Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Dave Pack: Wicked People May Soon Attack Us - It Is Time To Sell All!!!!!


Here's another noteworthy quote that is far more pointed earlier in Part 371: 
1:29:43 “Seven days remain to ‘fear not.’ There may be plenty that goes on in the next number of days to fear. DON'T FEAR TO SELL ALL. Now, everybody knows exactly what they’re going in to. TO SELL ALL IF YOU HAVEN'T. To gird up your loins. And that sounds like maybe we’re gonna go through some things. I still wonder uh whether whether maybe there’ll be some final attack on us, I promise you this sermon will get out and there’ll be mockers. There are wicked people who are who are excited about what they can do to us. They can’t stop us.”

Marc Cebrian 


  1. These poor suckers who sell at the bottom of a stock market downturn are going to DEEPLY regret putting their trust in Pack.

  2. It is sad when people who once seemed to believe, love, cherish and appreciate and obey the stuff Herbert W. Armstrong and David C. Pack teach COMPLETELY TURN THEIR BACKS ON THE TRUTH

  3. Will Davey and his 16 men set the example and sell all they have and set the example? You can be guaranteed that none of them will.

  4. His heartlessness is mind boggling. He has already stripped them of their worldly possessions, and is now shaking them to get their loose change.

  5. This reminds me of a kimd of camp old detective show from the early 1960s in which a doomsday cult leader being brought to justice for some crimes that were committed by him in his scams along the way. Several of the people whom he had deceived had testified agsinst him in his trial. When he was found guilty and while he was being cuffed and taken into custody by the bailiffs, he began shreiking "Doomsday is upon us! Doomsday is upon us!

    Nothing is going to happen within the next few days that would justify Dave's members selling everything! This is simply his reaction, like the character described above, to being exposed for what he is.

    Owen Bytheway, I sincerely hope that TC will heed Dave, and sell all of his earthly possessions! He's been trolling about here for some time now, and we have no way of knowing if he is for real! This is your chance to demonstrate your sincerity, TC! Sell all, as Dave says!

  6. If it all ends in seven days, what good does it do Pack to receive these funds? Its not even enough time to process the funds or spend them on anything.

    Why would Pack need money when "Time Is Of the Essence"?

    Obviously Pack knows that time will be longer that a week, and he is , like any good sociopath does, completely harvesting a person before he "drop kicks them to the curb".

  7. “Dave Pack: Wicked People May Soon Attack Us – It Is Time To Sell All!!!!!”

    The Devil's Team Working Together

    Extremely wicked people have already attacked Worldwide Church of God members starting many years ago. Some of the very worst of them were apostates like Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. and his son Joseph Tkach, Jr., and false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack.

    Working together as a team, these four extremely wicked characters have ruined many of the WCG people. Many of those who did not go along with the apostates' doctrinal changes when they threw out virtually everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught did go along with the false prophets' doctrinal changes when they edited, changed, warped, mangled, and totally perverted everything that HWA had taught.

  8. These poor suckers who sell at the bottom of a stock market downturn ...

    Who says it's the bottom? It can still fall a long way.

    And what makes you think they have any money to put in the stock market in the first place?

  9. Dave knows that even if these people figure him out, he'll already have all of their "common money". He won't need them anymore. He just needs to keep the con going and get some fresh suckers in, who have money, so they can be scammed also into "common" also. And so, the cycle repeats...

  10. Somebody needs a lot of help says:

    Madness and Proclamations at "The Compound" intensify! Will the balloon really burst this time? No, but there is always tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after .......

    Keep sending the money, the horses need hay.

  11. Their "leader" has weaponized Jesus Christ, and constantly uses Him as a threat to manipulate them.
