Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 9, 2022

CGI Vance Stinson: "the Bible nowhere teaches that the Bible is the sole source of truth"

A reader wrote in to CGI''s The International News writer Vance Stinson and asked if the Bible anywhere says that Saturday is the seventh day.

He then goes into a short explanation. I only highlight the first couple of paragraphs as it states two things that CGI thinks about the Bible. This is sure to short circuit a few diehard COG leaders and members.

ANSWER: The biblical proof you’re asking for doesn’t exist. One cannot determine by the Bible alone that the day we call “Saturday” is the seventh day of the biblical week. But then, the Bible nowhere teaches that the Bible is the sole source of truth—so by what authority do you establish your “Scripture alone” rule? On what biblical grounds do you throw out examination of historical data as a legitimate means of arriving at important truths? The truth is, the extreme form of sola scriptura you have adopted is nowhere taught in the Scriptures.

Make no mistake, the Bible is God’s unique revelation to mankind and therefore must be given first place in our quest for truth, but Scripture nowhere teaches that it is the sole source of all true knowledge. From: Does the Bible say Saturday is the seventh day?

In an answer to another question, he says that:

"The Bible does not directly state that the Sabbath begins and ends at sunset."



  1. I have to laugh at the number of dimwits who will question whether Saturday is the 7th day of the week while arguing for Sunday being the first. As Dr.House would say, "idiots"!!!!

  2. I think that what Mr. Stinson said about Sola Scriptura is absolutely correct! Scripture itself refutes the teaching:


  3. He's right and any COG leader worth his salt knows that and there will be no problems because of his statements. I think you are simply trying to stir up dissension.

  4. The "truth," in a sociological setting, is often a political concept. It is used to support certain politically convenient ideas put forth by vested interests. It does not exist as some corpus of understanding that is deterministic and objective. A good example would be the "alternative facts" of the Trump administration.

    Philosophically, the truth is the accurate reflection of reality. It is a subjective formation that corresponds to objective reality with absolute fidelity. That is my own view without resorting to the many schools of philosophy. The question becomes whether or not the human mind as an instrument is capable of this kind of fidelity. I think not. What I have stated is an ideal with no perfect praxis.

    When religious people adopt a sola scriptura viewpoint they seem to plunge into presumption. First, they presume that the Bible is supposed to present the truth comprehensively. It does not. There is nothing about molecular biology in the Bible. Then they presume that they can understand and identify the truth. They cannot. Like one Jewish comedian said, if you have ten Jews in a room you have twelve different opinions. That goes for other ethnic groups as well. If the Bible were written like an engineering text, it would still be the source of disagreement. I used to find it necessary to read technical computer manuals and I know whereof I speak.

    So, I agree with the Armstrongist brother. I believe the Bible provides direction, but we cannot presume that by reading the Bible that we know it all. And the absolutist version of Sola Scriptura is for people who don't want to think - who want to just instead beat the drum and wave the flag and salute themselves.

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  5. Technically, Stinson is right. The word "Saturday" is not to be found in the Bible. Saturday just mostly covers the Sabbath Day, as a portion of Friday is always a part of the Sabbath Day as well.

    Stinson is also right in his statement "Scripture nowhere teaches that it is the sole source of all true knowledge", as obviously there is true knowledge of all kinds like E = MC squared, or how far is the sun from the earth, or how many elements there are , etc. that are not found in the Bible either.

    The Bible makes the self proclaimed statement that "Thy Word is Truth". In other words, the PHILOSOPHY is true.

    Stinson's statements are in no way shocking, and are frankly "self evident".

  6. Vance is correct. It is the Church that sets the canon. Without the Church, we would be wondering about Esdras and Maccabees and a fifth, sixth, or seventh Gospel narrative. And were it not for the Church holding councils to discuss it, Revelation would likely not have become part of the canon, "the Bible" as we know it today. The Church has accepted "the Bible" in its present form as divine revelation to mankind. That doesn't mean God can't ALSO reveal Himself to us in other ways (see Romans 1:20).

  7. John 17:17

    Exactly! When God speaks a word, it is truth! All of God's words are truth! His words in the Bible are all true, as are all of His words, even the ones not in the Bible!

  8. I must say, you people at this site will say anything to, promote your brand of paganism. You do not want to believe scripture unless it falsely supports one of your half-baked ideas. I must congratulate you on tearing down some of the crackpots who are in the cogs. But when you directly and falsely start to besmirch scripture you do have your head somewhere the sun doesn't shine

  9. Psalm 104:19 -> Romans 3:1-2 -> Calendar

  10. So this guy is pretty much walked away from God

  11. Even way back in International they really didn’t keep the Sabbath have known a lot of people in that group who did their own thing on Gods Holy Sabbath. Their done

  12. Take that, COG-7th Day. As in "My Bible and my Bible alone."

    What else is he accepting? Will Dr. Thlel's dreams count for anything?

  13. The Bible clearly leads us the Holy Spirit. There's the answer to life's questions. You will absolutely find that it's all about love and not about religion.
