Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dave Pack: Is A Wellness Check Needed?


We have been watching lately as Dave Pack has set endless dates which have all failed to come to pass and now watch as he continues to claim he is Elijah the prophet.

In the fantasyland of the Church of God movement, we have seen scores of men and a couple of women down through the decades that have set themselves up as Elijahs and issued dire warnings to the church. Even today in 2022 we have at least five other Elijahs running around spewing their contemptible nonsense: Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, Alton Billingsly, and Wade Cox. Dave is not new to the list as he was already declaring this in 2015 and earlier, however, he has been way more vocal recently as he has been setting specific dates under that mantle.

The ExRCG website by Marc Cebrian has a new post up about a recent incident with Dave Pack as he was speaking to his dwindling faithful at his compound in Wadsworth, Ohio regarding his Elijahship and things go downhill rather fast.

One has to assume that he is under extreme pressure considering the rapid-fire failures are stacking higher each day.

Marc reports:

We are on the cusp of the 15th of Tammuz, which begins tonight at sundown. This “make or break” moment is of paramount importance to David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God. 
You and I know what will happen during those 24-hours. Wednesday will transform into Thursday. And that is all. But David C. Pack does not know that yet. 
There is either a lot of excitement or a lot of worry over at Headquarters today.

For me, I find it hard to believe that there can be much excitement left for RCG members who have set through these endless pronouncements and then sat there in their homes as Jesus failed to return.  

Marc then goes on to report this:

During Part 381 given on the Sabbath of July 9, 2022, there was a very uncomfortable moment which occurred at the 56-minute point. All humor aside, watch it unfold. 

I was shocked that this was distributed to the entire church because during my tenure in the Media Production Services Department, it would have not gone out. Okay, maybe. I would have pushed HARD for this one edit. Granted, at that time messages were actually edited and not rushed out “as delivered” which has both pluses and minuses. This was a big minus. 
It is obvious those additional four hours of work are not as important any more. Hence, we get a moment like we just saw. 
Oh the things we have cut out over the years…wow. But this is by the far the worst I have ever seen. It was a next-level moment that should never have left the room. 
But they did release it and here we are.

How many other moments like this happen in the office only a few see? 
It could just be that David C. Pack did not get enough sleep the night before. Or he did not drink enough water. Or maybe it is post-COVID “brain fog,” which many people experience.

The ministry in Wadsworth has to be asking themselves what is wrong with Dave. Deep down many of them know that Dave is wrong, yet they continue to stroke his back and continue to crowd around him clapping like happy seals.

Marc makes then makes this comment:

The stress and pressure he must feel day to day is tremendous. Each time he finds the answer in the Bible about when the Kingdom of God is going to arrive, he is later met with failure. Then, he has to go back to the drawing board to scour the Bible and find another answer to show how he was “correct about the picture but just got the timing wrong.” 
He truly believes God has given him this assignment and that he is a real apostle. The weight on his shoulders grows as the years wear on while the frantic searching-and-explaining cycle never ends.

It never ends. It will never end. He just does not know that yet. 
“I found it. No I didn’t. I found it. No I didn’t. I found it. No I didn’t.”

For decades now the COG movement has watched many Elijah's come and go, telling one enormous lie after another. Even today in 2022 they continue this foolishness, never learning from the past mistakes of previous Elijahs. These guys all get rather pissy that no one heeds their warnings. How can we? We have spent over 8 decades watching these fools blatantly lie and deceive the brethren.  Like the previous Elijahs who are now dead, the remnant that are left in the COG in 10-20 years will see the present-day Elijahs also dead with nothing they predicted coming to pass.

All of these men, including today's batch, have serious mental health problems. Sadly these narcissistic and delusional men have not only done great mental and spiritual harm to their followers, but they may also end up causing great physical harm too. These men all need wellness checks!

Read the complete post by Marc Cebrian here:  RCG Wellness Check


  1. It seems like child abuse by neglect for God to let his children listen to this crap and not rescue them.

  2. The Great Prophet from Wadsworth Ohio... well, isn't.

  3. Wonder why they haven't included the sirius supermoon occurring on the evening of July 13th in their prophecy prognostications? I'm sure they could fit in somehow with all the other lunacy being preached.

  4. Anon @ 12:37. I get your point, but it is not the fault of God. If we call ourselves believers, we have our own responsibility to "do our own homework" so to speak.

    "If YOU look for ME with all your heart, you will find me" comes to mind. It is very hard to watch this unfold and one of my greatest concerns has been that people might start to blame Jesus for not showing up when Dave said He would and give up on the Lord. It is Dave who should bear the burden of his multiple, multiple failures. God and Jesus had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

    No man should get between us and our relationship with God and that includes all of these false teachers, false apostles and false prophets. We are FAR BETTER OFF studying the Word ourselves, with the Holy Spirit guiding us into all truth. I agree with your sentiment Anon, but this is on Dave and his enablers.

  5. Giving credit where credit is due, Pack navigated his way through his gaffe far better than the Globalist World Economic Forum's puppet President Biden could ever have done. And Pack even apologized to the audience. With all of Biden's gaffes which are daily whenever he runs his mouth, you would think there would be a clamor for a wellness check on Biden's mental agility and test on any mental impairment he may have.

    Pack doesn't appear to be nearly as diminished mentally and showing the world all the signs of mental decline as much as Joe Biden does. In jest, I am hoping that there aren't two buttons at Biden's disposal - one button marked "N" for Nuclear, and the other button marked "N" for Nurse.

    Always remember poor kids are just as talented as white kids and that you're not Black if you vote for Donald Trump!


  6. I've been saying for months Pack needs a psychiatric examination! He's obiviously delusional, because he's super obsessed with the second coming. I sincerely hope his wife, and his family realize that an intervention is needed soon before a tragedy takes place.

  7. Is this safe to open and watch? Someone once remarked that their computer got bad cooties from opening up Dave Pack materials.

  8. To: Anon Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 1:55:00 PM PDT

    What exactly is God's culpability? I mean if He allows all the ministers who claim His name to continue deceiving his flock then at what point is it's God's fault for allowing evil. If David Pack for example wasn't these individuals leader would they still be deceived? Same thing with satan. If God allows satan to exist and deceive people at what point is it God's fault for allowing satan to do evil when he could stop him at any time.

    All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

  9. What's with the salt and pepper shakers?

    1. He said in an earlier prophecy sermon that they salt and pepper and other spices represent the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. He's been shuffling those spices around on his table for a while.

    2. I think the other two are cayenne pepper and turmeric.

  10. Ladies and Gents, this is their guy! He's the one with whom they believe they will be spending their eternal reward, forever and ever! Personally, I'd opt out. TLoF sounds like a better alternative to me.

  11. Anon July 13 @ 10pm - Those are "remnants" from DCP explaining the plan of God with cooking items. The original video posted has a copyright strike and is currently unavailable.

    Here it is on Vimeo if interested: https://vimeo.com/727514660

  12. To Anon @ 8:54 You just proved my point.

  13. Pack is so confused, the the should just get rid of his other cookware items and just use a VITAMIX blender!
