Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 30, 2022

Marc Cebrian: David C. Pack’s Secret Passion EXPOSED


David C. Pack’s Secret Passion EXPOSED
Marc Cebrian

It’s hard to know what David C. Pack loves more than prophetic failure, since he has been doing it so well for so long. Starting in 2012, he has been proving to all the members of the Restored Church of God that he has no idea what he is talking about. Despite the hundreds of hours of “The Greatest Unending Story” series, Dave cannot seem to make any of his teachings have a shelf life beyond a loaf of bread. (Even bread laughs at your changes, Dave.)

His most recent failure was on May 15, 2022, when the Kingdom of Israel / Kingdom of God / Jesus Christ did not manifest. Reality can be a real bitch sometimes.

True to form, he immediately consulted the anvil that keeps falling out of the sky and landing on his head to give him a new idea: “Oops, I got the timing wrong. Again.” His reasonings behind it certainly sounded like they came from someone who had a spiritual head injury.

Since the previously scheduled eclipse went right along as planned, Dave had to put on a sour face and assault his calendar again. May 30, 2022, is now the day. That is certain. Because…you know…the metrics, and all the “proofs,” and the yelling, and all the ministers agreeing. Could this finally be the sweet smell of success?

Dooh! Being far too predictable, Dave delivered an important 3-hours of “clarifying” on May 28th so that he could get in front of his own prophetic failure. It takes a very special mind to be able to find how much he is “right” in something he was wrong about.

Guess what, folks. Now, it’s Pentecost! (That’s Sunday, June 5th to all you unwashed.) The people of the Restored Church of God are caught in a loop, wandering in the biblical desert passing their old beer cans. This all should sound eerily familiar. The ghost of Holy Day’s past is coming to haunt you.

Until the people of the Restored Church of God sunder the chains, they will never escape. The sad thing is, they have the power to do it. The Board of Directors could vote David C. Pack out of his corporate position at the Restored Church of God, removing him as Pastor General. They could then kindly give him “as much time as he needs” to move off the campus. Question: Is there a quorum of spines here in Wadsworth?

People think he loves money the most, however, it seems clear from the historic evidence that David C. Pack loves (and is really in love with) prophetic failure.

Oh, wait…I guess that wasn’t such a secret after all.


“Let me tell you what God would never do. He would never arrive on Pentecost. Never!”

David C. Pack

May 26, 2020 - Part 253 @ 1:54:28


  1. It always makes me wonder why many people like Marc put Mr. Pack on a pedestal. Like Mr. Pack can't have anything. Like nice cars, houses, etc. That somehow he should be wearing sackcloth and sandals. If he owns things they will say aren't your treasures in heaven. Yet they have possessions more valuable than his. Why not put yourself on a pedestal. It is hypocritical to expect way more out of the great Mr. Pack than you expect out of yourself! Marc if you are on here my advice to you is to stop talking trash about Mr. Pack.

    1. You really don't get it. Pack is an incredible imposter - and he will be fully exposed

    2. If he in fact owned nothing and still continued to preach the way he does, at least he'd be genuine. Right now he looks suspiciously like a fleecer and a Christ-trafficker.

    3. No it is hypocritical to tell people to give above and beyond what they can afford and to pay common or no salvation while you live in a very expensive house an probably have a large salary paid for by the common members that is what’s not common!

  2. Dave is racking up a horrendous sin count, and is apparently unconcerned. Every time he associates God or Jesus with his false prophecies, he is taking the name of the Lord in vain!

    Hey Dave! I'm concerned for your soul, Dude!. Better repent, beg for forgiveness, and stop making all these laughable false prophecies!!! You are making a mockery of God.

  3. It always amazes me how BRAVE these people get after they leave a group . MAYBE if these people took a stand while they were actually in the group those men like Mr Pack couldn't get away with those things . Seems to me if their religion was that important to them they would fight for it instead of running away then spending their time persueing it .

    1. It is important to them that is why they refuse to leave and give the money to the church.

  4. Keep sending the money, the horses need hay....

  5. Unknown said...
    It always amazes me how BRAVE these people get after they leave a group . MAYBE if these people took a stand while they were actually in the group those men like Mr Pack couldn't get away with those things .
    Be nor amazed. You obviously don't understand the dynamics of taking a stand when actually in the church. You end up standing in the parking lot pretty quickly and Mr Pack, so far, gets away with everything he comes up. For now....

