Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Gerald Flurry Calls COG Splinter Groups Antichrists


The needle has been skipping in the same spot since 2001. Flurry has been an epic failure in his prophecies just like all of the other COG leaders currently are.

On May 5, 2001, God signaled the beginning of a new phase in this rapidly fading age of man. This new phase is described in vivid detail by the Apostle John in his epistles. You need to understand this deeply to know how imminent Jesus Christ’s return truly is! 
1 John 2:18 in the Revised Standard Version reads, "Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come; therefore we know that it is the last hour." Last hour is the correct translation of the Greek in that verse, rather than last time, as it reads in the King James Version. 
God began to reveal this truth about the last hour to the Philadelphia Church of God on May 5, 2001. Approximately four months later came the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. I believe God allowed us to receive this physical sign that we had entered the last hour. The worst terrorist attack ever on American soil powerfully reinforced our new revelation about the last hour. 
In the last hour, antichrists appear on the scene—people who knew God the Father, then turned away and are now fighting Christ! The problem began with that antichrist—singular. But then there were "many antichrists"—numerous dissenting groups from our mother Church. 
John wrote these epistles about A.D. 85–90. He was trying to wake people up and alert them to the war raging inside the Church. That is where the problems were. That is where Satan always attacks first. John sincerely believed he was in the last hour, and Christ let him think that for a short while. When the Church ought to have been really serving God and getting the message out, many of them were turning away and becoming, of all things, antichrist! We Are in ‘the Last Hour’

Well, we knew it all along, but it is nice to have Flurry confirm that Bob Thiel is an antichrist!


  1. Flurry is a SPLINTER in the SPINCHTER !

  2. “When the Church ought to have been really serving God and getting the message out, many of them were turning away and becoming, of all things, antichrist!” -- GRF


    Perverting The Message

    Gerald Flurry is the one who immediately suppressed the Great Commission to preach the gospel (Good News) message of the coming kingdom of God. Gerald said that preaching the gospel ended with the death of Herbert W. Armstrong back in 1986. Gerald said that his own PCG cult had been given a “new commission” for a new church era to “warn the Laodiceans.” In actual practice this meant PCG cult members remaining ignorant, closing their eyes, covering their ears, and raging away like demoniacs against all the “evil Laodiceans” and refusing to have anything to do with them. That is, PCG cult members cut off all contact with any former Worldwide Church of God members who do not go along with Gerald Flurry and help him to suppress the true gospel (Good News) message of the coming kingdom of God

    Imagine all those ignorant PCG cult demoniacs going into satanic fits over former Worldwide Church of God members not helping Gerald Flurry to suppress the true gospel (Good News) message of the coming kingdom of God!!! You cannot make this stuff up. It takes Satan to make this stuff up and fool PCG cult members this badly.

    The Identity Thief

    Gerald Flurry is the Identity Thief who claims that he, rather than Jesus, is “That Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18:18-19 that everyone is supposed to listen to. Gerald Flurry is a false prophet and a false christ who now has a false throne stone. Gerald promoting himself from The Unknown Drunk to That (False) Prophet was truly the identity theft of the ages.

    Serving Satan And Gerald Flurry

    Gerald Flurry spent many years serving himself by making up all sorts of names, titles, offices, and positions to try to elevate himself out of the drunken runt life. Along the way, Gerald also served Satan by pretending to be faithfully holding on to everything that HWA had taught even while actually suppressing, changing, and perverting everything that HWA had taught. PCG cult members have now spent decades serving Satan and Gerald Flurry. From suppressing the true gospel (Good News) message of the coming kingdom of God, to listening to and worshipping Gerald Flurry instead of Jesus Christ, to wrecking families and being sexually immoral, PCG cult members truly are a shameful bunch.

  3. Splinters from "our mother Church" in 2001? Whats he on about? He runs a splinter as is...

  4. Flurry talk has the whiff of Catholicisim.

  5. They weren't ALL becoming antichrist. Insider reports suggest that Dave Pack will soon announce himself as Christ.

  6. He's tryng to control the narrative to make it appear as if he alone has the conch. The fact is, the word "AntiChrist" is subject to interpretation and further defining. We have seen so many reports which concern Flurry's non-Christian method of governance, which has caused hurt, permanent damage, and great harm to his "sheep". He and those to whom he gives authority are not good shepherds at all. They are not looking out for the better interests of the sheep. In that sense, their antiChristian values and practices make Flurry, their leader, AntiChrist.

    As a group, they also give greater deference to Moses, when the truth is, there is a New Covenant, not rooted in the Levitical priesthood, but after the order of Melchizedek. Obviously, Flurry missed the symbolism of the transfiguration, in which Jesus appeared fully glorified with Moses and Elijah, who symbolized the law and the prophets, and God called Jesus His Son, and instructed Peter, James, and John specifically to listen to Him! By continuing to emphasize the law, and prophecy, rather than Jesus, and Christian living, Flurry becomes "AntiChrist".

    It was said that after Loma died, and was no longer present to be her husband's Godly muse, HWA got caught up in exploiting the church's wealth as a tool to hobnob with the rich, the powerful, and the famous, more or less leaving his own church! Jesus had some poignant things to say about a rich man making it into the Kingdom. HWA claimed not to be wealthy, just as he claimed not to be a prophet, yet for his church, he was fully in control of both. Flurry has made it a practice to collect as much of the wealth of the WCG as possible and to replicate whatever he has not been able to acquire. By shamelessly indulging in his idolatry of HWA, and putting him ahead of Jesus, Flurry has become AntiChrist.

    I hope some of the influential people from PCG are spying on us this afternoon, and happen to see this, and begin to see Flurry in a different light. There was an old Country and Western song decades ago that went, "What the world needs now is a lot more Jesus, and a lot less rock n roll!" I love rock n roll, including the song "God Gave Rock n Roll to You." So don't get me wrong when I paraphrase: "What PCG needs now is a lot more Jesus, and a lot less HWA!

  7. No matter how much you pontificate Gerald you can’t hide the fact that ‘your’ church is shrinking.
    That your ‘message’ is as far removed from the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the east is from the west and the fruits of your ‘church’ as witnessed by many are diseased.
    Invisible irrelevant disappearing sum it all up.
    That old saying going going gone comes to mind.
    And that is your future.

  8. Flurry is right about one thing. When people believe that they will not be in the first resurrection, they respond with murderous envy. Attempts at crown stealing becomes a problem. I recall a former minister complaining from the pulpit about members being harassed in their prayer and bible study by other church family members.
    Btw, Christ was murdered out of envy.

  9. I keep hearing of people leaving. They are a sinking ship.

  10. Then Flurry and this blog are unison in thought. How ironic.
