Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 30, 2022

LCG's Powerful Gospel Message Touched 119 People Out of Potential 1.8 Million People! Mindboggling! Woo Hoo! Let's Celebrate!!!!!


The powerful gospel message of the Living Church of God is going full throttle in bringing in people from those fields white for harvest. The number of new potential members is staggering.

LCG recently held presentations in the following cities:

Last week we held five initial Tomorrow’s World Presentations: Savannah, Georgia; Salt Lake City, Utah; Sudbury, Ontario; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Charleston, South Carolina. These presentations had a combined total of 119 guests. One follow-up presentation was held in Vero Beach, Florida, and attended by three guests and 20 members. Thank you for your prayers for the Tomorrow’s World Presentations.

Savannah, Georgia population        145,492 (2020)

Salt Lake City, population              200,133 (2020)

Salt Lake Metropolitan, Population    1,257,936 (2020)

Sudbury, Ontario population        24,211 (2020)

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania            301,286 (2020)

Charleston, South Carolina population        137,041 (2020)

The total potential population that could have been reached (excluding the Salt Lake Metro area)  808,163 (2020)

If you include Salt Lake City Metro area then it is a potential audience of 1,865,966 people they could have touched the lives of. Out of that 1.8 million people, 119 were guests, and of that at least 50 - 60 of them were LCG members, the total number of people touched by LCG gospel was negligible, but let's celebrate boys and girls as your tithe money was well spent!


  1. The Armstrong churches…….
    The churches of extremely (almost non existent) diminishing returns.

    As long as they can retain the remaining members, the salaries can be paid.
    But otherwise the economics just don’t add up.
    Prospective members should look elsewhere; there are far more welcoming groups out there that are vibrant growing and unburdened by an all controlling ministry and free from an underlying sense of fear.

  2. Let's say an average cost of $3k, then total cost is $15k to deliver a message to 60 or so people. A cost of about $250 per head!

  3. You write post titles like a menopausal woman NO2HWA.

  4. 11:03. Does that turn you on? Bless your heart.

  5. Anon 11:03. Are you ok? Did something trigger you? Go have a warm glass of milk and calm your nerves.

  6. “ You write post titles like a menopausal woman NO2HWA.”

    Every few months someone new here pops on and gets their wuddle feelings hurt. Do you want mommy to kiss your little boo boo and make the pain go away?

  7. Currently the marketing cost to get just ONE new member (not just a current members family) is in the neighborhood of $100k for all the COGs.

  8. This post puts into perspective how ineffective and non-impact the Armstrongite movement has become. All ACOGs and HWA wannabees are operating low wattage works. Perhaps this truth is what has 11:03 in butt hurt!


  9. I have adopted a nickname for 11:03, as that person, male/female, has commented on almost in every post. I will forever reference he/she as DA. Devils advocate. Lol

  10. I guess 11:03 was disappointed with the results too, such a blow to corporate pride, which may be heaven's objective.

    Remember, 11:03, that it's always good "to be zealously affected in a good thing" (Gal 4:18) because the opposite of that invites judgment on yourself. (Rev 3:16)

  11. This just shows that God is not behind their "work" or what they're doing. He has moved on but the COG's haven't seem to have figured that out yet.

  12. To the Anonymous of 11:03:00 PM who said:
    “You write post titles like a menopausal woman NO2HWA.”

    To follow your logic of No2HWA writing titles like a menopausal woman, perhaps you could consider that LCG’s ability to add new tithe slaves is statistically less than a menopausal woman’s chance of becoming pregnant.

    Typically, going through menopause takes four to eight years, during which, five percent of women can become pregnant.
    The ability to naturally conceive ends after menopause – to follow your logic, this is the point LCG is almost at.

    I always refer to different statistics than No2HWA uses; I use the US Census Bureau’s annual estimates, which are highly reliable, unlike statistics generated by COGs.
    I look at Metropolitan Statistical Areas because in the US, the total population of the suburbs surrounding cities is often greater than the main city.
    Also, residents throughout the metro areas have easy access to attend events in the main cities.

    Here are the US Census 2021 population estimates for the Metropolitan Statistical Areas that include the cities of LCG’s recent Tomorrow’s World Presentations, plus the 2021 Canadian Census population of Sudbury, Ontario:
    Savannah, GA Metro Area = 410,008
    Salt Lake City, UT Metro Area = 1,263,061
    Pittsburgh, PA Metro Area = 2,353,538
    Charleston, SC Metro Area = 813,052
    Sudbury, Ontario (city) = 166,004

    The sum of these population numbers is 4,839,659 – which makes LCG’s haul of guests extremely pathetic (the opposite of menopausal women’s ability to write anything).

    Therefore, the stagnant looser in this scenario is not No2HWA or menopausal women – it’s plainly the barren LCG and their ethically unfruitful leaders who try to pass off their cooked statistics as noteworthy achievements.

  13. The LCG is a JOKE!! People have left them in RECORD NUMBERS!! When you factor that into the equation they have no numbers. Since when is the truth a numbers game, anyway???? Maybe they should relocate their home office to Las Vegas!! People could win big, betting on their losses of people!! People see through their facade!! They are hiding in plain sight!! The real joke is ON THEM!!

  14. So according to Tooisto, The chances of a menopausal woman bearing fruit by having a baby is greater than the probability that the LCG garnering a new tithe slave and bearing fruit. Touché!
