Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

LCG Sacramento Super-spreader Event?


From a reader:

...an LCG picnic in the Sacramento area is responsible for members getting COVID. Super spreader event perhaps? The illustrious hireling jeffrey fall (area pastor) said that a number of people who were at the picnic "happened" to get COVID.As if the gathering wasn't the event that helped the virus spread. Because LCG isn't a transparent "church" that will be truthful or open about this, I wanted to put it out there.


  1. They have a right to assemble. John MacArthur's Church Grace Community was awarded $800,000 in a legal battle against the State of California for violating religious liberty.

  2. I doubt they drew enough people to be considered a "superspreader" event. But even if they did, the humor is in LCGs response, not the event.

  3. How many people are in the LCG in Sacramento? I would be surprised if it was more than 30.

    YET--- Hundreds of people on thousand of airplane flights every day in the USA. Thousands are attending concerts, baseball games, rallies and more, and somehow this small picnic was supposedly a "super spreader event"??

    Look, there is a lot that can be picked on in the COG world, but this alarmist statement is WAY out of any kind of reasonable context.

    1. When I wrote the superspreader comment it was in the cog style of writing a comment in a sensationalist way, punctuated with a question mark for my personal amusement. I wanted to publish a snippet of cog news and playfully wrote the superspreader comment. Sacramento is a hub of sorts for the surrounding congregations and folks who went to the picnic from other areas are reporting having COVID. One that I know of is having a fairly rough bout of the disease. So no, it’s not alarmist. You took it wrong.

  4. Rights are best exercised judiciously. I hear so many talking about their rights these days, and then they go and exercise them in a foolhardy, dangerous, or in your face manner. If we don't respect our rights, they get modified by laws, penalties, or just the natural results our own foolishness brings upon us.

  5. You called it, Tonto.

    Covid is a political disease. Yes it will make you feel terrible, and like the flu it can kill you if you are unhealthy.

    We will all get it at some point, and like 99.9% of those that have, we will recover. I did, and I'm an old geezer. (do some research, there are many highly effective home treatments that will get you through it, publicized by top doctors in the field)

    This was just another lame attempt to attack the Church.

  6. This article is way out of touch of what is happening today in the country. This virus is a totally different virus than it was 2 years ago...and even 1 year ago. It is mild with possibly a headache, stuffy nose, and maybe aches in the joints. For 99.9999999% of the population, it is a cold. The majority of EVERYONE is getting over it. The hospitalizations are down, as well as the deaths. For the love of PETE, stop the propaganda. Stop the lies and evil spread by posting headlines like you do.

  7. Media narratives are falling apart left, right, and center, yet the morons keep listening to them.

  8. Of course LCG will deny they caught it at one of their gatherings just like they did after the FOT in Branson. Rand Millich and others said everyone that came back sick with COVID in 2020 caught it "after" they went home in their local communities. BS! They lied, they caught it at FOT because people were in a poorly ventilated room with low ceilings, poor air circulation, in close proximity not observing social distancing, not doing daily temp checks at the door, and wearing their face mask below their noses and mouths in a COVID hot spot (Branson MO.) according to local health officials and hospitals. LCG ministers lie...it's what they do.
