Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 29, 2022

LCG Friday Night Smackdown: LCG Members Are Too Easily Distracted And May Not Be Able To Rule In The Kingdom Of God With Jesus


Please brethren, STOP being so easily distracted! You are not going to be able to rule with Jesus in the Kingdom to come unless you stop! Heck, you might not even become a god if you continue down this path.

First Things First: We certainly appear to be living at the end of an age. It is also an age of distractions—where job and personal concerns, television, social media, and having fun all compete for our attention. In the parables of the sower and of the ten virgins, Jesus warned that such a time would come (Matthew 13:18–23; 25:1– 13). The prophet Isaiah also warned that we must “seek the LORD while He may be found” and that we must forsake any evil ways that we may have (Isaiah 55:6–8). In order to develop and maintain a close relationship with God, David made time to pray three times a day—in the morning, at noon, and in the evening (Psalm 55:17). Paul reminded Church members in Corinth of the importance of nourishing the gift of God’s Spirit within us on a daily basis (2 Corinthians 4:16). We do this by making time for regular prayer and Bible study and by taking time to meditate on why we have been called and how we are progressing in our spiritual life (2 Timothy 2:15; Proverbs 4:26–27). Our overall goal should be to develop more of the mind, perspective, and character of Jesus Christ. Are we really doing these things—or are we frequently distracted? As we head toward the climax of this present age, let’s strive to make the most of the time we have (Ephesians 5:15–16) to walk in the footsteps of Jesus as we prepare to rule with Him in the coming Kingdom of God. Let’s put First Things First!
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail


  1. Congratulations Doug, you didn't mention.....THE WORK.

  2. Love the meme! Sometimes they are the best and spot on.

  3. Winnail and his fellows are facing a new problem.

    They used to insist on people coming to Sabbath services to receive their weekly mind control. Now that the price of gasoline has increased, the cost of attending services has increased for many by several hundred dollars per year. Winnail and Weston need to decide whether it's worth losing offering money and having people show up for in-person brainwashing, or whether they should encourage members to stay at home and send bigger offerings and hope that online brainwashing is sufficient to keep the suckers on the hook.

  4. Yep, that's Doug giving the members the stank eye! Perfect meme!

  5. Who the hell wants to rule??? I certainly don't! This was more crap thrust upon us by HWA insisting we had to rule with a rod of iron in the KoG. I do not believe that God will force us to rule if the very idea is anathema to our souls.

    1. 5.58 PM
      Keep in mind that ACOG-land is a police state. So to them, "ruling" means behaving like a Nazi brown shirt. I don't believe it will be that way in the millennium.
      I believe it will be a small government, maximum freedom, non-intrusive society.


  6. All scripture references are from that pathetic translation "The Message Bible."

  7. "Have a profitable sabbath."

    Yes sir, I will. I am at my job on your "sabbath" making loads of profit. I won't be tithing it to scam artists like you or any other C.O.G. leader.

  8. Interesting Doug!! It looks like YOU are the one who is distracted!! MONEY and NUMBERS are more important than LOVE, MERCY, and GRACE!! According to YOU, that is!! Disrespecting an Elder, I THINK NOT!! It is called STATING FACTS!! You will know them by their FRUITS!!

  9. How appropriate! Based on eye level and the object of his attention, the guy representing the LCG is depicted as being an obvious ass man! Oh, the things one could read into that! He probably knows that he's going to get one of those annoying Friday morning open letters, but, judging by the blatancy of his activity, apparently feels that it will be worth it. The object of A.M.'s lust is innocently minding her own business, unaware of what is happening behind her back. The jealous wife or girlfriend portraying Winnail is registering genuine shock! Something will definitely be said as soon as they are out of earshot!

    In terms of wives and girlfriends, the ladies are not monolithic. The picture shows one possible reaction. I had a jealous girlfriend who wouldn't talk to me for hours if she thought she saw eye motion through my mirror shades as we passed another female. One of my wives, otoh, would grab my shoulders, turn me around, and say "Look at her t*ts!" Another wife didn't like my eyes to stray, but she would bring Penthouse Forum home for us when she shopped for groceries. I had a friend whose wife literally cried for hours when she found her hubby's Hustler magazine. (Sigh) So many distractions for men!


  10. Anon, Saturday, July 30, 2022 at 8:04:00 AM PDT, wrote Doug:

    "...Interesting Doug!! It looks like YOU are the one who is distracted!! MONEY and NUMBERS are more important than LOVE, MERCY, and GRACE!! According to YOU, that is!! Disrespecting an Elder, I THINK NOT!! It is called STATING FACTS!! You will know them by their FRUITS!!


    Doug distracted? Doug, who wrote: "...Our overall goal should be to develop more of the mind, perspective, and character of Jesus Christ. Are we really doing these things—or are we frequently distracted?..." being distracted?

    Well, yes, of course, and so distracted that Doug believes doing works are going to qualify him and his followers for salvation. So distracted, Doug can't see that Jesus Christ is not the God of the Old Testament. So distracted, Doug expects some Jesus to return years (decades?) ago to planet earth, establish some kingdom on earth and then reign on earth for 1,000 years.

    And so distracted that Doug does not seem to understand that the mind of Christ was the Father's mind that He had.

    When is Doug going to begin to change his life/mind so that he will have that mind, perspective, and character of Jesus Christ, and sufficiently enough to qualify to make it into God’s Kingdom, and not be distracted by another spirit to believe in another Jesus and another gospel (of self)?

    For example, Jesus said: "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

    When will Doug admit that God, by His grace and by His Spirit, considers those words to be a done deal, but not yet fully realized?

    Time will tell…


  11. I wonder if they would be as content as Jesus was who was satisfied with the woman who gave two mites.
