Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

PCG: In Order To Progress Spiritually, Even Thought The Spirit Is With You, It is Not Enough

 In Armstrongism it is a never-ending battle to ever please its god. Even when the Holy Spirit is with the person it is not enough. It is an endless list of rules, do this, do that, and maybe, just maybe, that cranky god will bless you. It is no wonder so many in the COG are repressed and lonely. What hope do they have? If they trusted the Spirit to guide them they would soon be free of the shackles of the law and the stupid rules and regulations the COG's enforce on their members. But no, they prefer the safety of the rules, constantly afraid to step out in freedom.

In order to progress spiritually, we must be led by the Holy Spirit of power, and really use that Spirit. The Holy Spirit doesn’t take over—we must use it. And if we let God work in us, real spiritual growth will take place! Daily we have to overcome with God’s Spirit! The inner man is renewed day by day (2 Corinthians 4:16). 
You can’t really give your life to God, build the character of God, and do the Work of God until you have the Spirit. Even when it is working with you, that is not enough. It must be in you and empower you, or you don’t get the job done. You don’t will and do. You may will, but you don’t do what God wants you to do or achieve what He wants you to achieve. Gerald Flurry, The War of the Wills


  1. Truly, the COG gets dumber by the day!

  2. As he's discussing the difference between the Holy Spirit "with" or "in" a person, it sounds like he's pushing PCG youth to get baptized.

  3. That concept of "having the Holy Spirit" has always been iffy. Everyone would claim to have it, and no one has a clue what difference it makes. I think, in organized religion, encouragement to have and use the "Holy Spirit" really means that one needs to cooperate with the goals of the Church and leadership, trust and obey as being no other way, be compliant when required and "send it in" in faith," as led by the Holy Spirit.

    It is no coincidence that whatever the organization comes up with is of the Holy Spirit. Best not to take personal responsibility for anything they demand of others.

    Admitting one does not sense any Holy Spirit in reality is providing the leadership with all the proof they need that you are not of them. Of course, they don't feel much different either with their claims of having the Holy Spirit. Whatever they come up with is God's will and lead by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, which of course, is really just them doing whatever they come up with to do or teach.

    Ironic that the church and leadership teaches you that they need your money, as Dave Pack says "For God and his Servants", but when the member might as well, you are encouraged to pray about it, yet still "send it in". They need to pray for money and leave you out of it and see what happens.

  4. Some denominational spokesmen are like snake oil salesmen, promising all manner of benefits if one joins their church and gets baptized. Many of the claims are exaggerated or plain false.

  5. Does RCG doctrine demand that members' tithes and Common be WITH Dave Pack, or must they be IN Dave Pack?

  6. The PCG has had nothing but evil spirits behind it from the beginning.

  7. Gerald Flurry wrote: "...In order to progress spiritually, we must...really use that Spirit...we must use it..."
    But, can Gerald Flurry give even one example proving that one uses God's Spirit? Does a person use his 5 senses to get a hold of God's Spirit? How does one use something that isn't seen?

    Besides, the Bible gives numerous examples of what happens to individuals that God allows His Spirit to use and they may be found from Genesis to Revelation.

    Will Gerry Flurry ever provide even one example of someone, anyone, somehow "magically" using God's Spirit?

    Time will tell...

