldn't try to swim back up to the surface. Just go down with the ship so to speak.

    I wish that RCG folks would instead believe this 'Get out now before it is too late'