    1. You need the see that the apostle is undefetatable.

  6. I hope that True Christians will pay God's rent money on time. God is merciful because he gives financial blessings back to you like how the government gives you tax returns after you pay your taxes. An all-knowing and all-powerful God doesn't have to pay you back some of what you gave him, because you're
    just RIGHTFULLY paying him for giving you a planet to live on, food to eat, water to drink, etc. But since God is MERCIFUL and LOVING he GIVES you a FINANCIAL BLESSING, even though GOD DOESN'T HAVE TO.

  7. Why do individuals keep referring to this clown as Mr.?
    The moron who refers to himself as True Christian, (Who I believe is really the Packster himself) actually calls him "great". Sorry Dave, there is nothing about you that is great.

    ps Sell the Horses!

  8. Your losing it Dave. Undefeatable? ha ha ha ... What a joke, time for a through examination and medication, and wile your at it, do your followers a favor, SELL THE HORSES!


  10. A converted Christian minister who due to some character weakness has become susceptible to the wrong spirits. It is not a purposeful conscious fraud or liar. Now he sees himself getting cornered so the spirit takes a last lunge at grabbing everyone's wealth. Time to stop it for good.

  11. Dennis is right. The mob in the Wadsworth compound are fanatically loyal to their leader. Their whole life is tied up with this man. They threw out reason years ago. That's why his prophecy failures don't mean a thing to them. It's loyalty to David Pack that's important. Pack and every cult leader that ever came down the pike has preached the importance of loyalty to them, and their fellow church members. Once a leader creates a closed circle that excludes old friends and family members who are outside the cult, it becomes hard to think for yourself.

  12. Anon 4:38 PM, I had no consciousness for the first 13 billion years that this universe has existed, and for whatever passed for time before that. I wasn't bothered in any way by the lack of consciousness.

    If I were given the opportunity to spend eternity praising and worshipping and serving a narcissistic sociopath who just happened to be Almighty God, I would welcome the opportunity to return to unconsciousness.

    I do not recognize Dave Pack's god as the God I worship. If Dave Pack's god can determine my eternal destiny, then we all are living in Hell and I would welcome oblivion instead.

  13. Max, your first mistake was using the word "converted". And the second is your dogmatic statement that he is not a purposeful conscious fraud or liar. No how exactly do you know that?

  14. Max, the whole damn thing has been perverted by the spirit of incest which infected Herbert W. Armstrong's inspirations during the 1940s. For the most part the Tkaches put a stop to the fraud, but some miniaturized copies have somehow managed to persist and survive into the present. Intent affects the perpetrator, but is irrelevant when determining the damages that that perpetrator inflicts upon those who choose to follow him. Damage is damage.

  15. Anonymous Monday, May 30, 2022, at 5:26:00 PM
    What is wrong with having a God who pays you back some of what owed him in the place?

  16. Max, the whole damn thing has been perverted by the spirit of incest which infected Herbert W. Armstrong's inspirations during the 1940s. For the most part the Tkaches put a stop to the fraud, but some miniaturized copies have somehow managed to persist and survive into the present. Intent affects the perpetrator, but is irrelevant when determining the damages that that perpetrator inflicts upon those who choose to follow him. Damage is damage.

  17. Good grief!! Prophecy was the biggest allure of the whole thing!! Thats what sucked you in then you ask for the meetings and want to attend!! You try to convince everybody in your old life how dumb they are if they dont follow along now that YOU figured it out. And once you convinced yourself that youre one of the most superest specialest people on the planet and youre going to be a spirit god king and rule over all these other fools is exactly what you were really willing to pay the big bucks for. And the org with the leaders who had the stones to start naming dates well thats the hard drugs. Lets face it thats what really gets the adrenaline going and its an even better high once it starts. Sure sure sure just saying time is near is ok but what really gets the religious kooks their dope fix is giving them a date.

    For me pretty much any first generation HWA/DCP/ETC'er gets exactly what they paid for right up until the time they leave and than thats their new burn. Its not like you came in to these joints thinking that to eventually sit on a cloud or burn in everlasting fire was enough. Accept jesus name, be generally good, and tithe what you felt like no pressure..... Like literally whose juices does that really get flowing?

    But you liked the prophecy. You wanted the prophecy. You NEEDED the prophecy. You needed the commands. You needed the strong freak leader to remind you what was on the line and how special you were if you obeyed and sacrificed. Thats literally what you joined up for on the very first day how dare you complain now?

    Kook religious nuts are everywhere on every corner of america. You want to go to church and open your checkbook you can get exactly what you pay for. I have very little compassion for any of the 1st generation crowd and they better not be the ones doing most of the finger pointing imo.

  18. Dave Pack loves making me right. He's also painfully predictable. Today (Pentecost 2022) is going to be a loooooooooooong day for the folks here in Wadsworth.
