Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Crackpot False Prophet Claims That You Cannot Be Saved Unless You Are In His Philadelphian Group


Wouldn't you know it, the majority of the Church of God members today are Laodiceans and will NOT be able to make it to the place of safety because they are in the wrong groups! Ghastly days! Can they ever do anything right????

The Great Bwana to Africa and 305 Caucasians is currently in Ireland drinking lots of Guinness while looking for the lost ark of the covenant before Gerald Flurry finds it.  This Elijah in our midst is gobsmacked right now thinking he is walking the same hallowed ground Jeremiah and his daughters walked upon millennia ago. At least while he out traipsing around the hills he can thank St Patrick for getting rid of all the snakes so he can have a pleasant hike.

Never one to let his wildly fanatical mind think normally, the Great Bwana posted another idiotic sermon detailing how COG members, not of his church, will not be saved. In this silly sermon, he lists 50 errors he makes regarding the dumb prophecies he foolishly believes. 

Since Bob was foreordained before the world was created to lead the most supercalifragilistic end-time work he just cannot get over the constant butt-burn that 99.99% of the COG members refused to go with him and submit to his authority AND who do not care about his prophetic lies.  So Bob has no other alternative than to try and scare COG members into following him.

Of course, as usual, Bob has the ONLY correct interpretation of scripture and prophecy and the rest of the COG's do not. They and the COG7 are apparently too dumb to understand what he does. The creature that he thinks is "jesus", but is most likely Legion, has revealed to Bwana that he is only going to protect COG members that are in the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" to which he will only reveal the correct time to flee to Petra. What a f'ing hoot!

50+ Laodicean Prophetic Errors
While many seem to believe that all the Churches of God are the same, this is not so. In the end time, most true Christians are Laodicean and not Philadelphian. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel mentions over 50 prophetic errors that Laodiceans, independents, and some of the remnant of Sardis have held to. Dr. Thiel also mentions scriptures that Laodiceans and other non-Philadelphians miss. Dr. Thiel sites scriptures such as Zephaniah 2 related to gathering together before it is time to flee. He also mentions that Jesus only promised to protect the Philadelphians from the coming ‘hour of trial.’ Furthermore, Dr. Thiel mentions that unless they change, Laodiceans will not know when the Great Tribulation will begin until after it is started, and hence too late for them to flee prior to its beginning.


  1. Thiel is such an idiot. Now watch Bob Petry pop on and claim the COG is laodicean becaseu they won't follow is stuff either.

  2. Bob rollicking in Ireland searching for …….searching for…………searching for…………something that doesn’t exist.
    Well Bobby lad enjoy ya Guinness and here’s to ya laddie and ya searching for the holy grail or whatever.
    I would wager a pint or two ya won’t dear step into a pub and have a drop of the golden stuff with the locals, will yee laddie.
    Might go to ya head. You might see visions, and I understand after a few pints most of the locals do see visions,lol.

  3. HWA taught that the Tribulation would be a time of trial for the Laodiceans, and that half of them would repent and be saved.

    We have already seen with our own eyes that 90 percent of those in WCG at HWA's death have left the "faith once delivered."

    So, by HWA's own teachings, Laodicean brethren in the Tribulation have a greater likelihood of being saved, while apostate Philadelphians end up in the Lake of Fire.

  4. Bob discusses 50+ prophetic errors in a 70-minute sermon? That's awfully shallow discussion, considering that many of the points he raises could be the subjects of full sermons by themselves. But that's Bob for you. He's manic. Instead of a thoughtful exposition of one issue, he hopes he can club you into submission with his 50+ issues.

  5. So a perfect understanding of prophecy is a requirement for salvation?

    He also said that you cannot be saved unless you believe in church eras.

    One must be careful about adding conditions to the gospel.

  6. So a perfect understanding of prophecy is a requirement for salvation?

    He also said that you cannot be saved unless you believe in church eras.

    One must be careful about adding conditions to the gospel.

    As you judge, so shall you be judged. That's Matthew 7:2. Bob has established his judgment that if you get one doctrine wrong, you won't be saved, or at best you'll have a second-rate salvation while all the Gnostic Christians have the best.

    Bob had better hope that he isn't wrong about ANY ONE doctrine, or the judgment he has pronounced on others will come back on him. Poor Bob.

  7. So both Bob and Flurry want to find the ark of the covenant just prior to the tribulation when everything will be trashed. All in the hope that the find will attract more members. That's hardly treasuring the ark.

    That you have to be in the right corporate church and be the ministers mindless puppet otherwise you won't get the message of when to flee, is straight out of Herbs playbook. It's plain extortion.
    I recall reading an account of a Herb minister demanding that a member keep driving around the neighborhood until the minister said stop. Otherwise no phone call of when to flee for the place of safety. How sick?

  8. If I join Boobalonia's cult, do I also get a membership card, a decoder ring, two bleacher seats to a Cubs game, and Blue Chip Stamps too??

  9. Dr. Thiel, you don't site scriptures, you cite them!

    Whoops, there go all the intellectuals who consider such details as authentication of the validity of the information. Now they all think that Bob is a light-weight!

  10. Wonder what the leader at "the Compound" thinks about all this breaking news.

  11. In just 7 sentences, "Dr." Thiel mentioned himself 4 times! That doubly blessed, tiny little prophlet thinks mighty big things about himself. What is it with these exceedingly insecure men that seek to be respected and worshipped by their poor, suffering members? Why is Jesus not enough for them?

    Grow up Bob...you are not a prophet and you know it. Do you know what awaits a false prophet when he dies? I would never get a good night's sleep again worrying that I would hear Jesus say the infamous words "Lord, Lord, did I not prophecy in your name? Jesus will say, depart from me you evildoers! I never knew you." (Matt. 722-23). Think about that Bob....before it's too late.

  12. I doubt very much of Bobby will expend much energy to hike in Ireland. Real prophets of god do not hike. It is easier to sit flouncing and bouncing.

  13. "So both Bob and Flurry want to find the ark of the covenant just prior to the tribulation when everything will be trashed."

    I seem to recall watching a documentary about an adventurer who located the Ark. It is now supposed to be stored in a crate in a giant warehouse.
